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They changed the king, chamberlains and insignia, czyli gdzie płynie energia nieodnawialna

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IIustracja. M. K. Čiurlionis.

"Energia płynie tam, gdzie kierują twoją uwagę, energia nieodnawialna, energia którą moglibyśmy tworzyć całe światy sensu i dobra..."

Someone broke into the palace that was supposed

to protect the subjects

They changed the king

chamberlains and insignia

Someone has broken into your head palace

now you carry him inside you

building him altars

on which are hung

poisonous fruits

of selfies

Energy is flowing where they direct your attention

non-renewable energy

energy with which you could create worlds

of meaning and goodness

However, they have placed the guards of your dream

on the door-step

The threshold would not be so difficult to cross

if it were not for terrible appearance

of their iron and cast iron instruments

which you`re buying them every day

to blind you with their metalic brillance

Delicate and soft is the body

of the world. Uneven is its duel

with the hardened surface

of this hate

produced by libraries and

museums of cameras. Snouts of foxes

are escaping to their burrows

nestled behind armoured glass

and on guarded islands

You won't shout: let them go to hell!

because they made you believe that you should be

decent and self-crucified

(they put tempting nails of the ritual of powerlessness

under your nose)

they are closing mines and shipyards

because only miners and shipyard workers

could give them

what they deserve

for all aeons



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