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Piotr Patucha Night Show Piotr Patucha Night Show

Government of Lovers

Piotr Patucha Night Show Piotr Patucha Night Show Polityka Obserwuj notkę 5
Dedicated to all victims of Supreme Truth’s attack in 1995 and all victims of massacre in Institute of Philosophy at Charles University in Prague.

Following the attack in Tokyo tube, Polish destructive and terrorist cult Himavanti, closely related to the Platonic cult (University of Silesia), made public that they were preparing a terrorist attack against Catholics participating in a pilgrimage to Jasna Góra in Częstochowa. If you don’t know, Częstochowa for Polish is very well-known symbol like Bakhmut for Ukrainians or Pearl Harbor for Americans. The details show that they intended to use explosives to murder as many people as possible, mainly the youth and priests.

These pilgrimages look like this: with groups of Catholics accompanied by priests walking from virtually all parts of Poland, the priests playing guitars and the youth singing about love and peace. One could get the impression that they are behaving like groups of hippies. Do people who sing about love and peace pose a threat to society?


As a curiosity, I’d like to mention that the peak of the pilgrimage season occurs on July 13 each year and can reach sizes of even more than 10,000 people. If they were able to pull this off, we would be watching harrowing footage on TV of people being torn apart by, I suspect, multiple explosions. What materials were they going to acquire and who was going to finance it? I’ll hold you in suspense for a bit.

As you know, Himavanti cult led by Ryszard Matuszewski is the only instiutution in the world to officially deny that Bogdan Dembiński, Dariusz Kubok, ex-chief Andrzej Kiepas and the rest of the Institute of Philosophy are a destructive cult. Let’s think about this for a moment. If a religious group, which has been repeatedly punished for terrorism and other crimes, is covering for Platonic cult, it is thus leaving a so-called fingerprint.

In the sectarian branch leaders often meet and exchange information. They plan together, raise funds, give each other support. Often they have some one or many common goals.

As I think about it now, Bogdan Dembiński (graduate of Catholic University of Lublin) and Ryszard Matuszewski (graduate of UMK in Toruń) were the leaders of a terrorist cults, who had their bases in many cities and countries, where they took his friends, associates, maybe even lovers…

Such „government of lovers” can really do a lot, such as trying to assassinate the Pope (Matuszewski was sentenced to prison for this action, also in the so-called „block C”, the block for mentally ill criminals) and blow Jasna Góra up.

That is why I thank the representatives of ICSA, especially Carmen Almendros, not to mention my friend Gillie Jenkinson, for urging me with good thought and caution on matters as sensitive as the threat to innocent people, men, women and children, who are now mourning the death of their loved ones in the Prague massacre.

„Because Cult Awareness Day is Every Day in Our Lives.”

Suspension End.

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