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Stosunki polsko-amerykańskie à la Radek, czyli jedna spółgłoska

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Łaska kontra Laska: Radek Sikorski insults the USA, believing that his ability to use double entendre and plausible deniability in the same sentence makes him a master diplomat.


Sikorski w Polsacie na powitanie nowego ambasadora USA:

"Ta synteza donosicielstwa, lizusostwa i frajerstwa wobec naszego wielkiego sojusznika mnie upokarza jako Polaka. Myślę, że koledzy z dzisiejszej opozycji powinni się zdecydować, czy chcą wstać z kolan, czy robić łaskę*.."

"This synthesis of delation, flattering and sucker attitude to our great ally humiliates me as a Pole. I think that colleagues from today's opposition should decide whether they want to get up from their knees or do favors*..." 

*Attn. Press Attaches:
When compiling digests,
please note Sikorski's 

In written Polish, 'robić łaskę' (do a favour) differs from the slang expression 'robić laskę' (give a blowjob) only by the diagonal bar diacritic on the L character.

The diagonal bar transforms the written character L to Ł (L with stroke), which indicates a velarized consonant pronounciation of L (or 'dark L').

The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents the sound written with Ł is ⟨w⟩, Ł is pronounced like 'w' in the English word 'wet'

Substitution of  'robić ŁASKĘ' for the intended 'robić LASKĘ'  provides plausible deniability of vulgar sexualised insult intent in both spoken and written Polish, due to the minuscule differences only in the Polish pronounciation between 'łaskę' and 'laskę' and similar appearance of written characters 'Ł' and 'L'

Sikorski' words:

"koledzy z dzisiejszej opozycji powinni się zdecydować, czy chcą wstać z kolan, czy robić ŁASKĘ"

("colleagues from today's opposition should decide whether they want to get up from their knees or do FAVORS")

are a classic double entendre intended to offend, but protected by plausible deniability, because the words are just as easily understood as:

"koledzy z dzisiejszej opozycji powinni się zdecydować, czy chcą wstać z kolan, czy robić LASKĘ"

("colleagues from today's opposition should decide whether they want to get up from their knees or give blowjobs")

emigrant (nie mylić z gastarbeiterem)       

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