Jak wiecie, niedawno w mediach pojawiła się informacja, o drugiej już awarii, jaka zdarzyła się na pokładzie teleskopu Keplera. W związku z tą awarią przesłałem do NASA informację o możliwej przyczynie tych awarii. Przyczyna tych awarii może być związana ze zjawiskiem dryfu kierunku żyrokompasu, które zostało odkryte wiosną 2006 roku przez polskiego fizyka Pinopę. Aby poinformować Was, na czym rzecz polega, poniżej podaję treść listu, jaki został wysłany na ręce Simona P. Wordena (NASA Ames Center Director). Oto ten list:
Dear NASA researchers who run researches using the Kepler telescope!
I have information that may interest you. I want to present you a physical phenomenon that is not yet known in physics, and which can be a cause of failure of gyroscopes in the Kepler telescope. This phenomenon consists in the fact that with the passage of time during the flight of the satellite in an orbit around the Earth, there changes direction of position of the axis of the rotating gyro in space, which is located on board of the satellite. This phenomenon is called gyro axis direction drift. Axis drift phenomenon is most pronounced when the gyro axis lies in the plane of the orbit. The direction of rotation of the gyro axis during drift is opposite to the direction of motion of the satellite in orbit.
This phenomenon is illustrated by a short film of AVI format which I attach to this letter. In the film there is presented a simple model of the gyroscope, which consists of four particles.
Gyroscope rotates and at the same time revolves around the model of massive celestial body.
You can very easily see that this phenomenon is closely linked with the reality. Just enough to write a computer program and draw up a very simple computer model of the phenomenon. Mutual control of movement of particles in a computer program is shown, as it happens in nature. Just four particles that make up the model gyroscope, form a stable structure. And they do so in such a way that they give each other the acceleration in accordance with the appropriate mathematical function, not allowing either to approach or to move away from each other.
In the same way, i.e. as a result of the acceleration of particles by a central particle, the model of gyroscope is held in orbit during the orbital motion.
NASA had the opportunity to learn practically about the phenomenon of the drift towards the axis of the gyroscope during mission of Gravity Probe B. But then the drift phenomenon had not been noticed and not taken into consideration its physical mechanism - instead, based on the results of gyroscopes findings were adopted quite different conclusions.
If you would be interested in mathematical functions that are used in the program to give the particles ability to accelerate other particles, you can copy them on the internet (on www.pinopa.republika.pl/GyroDrift_Source.rar) source files. On the other hand, on http://www.pinopa.republika.pl/GyroDrift_pl.html you can copy executive program GyroDrift.exe and some work files of gyro format.
Gdybyście chcieli zapoznać się z istotą zjawiska dryfu kierunku żyrokompasu w języku polskim, to informacja znajduje się w artykule "Dryf kierunku żyrokompasu" na http://pinopa.republika.pl/09_GyroDrift.html. Krótki film o tym, jak przebiega dryf kierunku żyrokompasu w komputerowym modelu znajduje się w
pliku DrifGiroPlaneOrbit1.avi, który (razem z kilkoma innymi plikami) można skopiować na http://nasa_ktp.republika.pl/File_avi.rar.
Inne informacje, które są związane z tematem, można znaleźć w artykule "NASA potwierdza KTP" na http://nasa_ktp.republika.pl/potwierdza.html.
Zapraszam do zapoznania się z nowym fizycznym zjawiskiem, B.S. "Pinopa"
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