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[Translator’s comment: the previous entry
outlined suspicious deaths (from 2010 until now) of people possibly related to the crash of the TU154M in Smolensk on 10.4.2010. – the current short selection presents issues around the most recent ‘suicide’ of the former pilot, Ensign Remigiusz Muś, who was one of main witnesses in the investigation of the Smoleńsk crash of TU154M with 96 victims including the President Mr Lech Kaczyński]
AnotherSmolensk related death
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28.10.2012 12:28 124
Just a moment ago I havereceived a devastating news: the technical deck officer from the Jak40 [the plane carrying the media which landed in Severny prior to TU154M], Mr Remigiusz Muś, is dead. I express my deepest sympathy to his wife and children.
Death of Remigiusz Muś is another example and proof of how Poland has passed the examination in the Smolensk drama, which continues and will continue until the clarification of all the circumstances of the events around Smolensk and those that followed.
Let Angels take you to paradise....
But we shall not remain indifferent to this death, next in the row....
"RemigiuszMuś – technical deck officer aboard JAK40 testified many times in the Prosecutor's Office that, after landing on the Severny, he listened to the communication of other aircraft with the Smolensk air control tower. According toMuś the flight controller gave the crew of JAK40, IL-76 and TU154M instruction to descend to a height of not less than fifty meters.. "
He was supposed to clarify this with us all.
Now he talks only to the Almighty.
There is already a statement of [the PiS MP] A. Macierewicz:
"Macierewicz: this is a shocking message
Macierewicz: this is a shocking message - (photo. Zbigniew Kaczmarek)
- We are under an impression as if a loop was closing around all persons able to relate what really happened in Smolensk – says Mr Antoni Macierewicz - the chairman of the parliamentary group investigating the causes of the Smolensk disaster, to the portal Niezależ
Spokesman of the metropolitan police confirmed that tonight the Warrant [Ensign] officer, Remigiusz Muś died.
The death of theWarrant [Ensign] officer, Remigiusz Muś is a shocking news indeed. I would like to pass my deep condolences to the family of Ensign Muś. Everyone that knew him well before, or just recently must be shocked. Especially when an important, and even critical, as in this case, witness of those events dies in unclear circumstances. It must be kept in mind that the Ensign Muś was one of two witnesses who personally heard the command of the air control tower in Smolensk about descending to 50 meters. This a crucial testimony to explaining the circumstances of the Smolensk crime. Today, only Lieutenant Arthur (Artur) Wosztyl can still confirm this.
The police do not wish to reveal the circumstances of the death yet, but their spokesman says that there is no indication on the participation of a third party.
The Attorney General must supervise this the investigation in person. If already, after only initial examination, far going conclusions are outlined, then it is like acting along predetermined assumptions. Anyway, we feel as if a loop were closing over all persons able to relate what really happened in Smolensk
Similar testimony as Ensign Muś, made lieutenant Wosztyl. Should he be under protection?
Sometimes protection may be equally risky, but without a doubt, he should be covered by a key witness protection program. The most important, however is to take action towards internationalization of the investigation, because then one would not be able to hide evidence and mess it up. Today we must realise that we deal with the crime. We have every right and duty to suspect that there was a crime at Smolensk. And witnesses who can help in its explanation must be particularly protected."
An update:
"The mysterious death of crash witness
Sunday, 28 October 2012 (13:21)
’Nasz Dziennik’ reveals: Remigiusz Muś, technical deck officer at JAK40 is dead. The Ensign Officer died in mysterious circumstances at Saturday over to Sunday night. Muś listened to the communications with the "Korsarz" [pronunciation of the nick of the Smolensk air control, meaning ‘Corset’ in Russian] on April 10, 2010 in Smolensk.
Brig. Gen. reserve John Baraniecki, deputy commander of the Defence Air Force in 1997-2000 doubts the accuracy of the information that the soldier had taken his own life. - Looking at what is happening around investigation into the Smolensk disaster, a version of suicide absolutely does not appeal to me. I do not think that all of these circumstances, despite its severity, could prevail here. Pilots and soldiers generally do not break down that easily. Unless they are also heavily persecuted - says Gen. Baraniecki.
Of a similar view is the father of Major Arkadiusz Protasiuk, the commander of the [crashed] flight PLF101 to Smolensk, Władysław Protasiuk. - The death of this young man is yet another proof that Poland has not passed the exam, neither on 10 April 2010, nor has managed to pass it so far. This was brought on to us by our rulers, who for more than two and a half years, at any cost seem to be doing everything to let the Smolensk crash remain unresolved. And the sudden, unexplained death of Mr. Remigiusz only proves this once again - said in an interview with ’Nasz Dziennik’ Mr Władysław Protasiuk. - Mr. Muś was a person uncomfortable for all those who want to sweep this disaster under the carpet. After all, it was one of the most important witnesses to the crash - he added.
Ensign Muś carried monitoring of the correspondence [communications] and even a few minutes before the crash he warned the crew of the Tu-154M of the deterioration of visibility to 200 metre.
So far, the relations of members of the crew of JAK40, who on April 10, 2010 landed at Severny before the crash of the Tu-154M prove that the [air control] tower issued three times a command encouraging aircrew: Jak-40, Il-76 and Tu-154M, the exceeding the minimum height of 100 metre, descending to 50 metre and departing in the case of no visibility of the landing strip.
More on this in tomorrow's issue of ’Nasz Dziennik’.
AMELKA222 1637933 | 28.10.2012 17:30
Why was Remigiusz Muś killed
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29.10.2012 08:55 48
Remigiusz Muś was one of the most important witnesses in the investigation of the Smolensk air crash. He has heard the commands issued from the [air control] tower in Smolensk, also spoke at the hearing about two explosions that occurred before stalling of the engines of the Tu-154M.
- On Saturday, at approx. 23:30 police was notified of the body found in the basement of one of the buildings in Piaseczno of Remigiusz M. The doctor who arrived to the site of death after initial examination stated that there was no third-party action and ordered a post-mortem on Monday - said the prosecutor Dariusz Ślepokura of the Prosecutor's District Office in Warsaw.
It is not known why the post-mortem will be held until Monday - the preliminary results will be known in a few days. We were informed about the death of Mr Remigiusz Muś by a family member of one of the victims of the Smolensk plane crash.
- I had an appointment with him on Sunday. In the morning I was told that he was dead. I am shocked, because the crew of Jak-40, as well as the other pilots of the 36th Special Squadron, have been dealt with extremely unfairly. Most of them had to retire at a young age and were threatened with criminal charges for their alleged misconduct during the flight to Smolensk. Their testimony was depreciated in public - says our interlocutor.
Remigiusz Muś like the other Jak-40 crew, was a witness of the crash of the Government plane Tu-154M. During the hearing at the Military Prosecutor's District Office in Warsaw, answering questions about the crew [of the TU154M] being possibly under pressure, Ensign Muś testified that he never witnessed this. Let us recall that some alleged pressure on the crew were the news forced already on the day of the disaster by Roman Kuzniar, the current adviser of President Bronislaw Komorowski, among others.
"This has never happened that senior superiors would take over the reins when they were not enlisted as members of the crew" - said in June 2010 Ensign Muś. In his testimony he spoke positively about the individual members of the crew of the Tu-154M, which contradicted the thesis of the poor training aggressively promoted by the pro-government media.
Ensign Muś like the other crew members of Jak-40 heard two explosions, which occurred before the stalling of the government Tupolev motors. An hour after the crash he went to the place where were remains of a plane and bodies of victims.
"(...) Nobody took any interest in them (bodies - ed.) ie no one covered or collected them. During my stay there, I noticed that at each post [stand] created by the service people (Russian - ed.) assembled were the aircraft parts. There were a few of such posts already. Posts looked that way, that it was a small table with documents, laptop, etc. In attendance at those posts there were people (...) "- testified Remigiusz Muś.
Interestingly, after these words, the interviewing prosecutor asked him a question on an entirely different topic, then ended the interview.
The investigators have not returned at any hearing to the issue of storing the plane and leaving the bodies, which was raised by Ensign Muś.
Dorota Kania, Grzegorz Broński/GPC
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ZNETU | 01.11.2012 18:48 |35
High volume German newspaper "Westdeutsche Zeitung" published an article by its Eastern Europe expert Ulrich Krokel on the latest reports on the Smolensk crash. Krokel reports stir caused in Poland, after the publication by the paper "Rzeczpospolita" on the [residuals of] explosives discovered in the wreckage of the Tupolev.
Krokel also mentions the death of Ensign Muś. German journalist states in his text that Muś ‘was found with drugs in his blood’("42-jährige Techniker Remigiusz Mus wurde mit Betäubungsmitteln im Blut tot aufgefunden"
). This information has not appeared in Poland, it is not known where did Krokel get it from.
Link to the German text
What has Cezary Gmyz learnt?
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02.11.2012 22:56 34
I am looking forward to the next move of Cezary Gmyz on the matter of explosives found on the [parts from the] wreck of Tupolev and what was left of the victims. Recent events, as well as the media storm surrounding this case make it one hundred percent sure that not only the [Parliamentary] Smolensk Team, but also the "official" Polish investigators stumbled upon the pyrotechnics and the samples were passed on to... the Russians.
The trip of [Mr] Seremet to [Mr] Tusk and media gossip explaining how could TNT turn out at the airport in Smolensk betray not just haste but panic of the authorities. Fortunately for the latter one, they are the ones who control the media and for the time being that corpse out of the closet they managed to push back.
Confessions of the prosecutor Szeląg
documented by 1Maud at the Salon24 should make an electrifying impression on everyone. However, since some still read the "Gazeta Wyborcza" they have not caused a mass catharsis yet – let us just hope that this tabloid will continue to lose the market:
"(...) In order to calm the public, the prosecutor denied recognition by experts in Smolensk both TNT and nitroglycerin, but after 30-minutes of the conference he admitted that readings of their instruments were [positive]. Yet they were so numerous that hundreds of samples were collected for laboratory testing. And in perhaps half a year (it all depends on when the Russians would send the samples) we shall know the results of laboratory tests."
And further on:
"(...) Again to reassure the public, the NPW [Central Military Prosecution] through the mouth of the prosecutor Martyniuk said that the samples are indeed available but in Moscow, where they are well protected and will be examined by the experts in Poland."
Let us return to the courageous investigative journalist [Mr Gmyz]. Last week there was an information that Gmyz convened press conference, which turned out to be a rumour. Personally, I was convinced that this conference is just a matter of time and I anticipated it - apparently Gmyz decided to be loyal to the employer and the editor in chief and has always hoped that he would be treated fair. In the end, we were not given to know [all] author's findings, but nothing is lost. There must be more to this story.
It's hard to be a prophet in ones own country, but a few things can be said with a fairly high probability. I recall recent events. On Saturday, around midnight Remigiusz Muś wife finds her husband hanging on a rope in the basement. The role of Mr Muś in the so-called Smolensk investigation - that is in fact in a farce orchestrated by the Russians and [PM] Tusk's political office - was unprecedented.
Well, he argued that from the transcripts of conversations of the pilots with the [air control tower] disappeared incitements of the [air traffic] controllers to bring the aircraft down to 50 metre. Muś heard this conversation, and then he saw the forgery of the evidence. Evidence that I should remind you, had to go through the Sehn Institute as "original". Although it is known that the so-called Polish side had barely a copy of the tape.
Shortly after the death of Muś, the [Parliamentary] Smolensk Team asked the BOR [Government Security Office] to allocate protection to Artur Wosztyl, who confirmed the testimony of his colleague. But anyway, it was only a confirmation of the testimony, rather than a direct relation of the event - ie of the solicitation of Polish pilots to perform an illegal manoeuvre.
A few days later we have the media bomb, ie the revelations from "Rzeczpospolita". What does this mean?
Cezary Gmyz perhaps did not want to wait any longer. The ‘Serial Suicide’ has become active again and is circling the city. I'm not suggesting by this that Gmyz gave us incomplete data. I am convinced that he knows well what substances were identified by the detectors. We do not know that, but surely, the journalist knows at least the class of these substances. However, the rush which helped the authorities so much in unleashing the media hell is the result of what I wrote - concern about who will be the next one... Elimination of witnesses simply did not allow Gmyz to play the variant A – therefore he released what he had irrespective of the consequences. Metaphorically, he did not catch the murderer's hand, but he showed us enough evidence of a crime.
If the "Rzeczpospolita" journalist received sufficient information, eg confirmation from the military prosecutor's office (if possible at all) that the substance found were [particular] explosives, and not euphemistically "high energy materials" then the Tusk government would have to resort to the state of emergency law. I'm not saying that he was so naive [to expect] that anyone would show him results in black and white. But possibly he counted on own channels, and he knew that time worked in his favor.
And until the death of Muś, he [Gmyz] had a relative peace of mind. But last Saturday, everything was changed.
There is no discussion and no comments here - please refer questions directly to the Authors of the original text.
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