Od Wizygotów do mieszkańców PRL. Wszystko to po angielsku! Pod egidą Instytutu Historii PAN ukazał się kolejny tom półrocznika:
Acta Poloniae Historica
vol. 105
format A5, ilustr., s. 269 + dwubarwna mapa na wklejce
Robert Kasperski, Two Amali Peregrinations to the Kingdom of Visigoths: How Theoderic the Great and Eutharic Legitimised Their Authority over the ‘United’ Goths
Michał Tymowski, The Shore and the Marketplace: Microspace in the European-African Trade on the West African Coast in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries (Descriptions and Iconographic Sources)
Anna Kalinowska, ‘The Great Design which Doeth Promise so Much Happiness’: Newsbooks and English Expedition to the West Indies, 1654-1655
Michał Wasiucionek, Diplomacy, Power and Ceremonial Entry: Polish-Lithuanian Grand Embassies in Moldavia in the Seventeenth Century
Andrzej Gliwa, The Tatar-Cossack Invasion of 1648: Military Actions, Material Destruction and Demographic Losses in the Land of Przemyśl
Tomasz Hen, ‘Rabid Ruthenian’: L’homme sauvage of the Late Eighteenth-Century Polish-Lithuanian Semiosphere
Dariusz Jarosz, Citizens of Communist Poland as ‘Small Individualists’
Hanna Zaremska, Żydzi w średniowiecznej Polsce. Gmina krakowska [The Jewry in the Medieval Poland: The Community of Cracow] – Mateusz Goliński; Grischa Vercamer, Siedlungs-, Sozial- und Verwaltungsgeschichte der Komturei Königsberg in Preußen (13.–16. Jahrhundert) – Marcin Grulkowski; Michael Ostling, Between the Devil and the Host: Imagining Witchcraft in Early Modern Poland – Jacek Wijaczka; Dariusz Kołodziejczyk, The Crimean Khanate and Poland-Lithuania: International Diplomacy on the European Periphery (15th–18th Century): A Study of Peace Treaties Followed by Annotated Documents – Natalia Królikowska; Janusz Szczepański (ed.), Dzieje Mazowsza, vol. 3: Lata 1795–1918 [The History of Mazovia, 1795–1918] – Andrzej Szwarc; Jerzy W. Borejsza (ed.), The Crimean War 1853–1856: Colonial Skirmish or Rehearsal for World War? Empires, Nations, and Individuals – Maciej Górny; Carl Christian Wahrmann, Martin Buchsteiner and Antje Strahl (eds.), Seuche und Mensch. Herausforderung in den Jahrhunderten. Ergebnisse der internationalen Tagung vom 29.–31. Oktober 2010 in Rostock – Edmund Kizik
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