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Norweska Partia Postępu - klasyczna "liberal party"

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The Progress Party is a classical liberal party

Ci, którzy znali podejrzanego, kiedy był członkiem firm twierdzi, że wydawało się skromna osoba, że rzadko prowadzi się w dyskusje polityczne. Po pewnym czasie stał się nieaktywny, zanim się zatrzymał spłatę jego składki członkowskiej w końcu usunięte jego członkostwa.
Dziennik Gazeta Prawna:
Podejrzany o masakrę należał do skrajnie prawicowej Partii Postępu
Główny podejrzany o dokonanie w piątek podwójnego ataku terrorystycznego w Norwegii jest byłym członkiem skrajnie prawicowej Partii Postępu (FrP) oraz jej młodzieżówki - poinformowało w sobotę w komunikacie to ugrupowanie.
Partia Postępu - Fremskrittspartiet – FrP
Ze strony internetowej partii:
History and Facts
In 1973, the Norwegian people had experienced successive conservative and socialist governments, all of which had increased the burden of taxes and the level of government intervention; voters simply had no alternatives to these high taxation policies. As a result of this predicament, a new party, named Anders Lange's Party for a Strong Reduction in Taxes, Duties and Public Intervention (ALP), was founded. These ideas are as present today as there were then, as the mission statement of the Progress Party is:
The Progress Party is a classical liberal party that shall work for a major reduction in taxes, duties and government intervention, and for the safeguarding of the rights of the people and their freedom, as the Constitution presupposes.
The Party changed its name to the Progress Party in 1977, and is today Norway's second largest political party and the leading party on the right of the political centre in Norway. In the parliamentary election of 2009 in Norway, the Progress Party received 22.9 percent of the votes, the best election results in the history of the Progress Party. It is now represented by 41 out of 169 members in the Storting (the Norwegian Parliament).
At present, the Progress Party has approximately 27,000 members. Membership is steadily increasing and has more than doubled over the past ten years. The Progress Party is represented in all 19 counties, and in more than 350 local constituencies. For almost four decades, the Progress Party has been the foremost political force pushing for free-market reforms and liberalization in Norway. From the energy sector to the telecom sector to the aviation sector, the Progress Party was the first political party to propose liberalization and competition in Norway.
For decades, the Progress Party seemed to be the only political party in Norway discussing immigration and the challenges of state multiculturalism. The same relates to other policy areas as well, such as the issue of foreign aid to developing countries or monetary policy. For years the Progress Party has been the foremost voice in warning against too much reliance on foreign aid, and at the same time has been the most steadfast advocate of global free trade in Norwegian politics.
The Progress Party has, since its beginning almost 40 years ago, been synonymous with political change.
A change for the better.
- This is a national tragedy. Now it is important that we stand side by side in this moment of great sorrow, mourning the loss of so many human lives. On this day I send my thoughts first of all to the victims and their families. This is a day for unity, love and caring. I send my condolences to all those affected.
- The horrible and cowardly attacks we`ve witnessed are contrary to the principles and values underpinning the Norwegian society. This is an attack on the Norwegian Government and the Labour Party`s Youth Organization, but also an attack directed against the Norwegian democracy and our nation as such, says Siv Jensen.
Former member of the Progress Party
It was on Saturday morning confirmed that the suspect has been a member of the  Progress Party and the Progress Party Youth. He became a member of the Progress Party in 1999, and paid his last membership fee in 2004. He was deleted from the member registry in 2006. He was a member of St. Hanshaugen FrP, a local party chapter in a borough of the city of Oslo, from 2001 – 2003. In a short period in 2003 he was a member of the local party chapter of Frogner FrP, in a borough of the city of Oslo as well.
The suspect was a member of the Progress Party Youth from 1997 to 2006/2007. He paid his last membership fee in 2006, and deleted his membership in 2007. In this period he had two positions of trust, as deputy leader of the local chapter Oslo West Progress Party Youth from January 2002 until October 2002, and as a board member in the same local party chapter from October 2002 until November 2004.
- It makes me feel extra sad to know that this person once was a member in our party, says Jensen.

Those who knew the suspect when he was a member of the party says that he seemed like a modest person that seldom engaged himself in the political discussions. After a while he became inactive, before he stopped paying his membership fee and in the end deleted his membership.
 Przepraszam, że nie tłumaczę -

Leadership of the Progress Party

O mnie rekontra

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