Najnowszy tom angielskojęzycznego półrocznika
Acta Poloniae Historica
w znacznej mierze dotyczy luksusowej konsumpcji.
Grzegorz Myśliwski, Wrocław’s Economic Links with the Upper German Lands in the Thirteenth to the Fifteenth Century
Zofia Zielińska, The Polish Commonwealth of the Day of Stanislas Augustus in Selected Western Works on Russia
Dariusz Jarosz, ‘Peasantness’ as an Element of Stigma within the Polish Urban Expanse post-1945
Jacek Kochanowicz, Consumption in the Preindustrial and Industrial Period: A Comment on Research Problems and Approaches
Olga Długokęcka and Wiesław Długokęcki, The Sumptuous Use of Food at Castle Marienburg (Malbork) at the Start of the Fifteenth Century
Edmund Kizik, Sumptuary Laws in Royal Prussia in the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century to the Eighteenth Century
Anna Kalinowska, London as a Centre for Defi ning Models of Luxury Consumption in Seventeenth-Century England
Tomasz Wiślicz, Ex-votos in the World of Objects of Polish Peasants in the Early Modern Times
Almut Bues, Die Apologien Herzog Albrechts – Edmund Kizik; Walter Leitsch, Das Leben am Hof König Sigismunds III. von Polen – Henryk Wisner; Tobias Schenk, Wegbereiter der Emanzipation? Studien zur Judenpolitik des “Aufgeklärten Absolutismus” in Preußen (1763–1812) – Stanisław Salmonowicz; Darius Staliūnas, Making Russians: Meaning and Practice of Russification in Lithuania and Belarus after 1863 – Leszek Zasztowt; Pascal Trees, Wahlen im Weichselland. Die Nationaldemokraten in Russisch-Polen und die Dumawahlen 1905–1912 – Grzegorz Krzywiec; Jan Kieniewicz (ed.), Inteligencja, imperium i cywilizacje w XIX i XX wieku [Intelligentsia, Empire and Civilizations in the 19th and 20th Centuries] – Magdalena Wyrczyńska; Günter Wollstein, Ein Deutsches Jahrhundert 1848–1945. Hoffnung und Hybris. Aufsätze und Vorträge – Adam Kożuchowski; Jerzy Kłoczowski and Hubert Łaszkiewicz (eds.), East-Central Europe in European History. Themes & Debates – Maciej Górny
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