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"Saudyjski łącznik"?

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W okresie kampanii wyborczej w Stanach pojawiły się rozmaite pytania dotyczące przeszłości kandydatów, ich powiązań politycznych, finansowych itp.

Jednym z poruszanych wątków jest możliwy związek elit Arabii Saudyjskiej z kandydatem demokratów i otrzymane stamtąd w przeszłości poparcie. Otóż wg doniesień, Percy Sutton, wpływowy amerykański prawnik saudyjskiego miliardera Khalida al-Mansoura, który , poparł Barraka Husseina Obamę, aby ten mógł dostac się na Harvard Law School  i sfinansował/współfinansował jego studia. Obecnie Obama zaprzecza swoim związkom z radykalnym islamem.

Khali al-Mansour był podobno mentorem założycieli organizacji Czarne Pantery. Jak pamiętamy, również w kontekście zamachów na WTC w 2001 roku analizowano niejasne relacje Saudyjczyków z Al-Kaidą rodziną ówczesnego prezydenta USA ( film "Fahrenheit 9/11" Michaela Moore'a).

Jaką rolę pełni ten kraj w amerykańskiej polityce? Jakie będą konsekwencje wyboru Obamy na prezydenta?

Oto garść cytatów i wybrane linki:

“I wrote a letter of support of him to my friends at Harvard, saying to them I thought there was a genius that was going to be available and I certainly hoped they would treat him kindly,” Sutton told NY1.

Sutton did not say why al-Mansour was helping Obama, how he discovered him, or from whom he was raising money on Obama’s behalf.

"It would appear that Barack Obama's law school education was paid, partly or fully, by conservative Muslims. If that is not a very strange matter, I don't know what is. It's weird. I am in a state of shock. This new link may reveal that Obama surreptitiously played the 'Muslim card' while denying to be a Muslim himself. Percy Sutton may have dropped the bomb on Obama's campaign without realizing it.

"I think it is axiomatic that legal/financial advisers to Saudi Arabian princes do not routinely finance law school educations for nonbelievers. Therefore, we finally have a smoking gun, a concrete link, a very serious and substantial piece of strong circumstantial evidence, that Obama was holding himself out to be a Muslim as late as his mid-twenties. This new piece of evidence also connects with another part of the Muslim story we are also investigating.

"Now I want to make it clear that there is nothing wrong with asking people to give you money. There is also nothing wrong in taking money form Muslims, unless you tell them one thing and tell the American people another. Then there is an appearance of duplicity. But if Tony Soprano financed your law school education, most people would raise their eyebrows. Whom you ask for money, and who gives, is critical when you are a candidate for president of the United States.

"This latest disclosure may be the 'smoking gun' that discredits Obama and destroys his candidacy. And I think I know where it came from. I honestly do not see Obama surviving financial links to a close adviser of a member of the Saudi Arabia monarchy, not when Saudis were the instigators of 9/11. Even a slight link to Saudi money would disqualify anyone from the presidency in the mind of almost every American.

"The story is not complete and, once again, we arrive at Barack Obama's door demanding full disclosure of the secret story behind who paid for his law school education.

"I call on Senator Obama to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about his links to persons who are directly or indirectly linked to Saudi oil billionaires, and an accounting of the amount of money they have given him over the years.

"Moreover, given that an Iraqi billionaire helped financed the purchase of his Chicago mansion, by lending money to Tony Rezko to buy the adjacent vacant lot, Obama now has a pattern of collecting money directly or indirectly through the Middle East.

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