Mirosław Naleziński Mirosław Naleziński

Lista pasażerów RMS „Titanic”

Mirosław Naleziński Mirosław Naleziński Rozmaitości Obserwuj notkę 6
Zbliża się 111 rocznica najbardziej znanej katastrofy morskiej. Poniżej tabela z 1316 pasażerami z nazwiskami ułożonymi alfabetycznie. Podałem także imiona, wiek, płeć (man - mężczyzna, woman - kobieta), ceny biletów, klasę (1, 2 i 3) oraz informację o losie (saved - uratowany, victim - ofiara). Ceny w ówczesnych (1912) funtach (szylingach i pensach) przeliczyłem na funty wg współczesnych zasad oraz przeliczyłem (inflacja) na dzisiejsze (2023 rok) dolary. Podałem także cenę (w dzisiejszych dolarach) za przebycie jednego kilometra pełnej planowanej podróży do Nowego Jorku (trasa Belfast - NJ to 6828 km, Southampton - NJ to 5956 km, Cherbourg - NJ to 5800 km oraz Queenstown - NJ to 5232 km). 24 pasażerów (darmowe bilety) to w istocie przedstawiciele armatora, budowniczych oraz muzycy z orkiestry, którzy zasadniczo nie powininni być zamieszczani na liście pasażerów, zwłaszcza że jednocześnie znajdują się na listach załogi, co powoduje niejako podwójne ich liczenie.

Kolejność alfabetyczna - status (S - uratowany, V - ofiara) - nazwisko - imię - wiek - płeć (M/W) - port wypłynięcia - cena biletu w starych funtach - cena wg nowych przeliczeń - cena wg dzisiejszych dolarów - cena w dolarach za przepłynięcie planowanego 1 km - klasa

The 111th anniversary of the most famous maritime disaster is approaching. Below is a table with 1,316 passengers with names in alphabetical order. I also provided names, age, gender (M - man, W - woman), ticket prices, class (1st, 2nd and 3rd) and information about the fate (S - saved, V- victim). Prices in then (1912) pounds (shillings and pence) I converted to pounds according to modern rules and converted (inflation) to today's (2023) dollars. I also listed the price (in today's dollars) for one kilometer of the full planned trip to New York (Belfast - NJ is 6,828 km, Southampton - NJ is 5,956 km, Cherbourg - NJ is 5,800 km and Queenstown - NJ is 5,232 km). 24 passengers (free tickets) are in fact representatives of the shipowner, builders and musicians from the orchestra, who should not be included in the passenger list, especially since they are also on the crew list, which results in double counting.

Alphabetical order - status (S - rescued, V - victim) - last name - first name - age - gender (M/W) - port of departure - ticket price in old pounds - new price - price in today's dollars - price in dollars for sailing the planned 1 km - class.

    1 V - ABBING Anthony 42y M Southampton - £7 11s - £7,55 - $943,75 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

    2 V - ABBOTT Eugene 14y M Southampton - £20 5s - £20,25 - $2531,25 - 0,42$/km - cl.3rd.

    3 V - ABBOTT Rossmore 16y M Southampton - £20 5s - £20,25 - $2531,25 - 0,42$/km - cl.3rd.

    4 S - ABBOTT Rhoda 39y W Southampton - £20 5s - £20,25 - $2531,25 - 0,42$/km - cl.3rd.

    5 S - ABELSETH Karen 16y W Southampton - £7 13s - £7,65 - $956,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

    6 S - ABELSETH Olaus 25y M Southampton - £7 13s - £7,65 - $956,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

    7 V - ABELSON Samuel 30y M Cherbourg - £24 - £24,00 - $3000,00 - 0,51$/km - cl.2nd.

    8 S - ABELSON Hannah 28y W Cherbourg - £24 - £24,00 - $3000,00 - 0,51$/km - cl.2nd.

    9 S - ABRAHAMSSON Abraham 20y M Southampton - £7 18s 6d - £7,93 - $990,63 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

   10 V - ÅDAHL Mauritz 30y M Southampton - £7 5s - £7,25 - $906,25 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

   11 V - ADAMS John 26y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

   12 V - AHLIN Johanna 40y W Southampton - £9 9s 6d - £9,48 - $1184,38 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

   13 S - AKS Frank 1y M Southampton - £9 7s - £9,35 - $1168,75 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

   14 S - AKS Leah 18y W Southampton - £9 7s - £9,35 - $1168,75 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

   15 S - ALBIMONA Nassef 26y M Cherbourg - £18 15s 9d - £18,79 - $2348,44 - 0,40$/km - cl.3rd.

   16 V - ALDWORTH Augustus 34y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

   17 V - ALEXANDER William 23y M Southampton - £7 17s 9d - £7,89 - $985,94 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

   18 V - ALHOMÄKI Ilmari 19y M Southampton - £7 18s 6d - £7,93 - $990,63 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

   19 V - ALI Ahmed 24y M Southampton - £7 1s - £7,05 - $881,25 - 0,14$/km - cl.3rd.

   20 V - ALI William 25y M Southampton - £7 1s - £7,05 - $881,25 - 0,14$/km - cl.3rd.

   21 S - ALLEN Elisabeth 29y W Southampton - £211 60s 9d - £214,04 - $26754,69 - 4,49$/km - cl.1st.

   22 V - ALLEN William 38y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

   23 S - ALLISON Hudson 1y M Southampton - £151 16s - £151,80 - $18975,00 - 3,18$/km - cl.1st.

   24 V - ALLISON Helen 2y W Southampton - £151 16s - £151,80 - $18975,00 - 3,18$/km - cl.1st.

   25 V - ALLISON Hudson 30y M Southampton - £151 16s - £151,80 - $18975,00 - 3,18$/km - cl.1st.

   26 V - ALLISON Bessie 25y W Southampton - £151 16s - £151,80 - $18975,00 - 3,18$/km - cl.1st.

   27 V - ALLUM Owen 15y M Southampton - £8 6s - £8,30 - $1037,50 - 0,17$/km - cl.3rd.

   28 V - ANDERSEN Albert 33y M Southampton - £22 10s 6d - £22,53 - $2815,63 - 0,47$/km - cl.3rd.

   29 S - ANDERSEN-JENSEN Carla 19y W Southampton - £7 17s 1d - £7,85 - $981,77 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

   30 S - ANDERSON Harry 47y M Southampton - £26 11s - £26,55 - $3318,75 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

   31 V - ANDERSSON Sigvard 4y M Southampton - £31 5s 6d - £31,28 - $3909,38 - 0,65$/km - cl.3rd.

   32 V - ANDERSSON Ebba 6y W Southampton - £31 5s 6d - £31,28 - $3909,38 - 0,65$/km - cl.3rd.

   33 V - ANDERSSON Ellis 2y W Southampton - £31 5s 6d - £31,28 - $3909,38 - 0,65$/km - cl.3rd.

   34 S - ANDERSSON Erna 17y W Southampton - £7 18s 6d - £7,93 - $990,63 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

   35 V - ANDERSSON Ida 38y W Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

   36 V - ANDERSSON Ingeborg 9y W Southampton - £31 5s 6d - £31,28 - $3909,38 - 0,65$/km - cl.3rd.

   37 V - ANDERSSON Sigrid 11y W Southampton - £31 5s 6d - £31,28 - $3909,38 - 0,65$/km - cl.3rd.

   38 V - ANDERSSON Anders 39y M Southampton - £31 5s 6d - £31,28 - $3909,38 - 0,65$/km - cl.3rd.

   39 V - ANDERSSON Johan 26y M Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

   40 V - ANDERSSON Alfrida 39y W Southampton - £31 5s 6d - £31,28 - $3909,38 - 0,65$/km - cl.3rd.

   41 V - ANDREASSON Paul 20y M Southampton - £7 17s 1d - £7,85 - $981,77 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

   42 V - ANDREW Edgar 17y M Southampton - £11 10s - £11,50 - $1437,50 - 0,24$/km - cl.2nd.

   43 V - ANDREW Frank 25y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

   44 S - ANDREWS Kornelia 62y W Cherbourg - £77 19s 2d - £77,96 - $9744,79 - 1,68$/km - cl.1st.

   45 V - ANDREWS Thomas 39y M Belfast - - - - - cl.1st.

   46 V - ANGHELOFF Minko 26y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

   47 V - ANGLE William 32y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

   48 S - ANGLE Florence 36y W Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

   49 S - APPLETON Charlotte 53y W Southampton - £51 9s 7d - £51,48 - $6434,90 - 1,08$/km - cl.1st.

   50 V - ARNOLD-FRANCHI Josef 25y M Southampton - £17 16s - £17,80 - $2225,00 - 0,37$/km - cl.3rd.

   51 V - ARNOLD-FRANCHI Josefine 18y W Southampton - £17 16s - £17,80 - $2225,00 - 0,37$/km - cl.3rd.

   52 V - ARONSSON Ernst 24y M Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

   53 V - ARTAGAVEYTIA Ramon 71y M Cherbourg - £49 10s 1d - £49,50 - $6188,02 - 1,06$/km - cl.1st.

   54 V - ASHBY John 57y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

   55 V - ASIM Adola 35y M Southampton - £7 1s - £7,05 - $881,25 - 0,14$/km - cl.3rd.

   56 V - ASPLUND Carl 5y M Southampton - £31 7s 9d - £31,39 - $3923,44 - 0,65$/km - cl.3rd.

   57 V - ASPLUND Clarence 9y M Southampton - £31 7s 9d - £31,39 - $3923,44 - 0,65$/km - cl.3rd.

   58 S - ASPLUND Edvin 3y M Southampton - £31 7s 9d - £31,39 - $3923,44 - 0,65$/km - cl.3rd.

   59 V - ASPLUND Filip 13y M Southampton - £31 7s 9d - £31,39 - $3923,44 - 0,65$/km - cl.3rd.

   60 S - ASPLUND Lillian 5y W Southampton - £31 7s 9d - £31,39 - $3923,44 - 0,65$/km - cl.3rd.

   61 V - ASPLUND Carl 40y M Southampton - £31 7s 9d - £31,39 - $3923,44 - 0,65$/km - cl.3rd.

   62 S - ASPLUND Johan 23y M Southampton - £7 15s 11d - £7,80 - $974,48 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

   63 S - ASPLUND Selma 38y W Southampton - £31 7s 9d - £31,39 - $3923,44 - 0,65$/km - cl.3rd.

   64 S - ASSAF Mariana 45y W Cherbourg - £7 4s 6d - £7,23 - $903,13 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

   65 V - ASSAM Ali 23y M Southampton - £7 1s - £7,05 - $881,25 - 0,14$/km - cl.3rd.

   66 V - ASTOR John 47y M Cherbourg - £247 10s 6d - £247,53 - $30940,63 - 5,33$/km - cl.1st.

   67 S - ASTOR Madeleine 18y W Cherbourg - £247 10s 6d - £247,53 - $30940,63 - 5,33$/km - cl.1st.

   68 V - ATTALA Sleiman 27y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 6d - £7,23 - $903,13 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

   69 V - ATTALAH Malake 17y W Cherbourg - £14 9s 2d - £14,46 - $1807,29 - 0,31$/km - cl.3rd.

   70 S - AUBART Léontine 24y W Cherbourg - £69 6s - £69,30 - $8662,50 - 1,49$/km - cl.1st.

   71 V - AUGUSTSSON Albert 23y M Southampton - £7 17s 1d - £7,85 - $981,77 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

   72 S - AYOUB DAHER Banoura 15y W Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,23 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

   73 V - BACCOS Raffull 20y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 6d - £7,23 - $903,13 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

   74 V - BACKSTRÖM Karl 32y M Southampton - £15 17s - £15,85 - $1981,25 - 0,33$/km - cl.3rd.

   75 V - BACKSTRÖM Maria 33y W Southampton - £15 17s - £15,85 - $1981,25 - 0,33$/km - cl.3rd.

   76 S - BACLINI Eugenie 3y W Cherbourg - £19 5s 2d - £19,26 - $2407,29 - 0,41$/km - cl.3rd.

   77 S - BACLINI Helene 1y W Cherbourg - £19 5s 2d - £19,26 - $2407,29 - 0,41$/km - cl.3rd.

   78 S - BACLINI Marie 5y W Cherbourg - £19 5s 2d - £19,26 - $2407,29 - 0,41$/km - cl.3rd.

   79 S - BACLINI Latifa 24y W Cherbourg - £19 5s 2d - £19,26 - $2407,29 - 0,41$/km - cl.3rd.

   80 S - BADMAN Emily 18y W Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

   81 V - BADT Mohamed 40y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 6d - £7,23 - $903,13 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

   82 V - BAILEY Percy 15y M Southampton - £11 10s - £11,50 - $1437,50 - 0,24$/km - cl.2nd.

   83 V - BAINBRIGGE Charles 22y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

   84 V - BALKIC Cerin 26y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

   85 S - BALL Ada 36y W Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

   86 V - BANFIELD Frederick 28y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

   87 V - BANSKI Mara 31y W Southampton - £8 13s 8d - £8,68 - $1085,42 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

   88 V - BARBARA Saiide 18y W Cherbourg - £14 9s 1d - £14,45 - $1806,77 - 0,31$/km - cl.3rd.

   89 V - BARBARA Catherine 45y W Cherbourg - £14 9s 1d - £14,45 - $1806,77 - 0,31$/km - cl.3rd.

   90 S - BARBER Ellen 26y W Southampton - £78 17s - £78,85 - $9856,25 - 1,65$/km - cl.1st.

   91 S - BARKWORTH Algernon 47y M Southampton - £30 - £30,00 - $3750,00 - 0,62$/km - cl.1st.

   92 V - BARRY Julia 26y W Queenstown - £7 17s 7d - £7,88 - $984,90 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

   93 V - BARTON David 22y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

   94 S - BASSANI Albina 32y W Cherbourg - £76 5s 10d - £76,29 - $9536,46 - 1,64$/km - cl.1st.

   95 V - BATEMAN Robert 51y M Southampton - £12 10s 6d - £12,53 - $1565,63 - 0,26$/km - cl.2nd.

   96 V - BAUMANN John 60y M Cherbourg - £25 18s 6d - £25,93 - $3240,63 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

   97 V - BAXTER Quigg 24y M Cherbourg - £247 10s 5d - £247,52 - $30940,10 - 5,33$/km - cl.1st.

   98 S - BAXTER Hélène 50y W Cherbourg - £247 10s 5d - £247,52 - $30940,10 - 5,33$/km - cl.1st.

   99 S - BEANE Edward 32y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  100 S - BEANE Ethel 22y W Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  101 V - BEATTIE Thomson 36y M Southampton - £75 4s 10d - £75,24 - $9405,21 - 1,57$/km - cl.1st.

  102 V - BEAUCHAMP Henry 28y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  103 V - BEAVAN William 20y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  104 S - BECKER Richard 1y M Southampton - £39 - £39,00 - $4875,00 - 0,81$/km - cl.2nd.

  105 S - BECKER Marion 4y W Southampton - £39 - £39,00 - $4875,00 - 0,81$/km - cl.2nd.

  106 S - BECKER Ruth 12y W Southampton - £39 - £39,00 - $4875,00 - 0,81$/km - cl.2nd.

  107 S - BECKER Nellie 35y W Southampton - £39 - £39,00 - $4875,00 - 0,81$/km - cl.2nd.

  108 S - BECKWITH Richard 37y M Southampton - £52 11s 1d - £52,55 - $6569,27 - 1,10$/km - cl.1st.

  109 S - BECKWITH Sallie 46y W Southampton - £52 11s 1d - £52,55 - $6569,27 - 1,10$/km - cl.1st.

  110 S - BEESLEY Lawrence 34y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  111 S - BEHR Karl 26y M Cherbourg - £30 - £30,00 - $3750,00 - 0,64$/km - cl.1st.

  112 V - BENGTSSON Johan 26y M Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  113 S - BENTHAM Lillian 17y W Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  114 V - BERGLUND Karl 22y M Southampton - £9 7s - £9,35 - $1168,75 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

  115 V - BERRIMAN William 23y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  116 S - BESSETTE Nellie 39y W Cherbourg - £63 7s 2d - £63,36 - $7919,79 - 1,36$/km - cl.1st.

  117 S - BIDOIS Rosalie 46y W Cherbourg - £247 10s 6d - £247,53 - $30940,63 - 5,33$/km - cl.1st.

  118 S - BING Lee 32y M Southampton - £56 9s 11d - £56,50 - $7061,98 - 1,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  119 S - BIRD Ellen 31y W Southampton - £221 15s 7d - £221,78 - $27722,40 - 4,65$/km - cl.1st.

  120 V - BIRKELAND Hans 21y M Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  121 V - BIRNBAUM Jakob 24y M Cherbourg - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,56$/km - cl.1st.

  122 S - BISHOP Dickinson 25y M Cherbourg - £91 1s 7d - £91,08 - $11384,90 - 1,96$/km - cl.1st.

  123 S - BISHOP Helen 19y W Cherbourg - £91 1s 7d - £91,08 - $11384,90 - 1,96$/km - cl.1st.

  124 V - BJÖRKLUND Ernst 18y M Southampton - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  125 S - BJÖRNSTRÖM-STEFFANSSON Mauritz 28y M Southampton - £26 11s - £26,55 - $3318,75 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

  126 V - BLACKWELL Stephen 45y M Southampton - £35 10s - £35,50 - $4437,50 - 0,74$/km - cl.1st.

  127 S - BLANK Henry 39y M Cherbourg - £31 - £31,00 - $3875,00 - 0,66$/km - cl.1st.

  128 S - BONNELL Caroline 30y W Southampton - £164 17s 4d - £164,87 - $20608,33 - 3,46$/km - cl.1st.

  129 S - BONNELL Elizabeth 61y W Southampton - £26 11s - £26,55 - $3318,75 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

  130 V - BOREBANK John 42y M Southampton - £26 11s - £26,55 - $3318,75 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

  131 V - BOSTANDYEFF Guentcho 26y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  132 V - BOTSFORD William 25y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  133 V - BOULOS Akar 9y M Cherbourg - £15 4s 11d - £15,25 - $1905,73 - 0,32$/km - cl.3rd.

  134 V - BOULOS Nourelain 7y W Cherbourg - £15 4s 11d - £15,25 - $1905,73 - 0,32$/km - cl.3rd.

  135 V - BOULOS Sultana 40y W Cherbourg - £15 4s 11d - £15,25 - $1905,73 - 0,32$/km - cl.3rd.

  136 V - BOURKE Mary 40y W Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  137 V - BOURKE John 42y M Queenstown - £15 10s - £15,50 - $1937,50 - 0,37$/km - cl.3rd.

  138 V - BOURKE Catherine 32y W Queenstown - £15 10s - £15,50 - $1937,50 - 0,37$/km - cl.3rd.

  139 S - BOWEN Grace 45y W Cherbourg - £262 7s 6d - £262,38 - $32796,88 - 5,65$/km - cl.1st.

  140 V - BOWEN David 26y M Southampton - £16 2s - £16,10 - $2012,50 - 0,33$/km - cl.3rd.

  141 V - BOWENUR Solomon 42y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  142 S - BOWERMAN Elsie 22y W Southampton - £55 - £55,00 - $6875,00 - 1,15$/km - cl.1st.

  143 V - BRACKEN James 29y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  144 S - BRADLEY Bridget 22y W Queenstown - £7 14s 6d - £7,73 - $965,63 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  145 V - BRADY John 41y M Southampton - £30 10s - £30,50 - $3812,50 - 0,64$/km - cl.1st.

  146 V - BRAF Elin 20y W Southampton - £7 17s 1d - £7,85 - $981,77 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  147 V - BRAILEY William 24y M Southampton - - - - - cl.2nd.

  148 V - BRANDEIS Emil 48y M Cherbourg - £50 9s 11d - £50,50 - $6311,98 - 1,08$/km - cl.1st.

  149 V - BRAUND Lewis 29y M Southampton - £7 11d - £7,05 - $880,73 - 0,14$/km - cl.3rd.

  150 V - BRAUND Owen 22y M Southampton - £7 5s - £7,25 - $906,25 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  151 S - BRERETON George 37y M Southampton - £26 11s - £26,55 - $3318,75 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

  152 V - BREWE Arthur 45y M Cherbourg - £39 12s - £39,60 - $4950,00 - 0,85$/km - cl.1st.

  153 V - BRICOUX Roger 20y M Southampton - - - - - cl.2nd.

  154 V - BRITO José 32y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  155 V - BROBECK Karl 22y M Southampton - £7 15s 11d - £7,80 - $974,48 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  156 V - BROCKLEBANK William 35y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  157 S - BROWN Caroline 59y W Southampton - £51 9s 7d - £51,48 - $6434,90 - 1,08$/km - cl.1st.

  158 S - BROWN Margaret 44y W Cherbourg - £27 14s 5d - £27,72 - $3465,10 - 0,59$/km - cl.1st.

  159 S - BROWN Amelia 18y W Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  160 S - BROWN Edith 15y W Southampton - £39 - £39,00 - $4875,00 - 0,81$/km - cl.2nd.

  161 V - BROWN Thomas 60y M Southampton - £39 - £39,00 - $4875,00 - 0,81$/km - cl.2nd.

  162 S - BROWN Elizabeth 40y W Southampton - £39 - £39,00 - $4875,00 - 0,81$/km - cl.2nd.

  163 S - BRYHL Dagmar 20y W Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  164 V - BRYHL Kurt 25y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  165 V - BUCKLEY Katherine 22y W Queenstown - £7 5s 8d - £7,28 - $910,42 - 0,17$/km - cl.3rd.

  166 S - BUCKLEY Daniel 21y M Queenstown - £7 15s 17d - £7,82 - $977,60 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  167 S - BUCKNELL Emma 58y W Cherbourg - £76 5s 10d - £76,29 - $9536,46 - 1,64$/km - cl.1st.

  168 V - BURKE Jeremiah 19y M Queenstown - £6 15s - £6,75 - $843,75 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  169 S - BURNS Elizabeth 41y W Cherbourg - £134 10s - £134,50 - $16812,50 - 2,89$/km - cl.1st.

  170 V - BURNS Mary 17y W Queenstown - £7 17s 7d - £7,88 - $984,90 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  171 S - BUSS Kate 36y W Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  172 V - BUTLER Reginald 25y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  173 V - BUTRUS-KA'WĪ Tannūs 21y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,23 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  174 V - BUTT Archibald 46y M Southampton - £26 11s - £26,55 - $3318,75 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

  175 V - BYLES Thomas 42y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  176 V - BYSTRÖM Karolina 40y W Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  177 V - CACIC Manda 21y W Southampton - £8 13s 3d - £8,66 - $1082,81 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  178 V - CACIC Marija 30y W Southampton - £8 13s 3d - £8,66 - $1082,81 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  179 V - CACIC Jego 18y M Southampton - £8 13s 3d - £8,66 - $1082,81 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  180 V - CACIC Luka 38y M Southampton - £8 13s 3d - £8,66 - $1082,81 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  181 V - CAIRNS Alexander 28y M Southampton - £31 - £31,00 - $3875,00 - 0,65$/km - cl.1st.

  182 S - CALDERHEAD Edward 42y M Southampton - £26 5s 9d - £26,29 - $3285,94 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

  183 S - CALDWELL Albert 26y M Southampton - £29 - £29,00 - $3625,00 - 0,60$/km - cl.2nd.

  184 S - CALDWELL Sylvia 28y W Southampton - £29 - £29,00 - $3625,00 - 0,60$/km - cl.2nd.

  185 V - CALIC Jovo 17y M Southampton - £8 13s 3d - £8,66 - $1082,81 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  186 V - CALIC Petar 17y M Southampton - £8 13s 3d - £8,66 - $1082,81 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  187 S - CAMERON Clear 35y W Southampton - £21 - £21,00 - $2625,00 - 0,44$/km - cl.2nd.

  188 V - CAMPBELL William 21y M Belfast - - - - - cl.2nd.

  189 V - CANAVAN Mary 22y W Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  190 V - CANAVAN Patrick 21y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  191 S - CANDEE Helen 52y W Cherbourg - £27 8s 11d - £27,45 - $3430,73 - 0,59$/km - cl.1st.

  192 V - CANN Ernest 21y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  193 V - CARAM Joseph 28y M Cherbourg - £14 9s 2d - £14,46 - $1807,29 - 0,31$/km - cl.3rd.

  194 V - CARAM Maria 18y W Cherbourg - £14 9s 2d - £14,46 - $1807,29 - 0,31$/km - cl.3rd.

  195 V - CARBINES William 19y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  196 S - CARDEZA Thomas 36y M Cherbourg - £512 6s 7d - £512,33 - $64041,15 - 11,0$/km - cl.1st.

  197 S - CARDEZA Charlotte 58y W Cherbourg - £512 6s 7d - £512,33 - $64041,15 - 11,0$/km - cl.1st.

  198 V - CARLSSON Frans 33y M Southampton - £5 - £5,00 - $625,00 - 0,10$/km - cl.1st.

  199 V - CARLSSON August 28y M Southampton - £7 15s 11d - £7,80 - $974,48 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  200 V - CARLSSON Carl 24y M Southampton - £7 17s 1d - £7,85 - $981,77 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  201 V - CARR Jane 45y W Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  202 V - CARRAU Francisco 27y M Southampton - £47 2s - £47,10 - $5887,50 - 0,98$/km - cl.1st.

  203 V - CARRAÚ-ESTEVES José 17y M Southampton - £47 2s - £47,10 - $5887,50 - 0,98$/km - cl.1st.

  204 S - CARTER William 11y M Southampton - £120 - £120,00 - $15000,00 - 2,51$/km - cl.1st.

  205 S - CARTER Lucile 13y W Southampton - £120 - £120,00 - $15000,00 - 2,51$/km - cl.1st.

  206 S - CARTER William 36y M Southampton - £120 - £120,00 - $15000,00 - 2,51$/km - cl.1st.

  207 S - CARTER Lucile 36y W Southampton - £120 - £120,00 - $15000,00 - 2,51$/km - cl.1st.

  208 V - CARTER Ernest 54y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  209 V - CARTER Lilian 45y W Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  210 V - CARVER Alfred 28y M Southampton - £7 5s - £7,25 - $906,25 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  211 V - CASE Howard 49y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.1st.

  212 S - CASSEBEER Eleanor 36y W Cherbourg - £27 14s 5d - £27,72 - $3465,10 - 0,59$/km - cl.1st.

  213 V - CAVENDISH Tyrell 36y M Southampton - £78 17s - £78,85 - $9856,25 - 1,65$/km - cl.1st.

  214 S - CAVENDISH Julia 25y W Southampton - £78 17s - £78,85 - $9856,25 - 1,65$/km - cl.1st.

  215 V - CELOTTI Francesco 24y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  216 S - CHAFFEE Herbert 46y M Southampton - £61 3s 6d - £61,18 - $7646,88 - 1,28$/km - cl.1st.

  217 S - CHAFFEE Carrie 47y W Southampton - £61 3s 6d - £61,18 - $7646,88 - 1,28$/km - cl.1st.

  218 S - CHAMBERS Norman 27y M Southampton - £53 2s - £53,10 - $6637,50 - 1,11$/km - cl.1st.

  219 S - CHAMBERS Bertha 32y W Southampton - £53 2s - £53,10 - $6637,50 - 1,11$/km - cl.1st.

  220 V - CHAPMAN Charles 52y M Southampton - £13 10s - £13,50 - $1687,50 - 0,28$/km - cl.2nd.

  221 V - CHAPMAN John 36y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  222 V - CHAPMAN Sara 28y W Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  223 V - CHARTERS David 20y M Queenstown - £7 14s 8d - £7,73 - $966,67 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  224 S - CHAUDANSON Victorine 36y W Cherbourg - £262 7s 6d - £262,38 - $32796,88 - 5,65$/km - cl.1st.

  225 S - CHERRY Gladys 30y W Southampton - £86 10s - £86,50 - $10812,50 - 1,81$/km - cl.1st.

  226 S - CHEVRÉ Paul 45y M Cherbourg - £29 14s - £29,70 - $3712,50 - 0,64$/km - cl.1st.

  227 S - CHIBNALL Edith 48y W Southampton - £55 - £55,00 - $6875,00 - 1,15$/km - cl.1st.

  228 S - CHIP Chang 32y M Southampton - £56 9s 11d - £56,50 - $7061,98 - 1,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  229 V - CHISHOLM Roderick 43y M Belfast - - - - - cl.1st.

  230 V - CHRISTMANN Emil 29y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  231 S - CHRISTY Rachel 25y W Southampton - £30 - £30,00 - $3750,00 - 0,62$/km - cl.2nd.

  232 S - CHRISTY Alice 45y W Southampton - £30 - £30,00 - $3750,00 - 0,62$/km - cl.2nd.

  233 V - CHRONOPOULOS Apostolos 26y M Cherbourg - £14 9s 1d - £14,45 - $1806,77 - 0,31$/km - cl.3rd.

  234 V - CHRONOPOULOS Dimitrios 21y M Cherbourg - £14 9s 1d - £14,45 - $1806,77 - 0,31$/km - cl.3rd.

  235 V - CLARK Walter 27y M Cherbourg - £136 15s 7d - £136,78 - $17097,40 - 2,94$/km - cl.1st.

  236 S - CLARK Virginia 26y W Cherbourg - £136 15s 7d - £136,78 - $17097,40 - 2,94$/km - cl.1st.

  237 V - CLARKE Charles 29y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  238 V - CLARKE John 28y M Southampton - - - - - cl.2nd.

  239 S - CLARKE Ada 28y W Southampton - £27 - £27,00 - $3375,00 - 0,56$/km - cl.2nd.

  240 S - CLEAVER Alice 22y W Southampton - £151 16s - £151,80 - $18975,00 - 3,18$/km - cl.1st.

  241 V - CLIFFORD George 40y M Southampton - £52 - £52,00 - $6500,00 - 1,09$/km - cl.1st.

  242 V - COELHO Domingos 20y M Southampton - £7 1s - £7,05 - $881,25 - 0,14$/km - cl.3rd.

  243 S - COHEN Gurshon 18y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  244 V - COLBERT Patrick 24y M Queenstown - £7 5s - £7,25 - $906,25 - 0,17$/km - cl.3rd.

  245 V - COLEFF Satio 24y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  246 V - COLERIDGE Reginald 29y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

  247 V - COLLANDER Erik 28y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  248 S - COLLETT Sidney 25y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

  249 V - COLLEY Edward 37y M Southampton - £25 11s 9d - £25,59 - $3198,44 - 0,53$/km - cl.1st.

  250 S - COLLYER Marjorie 8y W Southampton - £26 5s - £26,25 - $3281,25 - 0,55$/km - cl.2nd.

  251 V - COLLYER Harvey 31y M Southampton - £26 5s - £26,25 - $3281,25 - 0,55$/km - cl.2nd.

  252 S - COLLYER Charlotte 31y W Southampton - £26 5s - £26,25 - $3281,25 - 0,55$/km - cl.2nd.

  253 V - COLTCHEFF Peju 36y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  254 S - COMPTON Sara 39y W Cherbourg - £83 3s 2d - £83,16 - $10394,79 - 1,79$/km - cl.1st.

  255 V - COMPTON Alexander 37y M Cherbourg - £83 3s 2d - £83,16 - $10394,79 - 1,79$/km - cl.1st.

  256 S - COMPTON Mary 64y W Cherbourg - £83 3s 2d - £83,16 - $10394,79 - 1,79$/km - cl.1st.

  257 V - CONLIN Thomas 31y M Queenstown - £7 14s 8d - £7,73 - $966,67 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  258 V - CONNAGHTON Michael 31y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  259 S - CONNOLLY Catherine 23y W Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  260 V - CONNOLLY Kate 41y W Queenstown - £7 12s 7d - £7,63 - $953,65 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  261 V - CONNORS Patrick 66y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  262 S - COOK Selena 22y W Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

  263 V - COOK Jacob 43y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  264 V - COR Bartol 35y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  265 V - COR Ivan 27y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  266 V - COR Liudevit 19y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  267 V - CORBETT Irene 30y W Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  268 V - COREY Mary 30y W Southampton - £21 - £21,00 - $2625,00 - 0,44$/km - cl.2nd.

  269 V - CORN Harry 30y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  270 S - CORNELL Malvina 55y W Southampton - £25 14s 10d - £25,74 - $3217,71 - 0,54$/km - cl.1st.

  271 S - CORR Helen 16y W Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  272 V - COTTERILL Henry 20y M Southampton - £11 10s - £11,50 - $1437,50 - 0,24$/km - cl.2nd.

  273 S - COUTTS Neville 3y M Southampton - £15 18s - £15,90 - $1987,50 - 0,33$/km - cl.3rd.

  274 S - COUTTS William 9y M Southampton - £15 18s - £15,90 - $1987,50 - 0,33$/km - cl.3rd.

  275 S - COUTTS Winnie 36y W Southampton - £15 18s - £15,90 - $1987,50 - 0,33$/km - cl.3rd.

  276 V - COXON Daniel 59y M Southampton - £7 5s - £7,25 - $906,25 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  277 V - CRAFTON John 59y M Southampton - £26 11s - £26,55 - $3318,75 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

  278 V - CREASE Ernest 19y M Southampton - £8 3s 2d - £8,16 - $1019,79 - 0,17$/km - cl.3rd.

  279 S - CRIBB Laura 16y W Southampton - £16 2s - £16,10 - $2012,50 - 0,33$/km - cl.3rd.

  280 V - CRIBB John 44y M Southampton - £16 2s - £16,10 - $2012,50 - 0,33$/km - cl.3rd.

  281 V - CROSBY Edward 70y M Southampton - £71 - £71,00 - $8875,00 - 1,49$/km - cl.1st.

  282 S - CROSBY Harriette 39y W Southampton - £26 11s - £26,55 - $3318,75 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

  283 S - CROSBY Catherine 64y W Southampton - £71 - £71,00 - $8875,00 - 1,49$/km - cl.1st.

  284 V - CULUMOVIC Jeso 17y M Southampton - £8 13s 3d - £8,66 - $1082,81 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  285 V - CUMINGS John 39y M Cherbourg - £71 5s 8d - £71,28 - $8910,42 - 1,53$/km - cl.1st.

  286 S - CUMINGS Florence 35y W Cherbourg - £71 5s 8d - £71,28 - $8910,42 - 1,53$/km - cl.1st.

  287 V - CUNNINGHAM Alfred 21y M Belfast - - - - - cl.2nd.

  288 V - DAHER Tannous 28y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,23 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  289 S - DAHL Charles 45y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  290 V - DAHLBERG Gerda 22y W Southampton - £10 10s 4d - £10,52 - $1314,58 - 0,22$/km - cl.3rd.

  291 V - DAKIC Branko 19y M Southampton - £10 3s 5d - £10,17 - $1271,35 - 0,21$/km - cl.3rd.

  292 V - DALY Peter 51y M Southampton - £26 11s - £26,55 - $3318,75 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

  293 S - DALY Margaret 33y W Queenstown - £6 19s - £6,95 - $868,75 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  294 S - DALY Eugene 29y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  295 V - DANBOM Gilbert 1y M Southampton - £14 8s - £14,40 - $1800,00 - 0,30$/km - cl.3rd.

  296 V - DANBOM Ernst 34y M Southampton - £14 8s - £14,40 - $1800,00 - 0,30$/km - cl.3rd.

  297 V - DANBOM Anna 28y W Southampton - £14 8s - £14,40 - $1800,00 - 0,30$/km - cl.3rd.

  298 S - DANIEL Robert 27y M Southampton - £30 10s - £30,50 - $3812,50 - 0,64$/km - cl.1st.

  299 S - DANIELS Sarah 33y W Southampton - £151 16s - £151,80 - $18975,00 - 3,18$/km - cl.1st.

  300 V - DANOFF Yoto 27y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  301 V - DAVIDSON Thornton 31y M Cherbourg - £52 - £52,00 - $6500,00 - 1,12$/km - cl.1st.

  302 S - DAVIDSON Orian 27y W Cherbourg - £52 - £52,00 - $6500,00 - 1,12$/km - cl.1st.

  303 S - DAVIES John 8y M Southampton - £36 15s - £36,75 - $4593,75 - 0,77$/km - cl.2nd.

  304 V - DAVIES Charles 19y M Southampton - £73 10s - £73,50 - $9187,50 - 1,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  305 S - DAVIES Agnes 48y W Southampton - £36 15s - £36,75 - $4593,75 - 0,77$/km - cl.2nd.

  306 V - DAVIES Alfred 24y M Southampton - £24 3s - £24,15 - $3018,75 - 0,50$/km - cl.3rd.

  307 V - DAVIES Evan 22y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  308 V - DAVIES John 21y M Southampton - £24 3s - £24,15 - $3018,75 - 0,50$/km - cl.3rd.

  309 V - DAVIES Joseph 17y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  310 S - DAVIS Mary 28y W Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  311 V - DAVISON Thomas 32y M Southampton - £16 2s - £16,10 - $2012,50 - 0,33$/km - cl.3rd.

  312 S - DAVISON Mary 34y W Southampton - £16 2s - £16,10 - $2012,50 - 0,33$/km - cl.3rd.

  313 S - DE MESSEMAEKER Guillaume 36y M Southampton - £17 8s - £17,40 - $2175,00 - 0,36$/km - cl.3rd.

  314 S - DE MESSEMAEKER Anna 36y W Southampton - £17 8s - £17,40 - $2175,00 - 0,36$/km - cl.3rd.

  315 S - DE MULDER Theodoor 30y M Southampton - £9 10s - £9,50 - $1187,50 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

  316 V - DE PELSMAEKER Alfons 16y M Southampton - £9 10s - £9,50 - $1187,50 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

  317 V - DEACON Percy 18y M Southampton - £73 10s - £73,50 - $9187,50 - 1,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  318 V - DEAN Bertram 1y M Southampton - £20 11s 6d - £20,58 - $2571,88 - 0,43$/km - cl.3rd.

  319 S - DEAN Elizabeth 1y W Southampton - £20 11s 6d - £20,58 - $2571,88 - 0,43$/km - cl.3rd.

  320 S - DEAN Bertram 25y M Southampton - £20 11s 6d - £20,58 - $2571,88 - 0,43$/km - cl.3rd.

  321 S - DEAN Eva 32y W Southampton - £20 11s 6d - £20,58 - $2571,88 - 0,43$/km - cl.3rd.

  322 V - DEL CARLO Sebastiano 29y M Cherbourg - £27 14s 5d - £27,72 - $3465,10 - 0,59$/km - cl.2nd.

  323 S - DEL CARLO Argene 24y W Cherbourg - £27 14s 5d - £27,72 - $3465,10 - 0,59$/km - cl.2nd.

  324 V - DELALIC Redjo 25y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  325 V - DENBUOY Albert 25y M Southampton - £31 10s - £31,50 - $3937,50 - 0,66$/km - cl.2nd.

  326 V - DENKOFF Mitto 30y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  327 V - DENNIS Samuel 22y M Southampton - £7 5s - £7,25 - $906,25 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  328 V - DENNIS William 26y M Southampton - £7 5s - £7,25 - $906,25 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  329 S - DEVANEY Margaret 19y W Queenstown - £7 17s 7d - £7,88 - $984,90 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  330 V - DIBDEN William 18y M Southampton - £73 10s - £73,50 - $9187,50 - 1,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  331 S - DICK Albert 31y M Southampton - £57 - £57,00 - $7125,00 - 1,19$/km - cl.1st.

  332 S - DICK Vera 17y W Southampton - £57 - £57,00 - $7125,00 - 1,19$/km - cl.1st.

  333 V - DIKA Mirko 17y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  334 V - DIMIC Jovan 42y M Southampton - £8 13s 3d - £8,66 - $1082,81 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  335 V - DINTCHEFF Valtcho 43y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  336 S - DODGE Washington 52y M Southampton - £81 17s 2d - £81,86 - $10232,29 - 1,71$/km - cl.1st.

  337 S - DODGE Washington 4y M Southampton - £81 17s 2d - £81,86 - $10232,29 - 1,71$/km - cl.1st.

  338 S - DODGE Ruth 34y W Southampton - £81 17s 2d - £81,86 - $10232,29 - 1,71$/km - cl.1st.

  339 V - DOLING Elsie 18y W Southampton - £23 - £23,00 - $2875,00 - 0,48$/km - cl.2nd.

  340 V - DOLING Ada 34y W Southampton - £23 - £23,00 - $2875,00 - 0,48$/km - cl.2nd.

  341 V - DONOHOE Bridget 21y W Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  342 V - DOOLY Patrick 38y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  343 S - DORKING Edward 18y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  344 V - DOUGHERTY William 22y M Queenstown - £8 9s 2d - £8,46 - $1057,29 - 0,20$/km - cl.3rd.

  345 V - DOUGLAS Walter 50y M Cherbourg - £106 8s 6d - £106,43 - $13303,13 - 2,29$/km - cl.1st.

  346 S - DOUGLAS Mahala 48y W Cherbourg - £106 8s 6d - £106,43 - $13303,13 - 2,29$/km - cl.1st.

  347 S - DOUGLAS Mary 27y W Cherbourg - £247 10s 5d - £247,52 - $30940,10 - 5,33$/km - cl.1st.

  348 V - DOUTON William 55y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  349 S - DOWDELL Elizabeth 31y W Southampton - £12 9s 6d - £12,48 - $1559,38 - 0,26$/km - cl.3rd.

  350 V - DOYLE Elizabeth 28y W Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  351 V - DRAZENOVIC Jozef 33y M Cherbourg - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,17$/km - cl.3rd.

  352 S - DREW Marshall 8y M Southampton - £32 10s - £32,50 - $4062,50 - 0,68$/km - cl.2nd.

  353 V - DREW James 42y M Southampton - £32 10s - £32,50 - $4062,50 - 0,68$/km - cl.2nd.

  354 S - DREW Louisa 34y W Southampton - £32 10s - £32,50 - $4062,50 - 0,68$/km - cl.2nd.

  355 V - DROPKIN Jennie 24y W Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  356 S - DUFF Lucy 48y W Cherbourg - £56 18s 7d - £56,93 - $7116,15 - 1,22$/km - cl.1st.

  357 S - DUFF GORDON Cosmo 49y W Cherbourg - £39 12s - £39,60 - $4950,00 - 0,85$/km - cl.1st.

  358 V - DULLES William 39y M Cherbourg - £29 14s - £29,70 - $3712,50 - 0,64$/km - cl.1st.

  359 S - DUQUEMIN Joseph 24y M Southampton - £7 11s - £7,55 - $943,75 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  360 S - DURÁN I MONÉ Asuncion 27y M Cherbourg - £13 17s 2d - £13,86 - $1732,29 - 0,29$/km - cl.2nd.

  361 S - DURÁN I MONÉ Florentina 30y W Cherbourg - £13 17s 2d - £13,86 - $1732,29 - 0,29$/km - cl.2nd.

  362 V - DWAN Frank 65y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  363 V - DYKER Adolf 23y M Southampton - £13 18s - £13,90 - $1737,50 - 0,29$/km - cl.3rd.

  364 S - DYKER Anna 22y W Southampton - £13 18s - £13,90 - $1737,50 - 0,29$/km - cl.3rd.

  365 S - EARNSHAW Olive 23y W Cherbourg - £83 3s 2d - £83,16 - $10394,79 - 1,79$/km - cl.1st.

  366 V - EDVARDSSON Gustaf 18y M Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  367 V - EITEMILLER George 25y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  368 V - EKLUND Hans 16y M Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  369 V - EKSTRÖM Johan 45y M Southampton - £6 19s 6d - £6,98 - $871,88 - 0,14$/km - cl.3rd.

  370 V - ELIAS Dibo 29y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 6d - £7,23 - $903,13 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  371 V - ELIAS Joseph 15y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,23 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  372 V - ELIAS NASRALLAH Tannous 22y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,23 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  373 V - ELSBURY William 48y M Southampton - £7 5s - £7,25 - $906,25 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  374 S - EMANUEL Virginia 5y W Southampton - £12 9s 6d - £12,48 - $1559,38 - 0,26$/km - cl.3rd.

  375 V - ENANDER Ingvar 21y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  376 S - ENDRES Caroline 39y W Cherbourg - £247 10s 6d - £247,53 - $30940,63 - 5,33$/km - cl.1st.

  377 V - ESTANISLAU Manuel 37y M Southampton - £7 1s - £7,05 - $881,25 - 0,14$/km - cl.3rd.

  378 S - EUSTIS Elizabeth 54y W Cherbourg - £78 5s 4d - £78,27 - $9783,33 - 1,68$/km - cl.1st.

  379 V - EVANS Edith 36y W Cherbourg - £31 13s 7d - £31,68 - $3959,90 - 0,68$/km - cl.1st.

  380 V - EVERETT Thomas 37y M Southampton - £15 2s - £15,10 - $1887,50 - 0,31$/km - cl.3rd.

  381 V - FAHLSTRØM Arne 18y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  382 V - FARDON Charles 45y M Southampton - £7 5s - £7,25 - $906,25 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  383 V - FARRELL James 25y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  384 V - FARTHING John 57y M Southampton - £221 15s 7d - £221,78 - $27722,40 - 4,65$/km - cl.1st.

  385 V - FAUNTHORPE Harry 41y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  386 V - FILLBROOK Joseph 18y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

  387 S - FINOLI Luigi 34y M Southampton - £7 1s - £7,05 - $881,25 - 0,14$/km - cl.3rd.

  388 V - FISCHER Eberhard 18y M Southampton - £7 15s 11d - £7,80 - $974,48 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  389 S - FLEGENHEIM Antoinette 48y W Cherbourg - £31 13s 8d - £31,68 - $3960,42 - 0,68$/km - cl.1st.

  390 S - FLEMING Margaret 42y W Cherbourg - £110 17s 8d - £110,88 - $13860,42 - 2,38$/km - cl.1st.

  391 V - FLEMING Honora 22y W Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  392 S - FLYNN John 36y M Southampton - £26 5s 9d - £26,29 - $3285,94 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

  393 V - FLYNN James 28y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  394 V - FLYNN John 42y M Queenstown - £6 19s - £6,95 - $868,75 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  395 V - FOLEY Joseph 19y M Queenstown - £7 17s 7d - £7,88 - $984,90 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  396 V - FOLEY William 20y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  397 S - FOO Choong 32y M Southampton - £56 9s 11d - £56,50 - $7061,98 - 1,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  398 V - FORD Dollina 20y W Southampton - £34 7s 6d - £34,38 - $4296,88 - 0,72$/km - cl.3rd.

  399 V - FORD Robina 7y W Southampton - £34 7s 6d - £34,38 - $4296,88 - 0,72$/km - cl.3rd.

  400 V - FORD Arthur 22y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  401 V - FORD Edward 18y M Southampton - £34 7s 6d - £34,38 - $4296,88 - 0,72$/km - cl.3rd.

  402 V - FORD William 16y M Southampton - £34 7s 6d - £34,38 - $4296,88 - 0,72$/km - cl.3rd.

  403 V - FORD Margaret 54y W Southampton - £34 7s 6d - £34,38 - $4296,88 - 0,72$/km - cl.3rd.

  404 V - FOREMAN Benjamin 30y M Southampton - £27 15s - £27,75 - $3468,75 - 0,58$/km - cl.1st.

  405 S - FORTUNE Alice 24y W Southampton - £263 - £263,00 - $32875,00 - 5,51$/km - cl.1st.

  406 S - FORTUNE Ethel 28y W Southampton - £263 - £263,00 - $32875,00 - 5,51$/km - cl.1st.

  407 S - FORTUNE Mabel 23y W Southampton - £263 - £263,00 - $32875,00 - 5,51$/km - cl.1st.

  408 V - FORTUNE Charles 19y M Southampton - £263 - £263,00 - $32875,00 - 5,51$/km - cl.1st.

  409 V - FORTUNE Mark 64y M Southampton - £263 - £263,00 - $32875,00 - 5,51$/km - cl.1st.

  410 S - FORTUNE Mary 60y W Southampton - £263 - £263,00 - $32875,00 - 5,51$/km - cl.1st.

  411 V - FOX Stanley 38y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  412 V - FOX Patrick 28y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  413 S - FRANCATELLI Laura 31y W Cherbourg - £56 18s 7d - £56,93 - $7116,15 - 1,22$/km - cl.1st.

  414 V - FRANKLIN Thomas 37y M Southampton - £26 11s - £26,55 - $3318,75 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

  415 S - FRAUENTHAL Henry 49y M Southampton - £133 13s - £133,65 - $16706,25 - 2,80$/km - cl.1st.

  416 S - FRAUENTHAL Isaac 43y M Cherbourg - £27 14s 5d - £27,72 - $3465,10 - 0,59$/km - cl.1st.

  417 S - FRAUENTHAL Clara 42y W Southampton - £133 13s - £133,65 - $16706,25 - 2,80$/km - cl.1st.

  418 S - FRÖLICHER Hedwig 22y W Cherbourg - £49 10s - £49,50 - $6187,50 - 1,06$/km - cl.1st.

  419 S - FRÖLICHER-STEHLI Maximilian 60y M Cherbourg - £79 4s - £79,20 - $9900,00 - 1,70$/km - cl.1st.

  420 S - FRÖLICHER-STEHLI Margaretha 48y W Cherbourg - £79 4s - £79,20 - $9900,00 - 1,70$/km - cl.1st.

  421 V - FROST Anthony 38y M Belfast - - - - - cl.2nd.

  422 V - FRY Richard 39y M Southampton - - - - - cl.1st.

  423 V - FUNK Annie 38y W Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  424 V - FUTRELLE Jacques 37y M Southampton - £53 2s - £53,10 - $6637,50 - 1,11$/km - cl.1st.

  425 S - FUTRELLE Lily 35y W Southampton - £53 2s - £53,10 - $6637,50 - 1,11$/km - cl.1st.

  426 V - FYNNEY Joseph 35y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  427 V - GALE Harry 38y M Southampton - £21 - £21,00 - $2625,00 - 0,44$/km - cl.2nd.

  428 V - GALE Shadrach 33y M Southampton - £21 - £21,00 - $2625,00 - 0,44$/km - cl.2nd.

  429 V - GALLAGHER Martin 29y M Queenstown - £7 14s 10d - £7,74 - $967,71 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  430 V - GARFIRTH John 21y M Southampton - £14 10s - £14,50 - $1812,50 - 0,30$/km - cl.3rd.

  431 S - GARSIDE Ethel 39y W Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  432 V - GASKELL William 18y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  433 V - GAVEY Laurence 26y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

  434 V - GEE Arthur 47y M Southampton - £38 10s - £38,50 - $4812,50 - 0,80$/km - cl.1st.

  435 S - GEORGE/JOSEPH Shawneene 38y W Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,23 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  436 V - GERIOS THAMAH Assaf 21y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 6d - £7,23 - $903,13 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  437 V - GHEORGHEFF Stanio 30y M Cherbourg - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,17$/km - cl.3rd.

  438 S - GIBSON Dorothy 22y W Cherbourg - £59 8s - £59,40 - $7425,00 - 1,28$/km - cl.1st.

  439 S - GIBSON Pauline 44y W Cherbourg - £59 8s - £59,40 - $7425,00 - 1,28$/km - cl.1st.

  440 S - GIEGER Amalie 35y W Southampton - £211 10s - £211,50 - $26437,50 - 4,43$/km - cl.1st.

  441 V - GIGLIO Victor 23y M Cherbourg - £79 4s - £79,20 - $9900,00 - 1,70$/km - cl.1st.

  442 V - GILBERT William 47y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

  443 V - GILES Edgar 21y M Southampton - £11 10s - £11,50 - $1437,50 - 0,24$/km - cl.2nd.

  444 V - GILES Frederick 20y M Southampton - £11 10s - £11,50 - $1437,50 - 0,24$/km - cl.2nd.

  445 V - GILES Ralph 24y M Southampton - £13 10s - £13,50 - $1687,50 - 0,28$/km - cl.2nd.

  446 V - GILINSKI Eliezer 22y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  447 V - GILL John 24y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  448 V - GILLESPIE William 31y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  449 S - GILNAGH Mary 17y W Queenstown - £7 14s 8d - £7,73 - $966,67 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  450 V - GIVARD Hans 30y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  451 S - GLYNN Mary 19y W Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  452 S - GOLDENBERG Samuel 47y M Cherbourg - £89 2s 1d - £89,10 - $11138,02 - 1,92$/km - cl.1st.

  453 S - GOLDENBERG Nella 40y W Cherbourg - £89 2s 1d - £89,10 - $11138,02 - 1,92$/km - cl.1st.

  454 V - GOLDSCHMIDT George 71y M Cherbourg - £34 13s 1d - £34,65 - $4331,77 - 0,74$/km - cl.1st.

  455 S - GOLDSMITH Frank 9y M Southampton - £20 10s 6d - £20,53 - $2565,63 - 0,43$/km - cl.3rd.

  456 V - GOLDSMITH Frank 33y M Southampton - £20 10s 6d - £20,53 - $2565,63 - 0,43$/km - cl.3rd.

  457 V - GOLDSMITH Nathan 41y M Southampton - £7 17s - £7,85 - $981,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  458 S - GOLDSMITH Emily 31y W Southampton - £20 10s 6d - £20,53 - $2565,63 - 0,43$/km - cl.3rd.

  459 V - GOODWIN Harold 9y M Southampton - £46 18s - £46,90 - $5862,50 - 0,98$/km - cl.3rd.

  460 V - GOODWIN Sidney 1y M Southampton - £46 18s - £46,90 - $5862,50 - 0,98$/km - cl.3rd.

  461 V - GOODWIN William 11y M Southampton - £46 18s - £46,90 - $5862,50 - 0,98$/km - cl.3rd.

  462 V - GOODWIN Jessie 10y W Southampton - £46 18s - £46,90 - $5862,50 - 0,98$/km - cl.3rd.

  463 V - GOODWIN Lillian 16y W Southampton - £46 18s - £46,90 - $5862,50 - 0,98$/km - cl.3rd.

  464 V - GOODWIN Charles 14y M Southampton - £46 18s - £46,90 - $5862,50 - 0,98$/km - cl.3rd.

  465 V - GOODWIN Frederick 42y M Southampton - £46 18s - £46,90 - $5862,50 - 0,98$/km - cl.3rd.

  466 V - GOODWIN Augusta 43y W Southampton - £46 18s - £46,90 - $5862,50 - 0,98$/km - cl.3rd.

  467 S - GRACIE Archibald 53y M Southampton - £28 10s - £28,50 - $3562,50 - 0,59$/km - cl.1st.

  468 S - GRAHAM Margaret 19y W Southampton - £153 9s 3d - £153,46 - $19182,81 - 3,22$/km - cl.1st.

  469 V - GRAHAM George 38y M Southampton - £30 - £30,00 - $3750,00 - 0,62$/km - cl.1st.

  470 S - GRAHAM Edith 59y W Southampton - £153 9s 3d - £153,46 - $19182,81 - 3,22$/km - cl.1st.

  471 V - GREEN George 40y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  472 V - GREENBERG Samuel 52y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  473 S - GREENFIELD William 23y M Cherbourg - £63 7s 2d - £63,36 - $7919,79 - 1,36$/km - cl.1st.

  474 S - GREENFIELD Blanche 45y W Cherbourg - £63 7s 2d - £63,36 - $7919,79 - 1,36$/km - cl.1st.

  475 V - GRØNNESTAD Daniel 32y M Southampton - £8 6s 15d - £8,36 - $1045,31 - 0,17$/km - cl.3rd.

  476 V - GUEST Robert 23y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  477 V - GUGGENHEIM Benjamin 46y M Cherbourg - £79 4s - £79,20 - $9900,00 - 1,70$/km - cl.1st.

  478 V - GUSTAFSSON Alfred 19y M Southampton - £9 16s 11d - £9,85 - $1230,73 - 0,20$/km - cl.3rd.

  479 V - GUSTAFSSON Anders 37y M Southampton - £7 18s 6d - £7,93 - $990,63 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  480 V - GUSTAFSSON Johan 28y M Southampton - £7 18s 6d - £7,93 - $990,63 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  481 V - GUSTAFSSON Karl 19y M Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  482 V - HAAS Aloisia 24y W Southampton - £8 17s - £8,85 - $1106,25 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  483 V - HAGLAND Ingvald 28y M Southampton - £6 19s 4d - £6,97 - $870,83 - 0,14$/km - cl.3rd.

  484 V - HAGLAND Konrad 19y M Southampton - £6 19s 4d - £6,97 - $870,83 - 0,14$/km - cl.3rd.

  485 V - HAKKARAINEN Pekka 28y M Southampton - £15 17s - £15,85 - $1981,25 - 0,33$/km - cl.3rd.

  486 S - HAKKARAINEN Elin 24y W Southampton - £15 17s - £15,85 - $1981,25 - 0,33$/km - cl.3rd.

  487 V - HALE Reginald 30y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  488 S - HÄMÄLÄINEN Viljo 1y M Southampton - £14 10s - £14,50 - $1812,50 - 0,30$/km - cl.2nd.

  489 S - HÄMÄLÄINEN Anna 23y W Southampton - £14 10s - £14,50 - $1812,50 - 0,30$/km - cl.2nd.

  490 V - HAMPE Léon 19y M Southampton - £9 10s - £9,50 - $1187,50 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

  491 V - HANNA Boulos 18y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 6d - £7,23 - $903,13 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  492 V - HANNA Mansour 35y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,23 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  493 S - HANNAH Borak 27y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,23 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  494 V - HANSEN Claus 41y M Southampton - £14 2s 2d - £14,11 - $1763,54 - 0,29$/km - cl.3rd.

  495 V - HANSEN Henrik 26y M Southampton - £7 17s 1d - £7,85 - $981,77 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  496 V - HANSEN Henry 21y M Southampton - £7 17s 1d - £7,85 - $981,77 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  497 S - HANSEN Jennie 45y W Southampton - £14 2s 2d - £14,11 - $1763,54 - 0,29$/km - cl.3rd.

  498 V - HARBECK William 44y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  499 S - HARDER George 25y M Cherbourg - £55 8s 10d - £55,44 - $6930,21 - 1,19$/km - cl.1st.

  500 S - HARDER Dorothy 21y W Cherbourg - £55 8s 10d - £55,44 - $6930,21 - 1,19$/km - cl.1st.

  501 V - HARGADON Catherine 17y W Queenstown - £7 14s 8d - £7,73 - $966,67 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  502 V - HARKNETT Alice 22y W Southampton - £7 11s - £7,55 - $943,75 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  503 S - HARPER Henry 48y M Cherbourg - £76 14s 7d - £76,73 - $9591,15 - 1,65$/km - cl.1st.

  504 S - HARPER Myra 49y W Cherbourg - £76 14s 7d - £76,73 - $9591,15 - 1,65$/km - cl.1st.

  505 S - HARPER Annie 6y W Southampton - £33 - £33,00 - $4125,00 - 0,69$/km - cl.2nd.

  506 V - HARPER John 39y W Southampton - £33 - £33,00 - $4125,00 - 0,69$/km - cl.2nd.

  507 V - HARRINGTON Charles 37y M Southampton - £42 8s - £42,40 - $5300,00 - 0,88$/km - cl.1st.

  508 V - HARRIS Henry 45y M Southampton - £83 9s 6d - £83,48 - $10434,38 - 1,75$/km - cl.1st.

  509 S - HARRIS Irene 35y W Southampton - £83 9s 6d - £83,48 - $10434,38 - 1,75$/km - cl.1st.

  510 S - HARRIS George 62y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

  511 V - HARRIS Walter 44y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

  512 V - HARRISON William 45y M Southampton - - - - - cl.1st.

  513 S - HART Eva 7y W Southampton - £26 5s - £26,25 - $3281,25 - 0,55$/km - cl.2nd.

  514 V - HART Benjamin 47y M Southampton - £26 5s - £26,25 - $3281,25 - 0,55$/km - cl.2nd.

  515 S - HART Esther 48y W Southampton - £26 5s - £26,25 - $3281,25 - 0,55$/km - cl.2nd.

  516 V - HART Henry 28y M Queenstown - £6 17s 2d - £6,86 - $857,29 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  517 V - HARTLEY Wallace 33y M Southampton - - - - - cl.2nd.

  518 S - HASSAB Hammad 27y M Cherbourg - £76 14s 7d - £76,73 - $9591,15 - 1,65$/km - cl.1st.

  519 S - HASSAN ABILMONA Houssein 11y M Cherbourg - £18 15s 9d - £18,79 - $2348,44 - 0,40$/km - cl.3rd.

  520 S - HAWKSFORD Walter 45y M Southampton - £30 - £30,00 - $3750,00 - 0,62$/km - cl.1st.

  521 S - HAYS Margaret 24y W Cherbourg - £83 3s 2d - £83,16 - $10394,79 - 1,79$/km - cl.1st.

  522 V - HAYS Charles 55y M Southampton - £93 10s - £93,50 - $11687,50 - 1,96$/km - cl.1st.

  523 S - HAYS Clara 52y W Southampton - £93 10s - £93,50 - $11687,50 - 1,96$/km - cl.1st.

  524 V - HEAD Christopher 43y M Southampton - £42 10s - £42,50 - $5312,50 - 0,89$/km - cl.1st.

  525 S - HEALY Hanora 29y W Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  526 S - HEDMAN Oskar 27y M Southampton - £6 19s 6d - £6,98 - $871,88 - 0,14$/km - cl.3rd.

  527 S - HEE Ling 24y M Southampton - £56 9s 11d - £56,50 - $7061,98 - 1,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  528 V - HEGARTY Hanora 18y W Queenstown - £6 15s - £6,75 - $843,75 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  529 V - HEIKKINEN Laina 26y W Southampton - £7 18s 6d - £7,93 - $990,63 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  530 V - HEININEN Wendla 23y W Southampton - £7 18s 6d - £7,93 - $990,63 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  531 S - HELLSTRÖM Hilda 22y W Southampton - £8 19s 3d - £8,96 - $1120,31 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  532 V - HENDEKOVIC Ignjac 28y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  533 V - HENRIKSSON Jenny 28y W Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  534 V - HENRY Bridget 21y W Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  535 S - HERMAN Alice 23y W Southampton - £65 - £65,00 - $8125,00 - 1,36$/km - cl.2nd.

  536 S - HERMAN Kate 23y W Southampton - £65 - £65,00 - $8125,00 - 1,36$/km - cl.2nd.

  537 V - HERMAN Samuel 49y M Southampton - £65 - £65,00 - $8125,00 - 1,36$/km - cl.2nd.

  538 S - HERMAN Jane 48y W Southampton - £65 - £65,00 - $8125,00 - 1,36$/km - cl.2nd.

  539 S - HEWLETT Mary 56y W Southampton - £16 - £16,00 - $2000,00 - 0,33$/km - cl.2nd.

  540 V - HICKMAN Leonard 24y M Southampton - £73 10s - £73,50 - $9187,50 - 1,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  541 V - HICKMAN Lewis 30y M Southampton - £73 10s - £73,50 - $9187,50 - 1,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  542 V - HICKMAN Stanley 20y M Southampton - £73 10s - £73,50 - $9187,50 - 1,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  543 V - HILLIARD Herbert 44y M Southampton - £51 17s 3d - £51,86 - $6482,81 - 1,08$/km - cl.1st.

  544 V - HILTUNEN Marta 18y W Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  545 V - HIPKINS William 55y M Southampton - £50 - £50,00 - $6250,00 - 1,04$/km - cl.1st.

  546 S - HIPPACH Jean 17y W Cherbourg - £57 19s 7d - £57,98 - $7247,40 - 1,24$/km - cl.1st.

  547 S - HIPPACH Ida 44y W Cherbourg - £57 19s 7d - £57,98 - $7247,40 - 1,24$/km - cl.1st.

  548 S - HIRVONEN Hildur 2y W Southampton - £12 5s 9d - £12,29 - $1535,94 - 0,25$/km - cl.3rd.

  549 S - HIRVONEN Helga 22y W Southampton - £12 5s 9d - £12,29 - $1535,94 - 0,25$/km - cl.3rd.

  550 S - HOCKING Ellen 20y W Southampton - £23 - £23,00 - $2875,00 - 0,48$/km - cl.2nd.

  551 V - HOCKING Richard 23y M Southampton - £11 10s - £11,50 - $1437,50 - 0,24$/km - cl.2nd.

  552 V - HOCKING Samuel 36y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  553 S - HOCKING Elizabeth 54y W Southampton - £23 - £23,00 - $2875,00 - 0,48$/km - cl.2nd.

  554 V - HODGES Henry 50y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  555 S - HOGEBOOM Anna 51y W Cherbourg - £77 19s 2d - £77,96 - $9744,79 - 1,68$/km - cl.1st.

  556 V - HOLD Stephen 44y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  557 S - HOLD Annie 29y W Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  558 V - HOLM John 43y M Southampton - £6 9s - £6,45 - $806,25 - 0,13$/km - cl.3rd.

  559 V - HOLTHEN Johan 28y M Southampton - £22 10s 6d - £22,53 - $2815,63 - 0,47$/km - cl.3rd.

  560 V - HOLVERSON Alexander 42y M Southampton - £52 - £52,00 - $6500,00 - 1,09$/km - cl.1st.

  561 S - HOLVERSON Mary 35y W Southampton - £52 - £52,00 - $6500,00 - 1,09$/km - cl.1st.

  562 S - HOMER Harry 40y M Southampton - £26 11s - £26,55 - $3318,75 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

  563 V - HONKANEN Eliina 27y W Southampton - £7 18s 6d - £7,93 - $990,63 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  564 V - HOOD Ambrose 21y M Southampton - £73 10s - £73,50 - $9187,50 - 1,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  565 V - HORGAN John 22y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  566 S - HOSONO Masabumi 41y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  567 V - HOWARD Benjamin 63y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  568 V - HOWARD Ellen 61y W Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  569 S - HOWARD May 26y W Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  570 S - HOYT Frederick 38y M Southampton - £100 - £100,00 - $12500,00 - 2,09$/km - cl.1st.

  571 S - HOYT William 42y M Cherbourg - £30 13s 11d - £30,70 - $3836,98 - 0,66$/km - cl.1st.

  572 S - HOYT Jane 31y W Southampton - £100 - £100,00 - $12500,00 - 2,09$/km - cl.1st.

  573 V - HUMBLEN Adolf 42y M Southampton - £7 13s - £7,65 - $956,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  574 V - HUME John 21y M Southampton - - - - - cl.2nd.

  575 V - HUNT George 33y M Southampton - £12 5s 6d - £12,28 - $1534,38 - 0,25$/km - cl.2nd.

  576 S - HYMAN Abraham 34y M Southampton - £7 17s 9d - £7,89 - $985,94 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  577 S - IBRĀHĪM Sāfiyah 18y W Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,23 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  578 V - IBRAHIM SHAWAH Yousseff 33y M Cherbourg - £14 9s 2d - £14,46 - $1807,29 - 0,31$/km - cl.3rd.

  579 S - ICARD Rose 39y W Southampton - £80 - £80,00 - $10000,00 - 1,67$/km - cl.1st.

  580 V - ILETT Bertha 17y W Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

  581 V - ILIEFF Ylio 32y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  582 V - ILMAKANGAS Ida 27y W Southampton - £7 18s 6d - £7,93 - $990,63 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  583 V - ILMAKANGAS Pieta 25y W Southampton - £7 18s 6d - £7,93 - $990,63 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  584 V - ISHAM Ann 50y W Cherbourg - £28 14s 3d - £28,71 - $3589,06 - 0,61$/km - cl.1st.

  585 S - ISMAY Joseph 49y M Southampton - - - - - cl.1st.

  586 V - IVANOFF Kanio 20y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  587 V - JABBUR (ZABOUR) Hileni 16y W Cherbourg - £14 9s 1d - £14,45 - $1806,77 - 0,31$/km - cl.3rd.

  588 V - JABBUR (ZABOUR) Thamine 19y W Cherbourg - £14 9s 1d - £14,45 - $1806,77 - 0,31$/km - cl.3rd.

  589 V - JACOBSOHN Sidney 42y M Southampton - £27 - £27,00 - $3375,00 - 0,56$/km - cl.2nd.

  590 S - JACOBSOHN Amy 24y W Southampton - £27 - £27,00 - $3375,00 - 0,56$/km - cl.2nd.

  591 S - JALŠEVAC Ivan 29y M Cherbourg - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,17$/km - cl.3rd.

  592 S - JANSSON Carl 21y M Southampton - £7 15s 11d - £7,80 - $974,48 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  593 V - JARDIM José 21y M Southampton - £7 1s - £7,05 - $881,25 - 0,14$/km - cl.3rd.

  594 V - JARVIS Denzil 47y M Southampton - £15 - £15,00 - $1875,00 - 0,31$/km - cl.2nd.

  595 V - JEFFERYS Clifford 24y M Southampton - £31 10s - £31,50 - $3937,50 - 0,66$/km - cl.2nd.

  596 V - JEFFERYS Ernest 22y M Southampton - £31 10s - £31,50 - $3937,50 - 0,66$/km - cl.2nd.

  597 V - JENKIN Stephen 32y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

  598 V - JENSEN Hans 20y M Southampton - £7 17s 1d - £7,85 - $981,77 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  599 V - JENSEN Niels 48y M Southampton - £7 1s 1d - £7,05 - $881,77 - 0,14$/km - cl.3rd.

  600 V - JENSEN Svend 17y M Southampton - £7 17s 1d - £7,85 - $981,77 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  601 S - JERMYN Annie 26y W Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  602 S - JERWAN Marie 23y W Cherbourg - £13 15s 10d - £13,79 - $1723,96 - 0,29$/km - cl.2nd.

  603 S - JOHANNESEN Bernt 29y M Southampton - £8 2s 3d - £8,11 - $1014,06 - 0,17$/km - cl.3rd.

  604 V - JOHANSON Jakob 34y M Southampton - £6 9s 11d - £6,50 - $811,98 - 0,13$/km - cl.3rd.

  605 V - JOHANSSON Erik 22y M Southampton - £7 15s 11d - £7,80 - $974,48 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  606 V - JOHANSSON Gustaf 33y M Southampton - £8 13s 1d - £8,65 - $1081,77 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  607 V - JOHANSSON Karl 31y M Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  608 V - JOHANSSON Nils 29y M Southampton - £7 17s 1d - £7,85 - $981,77 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  609 S - JOHANSSON PALMQUIST Oskar 26y M Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  610 S - JOHNSON Harold 4y M Southampton - £11 2s 8d - £11,13 - $1391,67 - 0,23$/km - cl.3rd.

  611 S - JOHNSON Eleanor 1y W Southampton - £11 2s 8d - £11,13 - $1391,67 - 0,23$/km - cl.3rd.

  612 V - JOHNSON August 49y M Southampton - - - - - cl.3rd.

  613 V - JOHNSON Malkolm 33y M Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  614 V - JOHNSON William 19y M Southampton - - - - - cl.3rd.

  615 S - JOHNSON Elisabeth 26y W Southampton - £11 2s 8d - £11,13 - $1391,67 - 0,23$/km - cl.3rd.

  616 V - JOHNSTON William 8y M Southampton - £23 9s - £23,45 - $2931,25 - 0,49$/km - cl.3rd.

  617 V - JOHNSTON Catherine 7y W Southampton - £23 9s - £23,45 - $2931,25 - 0,49$/km - cl.3rd.

  618 V - JOHNSTON Andrew 35y M Southampton - £23 9s - £23,45 - $2931,25 - 0,49$/km - cl.3rd.

  619 V - JOHNSTON Eliza 36y W Southampton - £23 9s - £23,45 - $2931,25 - 0,49$/km - cl.3rd.

  620 V - JONES Charles 46y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.1st.

  621 V - JONKOFF Lalio 23y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  622 S - JONSSON Carl 25y M Southampton - £7 17s 1d - £7,85 - $981,77 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  623 V - JÖNSSON Nils 27y M Southampton - £7 17s 1d - £7,85 - $981,77 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  624 V - JOSEPH (SHAHIN) Elias 39y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,23 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  625 V - JULIAN Henry 50y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.1st.

  626 V - JUSSILA Katriina 20y W Southampton - £9 16s 10d - £9,84 - $1230,21 - 0,20$/km - cl.3rd.

  627 V - JUSSILA Mari 21y W Southampton - £9 16s 10d - £9,84 - $1230,21 - 0,20$/km - cl.3rd.

  628 S - JUSSILA Eiriik 32y M Southampton - £7 18s 6d - £7,93 - $990,63 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  629 V - KALLIO Nikolai 17y M Southampton - £7 2s 6d - £7,13 - $890,63 - 0,14$/km - cl.3rd.

  630 V - KALVIK Johannes 21y M Southampton - £8 8s 8d - £8,43 - $1054,17 - 0,17$/km - cl.3rd.

  631 V - KANTOR Sinai 34y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  632 S - KANTOR Miriam 24y W Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  633 V - KARAJIC Milan 30y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  634 S - KARLSSON Einar 21y M Southampton - £7 15s 11d - £7,80 - $974,48 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  635 V - KARLSSON Julius 33y M Southampton - £7 17s 1d - £7,85 - $981,77 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  636 V - KARLSSON Nils 22y M Southampton - £7 10s 5d - £7,52 - $940,10 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  637 V - KARNES Claire 28y W Southampton - £21 - £21,00 - $2625,00 - 0,44$/km - cl.2nd.

  638 S - KARUN Manca 4y W Cherbourg - £13 8s 4d - £13,42 - $1677,08 - 0,28$/km - cl.3rd.

  639 S - KARUN Franz 39y M Cherbourg - £13 8s 4d - £13,42 - $1677,08 - 0,28$/km - cl.3rd.

  640 V - KASSEM HOUSSEIN Fared 18y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,23 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  641 V - KATAVELOS Vasilios 19y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,23 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  642 S - KEANE Nora 46y W Queenstown - £12 7s - £12,35 - $1543,75 - 0,29$/km - cl.2nd.

  643 V - KEANE Daniel 35y M Queenstown - £12 7s - £12,35 - $1543,75 - 0,29$/km - cl.2nd.

  644 V - KEANE Andrew 23y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  645 V - KEEFE Arthur 39y M Southampton - £7 5s - £7,25 - $906,25 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  646 V - KEEPING Edwin 34y M Southampton - £211 10s - £211,50 - $26437,50 - 4,43$/km - cl.1st.

  647 S - KELLY Fanny 45y W Southampton - £13 10s - £13,50 - $1687,50 - 0,28$/km - cl.2nd.

  648 S - KELLY Anna 20y W Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  649 S - KELLY Mary 22y W Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  650 V - KELLY James 19y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  651 V - KELLY James 44y M Queenstown - £7 16s 7d - £7,83 - $978,65 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  652 V - KENNEDY John 24y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  653 V - KENT Edward 58y M Cherbourg - £29 14s - £29,70 - $3712,50 - 0,64$/km - cl.1st.

  654 V - KENYON Frederick 41y M Southampton - £51 17s 3d - £51,86 - $6482,81 - 1,08$/km - cl.1st.

  655 S - KENYON Marion 40y W Southampton - £51 17s 3d - £51,86 - $6482,81 - 1,08$/km - cl.1st.

  656 V - KHALIL Betros 25y M Cherbourg - £14 9s 1d - £14,45 - $1806,77 - 0,31$/km - cl.3rd.

  657 V - KHALIL Zahie 20y W Cherbourg - £14 9s 1d - £14,45 - $1806,77 - 0,31$/km - cl.3rd.

  658 V - KIERNAN John 25y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  659 V - KIERNAN Philip 22y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  660 V - KILGANNON Thomas 22y M Queenstown - £7 14s 9d - £7,74 - $967,19 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  661 S - KIMBALL Edwin 42y M Southampton - £52 11s 1d - £52,55 - $6569,27 - 1,10$/km - cl.1st.

  662 S - KIMBALL Susan 45y W Southampton - £52 11s 1d - £52,55 - $6569,27 - 1,10$/km - cl.1st.

  663 V - KINK Maria 22y W Southampton - £8 13s 3d - £8,66 - $1082,81 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  664 S - KINK Anton 29y M Southampton - £22 6d - £22,03 - $2753,13 - 0,46$/km - cl.3rd.

  665 V - KINK Vincenz 26y M Southampton - £8 13s 3d - £8,66 - $1082,81 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  666 S - KINK-HEILMANN Luise 4y W Southampton - £22 6d - £22,03 - $2753,13 - 0,46$/km - cl.3rd.

  667 S - KINK-HEILMANN Luise 26y W Southampton - £22 6d - £22,03 - $2753,13 - 0,46$/km - cl.3rd.

  668 V - KIRKLAND Charles 52y M Queenstown - £12 7s - £12,35 - $1543,75 - 0,29$/km - cl.2nd.

  669 V - KLABER Herman 41y M Southampton - £26 11s - £26,55 - $3318,75 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

  670 V - KLASÉN Gertrud 1y W Southampton - £12 3s 8d - £12,18 - $1522,92 - 0,25$/km - cl.3rd.

  671 V - KLASÉN Klas 18y M Southampton - £7 17s 1d - £7,85 - $981,77 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  672 V - KLASÉN Hulda 36y W Southampton - £12 3s 8d - £12,18 - $1522,92 - 0,25$/km - cl.3rd.

  673 V - KNIGHT Robert 39y M Belfast - - - - - cl.2nd.

  674 V - KRAEFF Theodor 30y M Cherbourg - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,17$/km - cl.3rd.

  675 S - KREKORIAN Neshan 25y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,23 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  676 S - KREUCHEN Emilie 29y W Southampton - £211 6s 9d - £211,34 - $26417,19 - 4,43$/km - cl.1st.

  677 V - KRINS Georges 23y M Southampton - - - - - cl.2nd.

  678 V - KUTSCHER (LITHMAN) Simon 26y M Southampton - £7 11s - £7,55 - $943,75 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  679 V - KVILLNER Johan 31y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

  680 V - LAHHŪD ISHAQ MU'AWWAD Sarkīs 30y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 6d - £7,23 - $903,13 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  681 V - LAHTINEN William 35y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  682 V - LAHTINEN Anna 34y W Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  683 V - LAITINEN Kristina 37y W Southampton - £9 11s 9d - £9,59 - $1198,44 - 0,20$/km - cl.3rd.

  684 V - LALEFF Kristo 23y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  685 S - LAM Ali 38y M Southampton - £56 9s 11d - £56,50 - $7061,98 - 1,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  686 V - LAM Len 23y M Southampton - £56 9s 11d - £56,50 - $7061,98 - 1,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  687 V - LAMB John 30y M Queenstown - £10 14s 2d - £10,71 - $1338,54 - 0,25$/km - cl.2nd.

  688 S - LANDERGREN Aurora 22y W Southampton - £7 5s - £7,25 - $906,25 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  689 V - LANE Patrick 16y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  690 S - LANG Fang 32y M Southampton - £56 9s 11d - £56,50 - $7061,98 - 1,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  691 S - LAROCHE Louise 1y W Cherbourg - £41 11s 7d - £41,58 - $5197,40 - 0,89$/km - cl.2nd.

  692 S - LAROCHE Simonne 3y W Cherbourg - £41 11s 7d - £41,58 - $5197,40 - 0,89$/km - cl.2nd.

  693 V - LAROCHE Joseph 25y M Cherbourg - £41 11s 7d - £41,58 - $5197,40 - 0,89$/km - cl.2nd.

  694 S - LAROCHE Juliette 22y W Cherbourg - £41 11s 7d - £41,58 - $5197,40 - 0,89$/km - cl.2nd.

  695 V - LARSSON August 29y M Southampton - £9 9s 8d - £9,48 - $1185,42 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

  696 V - LARSSON Bengt 29y M Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  697 V - LARSSON-RONDBERG Edvard 22y M Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  698 S - LEADER Alice 49y M Southampton - £25 18s 7d - £25,93 - $3241,15 - 0,54$/km - cl.1st.

  699 V - LEFEBVRE Henry 5y M Southampton - £25 9s 4d - £25,47 - $3183,33 - 0,53$/km - cl.3rd.

  700 V - LEFEBVRE Ida 3y W Southampton - £25 9s 4d - £25,47 - $3183,33 - 0,53$/km - cl.3rd.

  701 V - LEFEBVRE Jeannie 8y W Southampton - £25 9s 4d - £25,47 - $3183,33 - 0,53$/km - cl.3rd.

  702 V - LEFEBVRE Mathilde 12y W Southampton - £25 9s 4d - £25,47 - $3183,33 - 0,53$/km - cl.3rd.

  703 V - LEFEBVRE Frances 40y W Southampton - £25 9s 4d - £25,47 - $3183,33 - 0,53$/km - cl.3rd.

  704 S - LEHMANN Bertha 17y W Cherbourg - £12 - £12,00 - $1500,00 - 0,25$/km - cl.2nd.

  705 V - LEINONEN Antti 32y M Southampton - £7 18s 6d - £7,93 - $990,63 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  706 S - LEITCH Jessie 31y W Southampton - £33 - £33,00 - $4125,00 - 0,69$/km - cl.2nd.

  707 S - LEMORE Amelia 46y W Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

  708 V - LENNON Denis 20y M Queenstown - £15 10s - £15,50 - $1937,50 - 0,37$/km - cl.3rd.

  709 S - LEROY Berthe 27y W Cherbourg - £106 8s 6d - £106,43 - $13303,13 - 2,29$/km - cl.1st.

  710 V - LESTER James 26y M Southampton - £24 3s - £24,15 - $3018,75 - 0,50$/km - cl.3rd.

  711 S - LESUEUR Gustave 35y M Cherbourg - £512 6s 7d - £512,33 - $64041,15 - 11,0$/km - cl.1st.

  712 V - LÉVY René 36y M Southampton - £12 17s 6d - £12,88 - $1609,38 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  713 V - LEWY Ervin 30y M Cherbourg - £27 14s 5d - £27,72 - $3465,10 - 0,59$/km - cl.1st.

  714 V - LEYSON Robert 25y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

  715 V - LIEVENS René 24y M Southampton - £9 10s - £9,50 - $1187,50 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

  716 V - LINDAHL Agda 25y W Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  717 V - LINDBLOM Augusta 45y W Southampton - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  718 V - LINDEBERG-LIND Erik 42y M Southampton - £26 11s - £26,55 - $3318,75 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

  719 S - LINDELL Edvard 36y M Southampton - £15 11s - £15,55 - $1943,75 - 0,32$/km - cl.3rd.

  720 S - LINDELL Elin 30y W Southampton - £15 11s - £15,55 - $1943,75 - 0,32$/km - cl.3rd.

  721 S - LINDQVIST Eino 20y M Southampton - £7 18s 6d - £7,93 - $990,63 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  722 S - LINDSTRÖM Sigrid 55y W Cherbourg - £27 14s 5d - £27,72 - $3465,10 - 0,59$/km - cl.1st.

  723 V - LINEHAN Michael 21y M Queenstown - £7 17s 7d - £7,88 - $984,90 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  724 S - LINES Mary 16y W Cherbourg - £39 8s - £39,40 - $4925,00 - 0,84$/km - cl.1st.

  725 S - LINES Elizabeth 50y W Cherbourg - £39 8s - £39,40 - $4925,00 - 0,84$/km - cl.1st.

  726 V - LING Lee 28y M Southampton - £56 9s 11d - £56,50 - $7061,98 - 1,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  727 V - LINHART Wenzel 27y M Southampton - £9 10s - £9,50 - $1187,50 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

  728 V - LINNANE John 61y M Queenstown - £12 7s - £12,35 - $1543,75 - 0,29$/km - cl.2nd.

  729 S - LIVSHIN David 25y M Southampton - £7 5s - £7,25 - $906,25 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  730 V - LOBB William 30y M Southampton - £16 2s - £16,10 - $2012,50 - 0,33$/km - cl.3rd.

  731 V - LOBB Cordelia 26y W Southampton - £16 2s - £16,10 - $2012,50 - 0,33$/km - cl.3rd.

  732 V - LOCKYER Edward 19y M Southampton - £7 17s 7d - £7,88 - $984,90 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  733 V - LONG Milton 29y M Southampton - £30 - £30,00 - $3750,00 - 0,62$/km - cl.1st.

  734 S - LONGLEY Gretchen 21y W Cherbourg - £77 19s 2d - £77,96 - $9744,79 - 1,68$/km - cl.1st.

  735 V - LORING Joseph 30y M Southampton - £45 10s - £45,50 - $5687,50 - 0,95$/km - cl.1st.

  736 V - LOUCH Charles 50y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  737 V - LOUCH Alice 42y W Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  738 V - LOVELL John 20y M Southampton - £7 5s - £7,25 - $906,25 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  739 S - LULIC Nikola 29y M Southampton - £8 13s 3d - £8,66 - $1082,81 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  740 V - LUNDAHL Johan 51y M Southampton - £7 1s 1d - £7,05 - $881,77 - 0,14$/km - cl.3rd.

  741 V - LUNDIN Olga 23y W Southampton - £7 17s 1d - £7,85 - $981,77 - 0,16$/km - cl.2nd.

  742 S - LUNDSTRÖM Thure 32y M Southampton - £7 11s 7d - £7,58 - $947,40 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  743 S - LURETTE Eugénie 59y W Cherbourg - £146 10s 5d - £146,52 - $18315,10 - 3,15$/km - cl.1st.

  744 V - LYMPEROPOULUS Panagiotis 30y M Cherbourg - £6 8s 9d - £6,44 - $804,69 - 0,13$/km - cl.3rd.

  745 V - LYNTAKOFF Stanko 44y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  746 V - MACK Mary 57y W Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

  747 V - MACKAY George 20y M Southampton - £7 11s - £7,55 - $943,75 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  748 S - MADIGAN Margaret 21y W Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  749 S - MADILL Georgette 16y W Southampton - £211 6s 9d - £211,34 - $26417,19 - 4,43$/km - cl.1st.

  750 S - MADSEN Fridtjof 24y M Southampton - £7 2s 10d - £7,14 - $892,71 - 0,14$/km - cl.3rd.

  751 V - MÄENPÄÄ Matti 22y M Southampton - £7 2s 6d - £7,13 - $890,63 - 0,14$/km - cl.3rd.

  752 V - MAGUIRE John 30y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.1st.

  753 V - MAHON Bridget 20y W Queenstown - £7 17s 7d - £7,88 - $984,90 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  754 S - MAIONI Roberta 19y W Southampton - £86 10s - £86,50 - $10812,50 - 1,81$/km - cl.1st.

  755 V - MAISNER Simon 34y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  756 V - MÄKINEN Kalle 29y M Southampton - £7 18s 6d - £7,93 - $990,63 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  757 V - MALACHARD Jean-Noël 25y M Cherbourg - £15 11d - £15,04 - $1880,73 - 0,32$/km - cl.2nd.

  758 S - MALLET André 1y M Cherbourg - £37 1d - £37,00 - $4625,52 - 0,79$/km - cl.2nd.

  759 V - MALLET Albert 45y M Cherbourg - £37 1d - £37,00 - $4625,52 - 0,79$/km - cl.2nd.

  760 S - MALLET Antonine 24y W Cherbourg - £37 1d - £37,00 - $4625,52 - 0,79$/km - cl.2nd.

  761 S - MĀMĀ Hannā 18y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,22 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  762 V - MANGAN Mary 32y W Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  763 V - MANGIAVACCHI Serafino 30y M Cherbourg - £15 11s 7d - £15,58 - $1947,40 - 0,33$/km - cl.2nd.

  764 S - MANNION Margaret 28y W Queenstown - £7 14s 9d - £7,74 - $967,19 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  765 V - MARDIROSIAN Sarkis 25y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,23 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  766 S - MARÉCHAL Pierre 29y M Cherbourg - £29 14s - £29,70 - $3712,50 - 0,64$/km - cl.1st.

  767 V - MARINKO Dmitri 23y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  768 V - MARKOFF Marin 35y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  769 V - MARKUN Johann 33y M Cherbourg - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,17$/km - cl.3rd.

  770 V - MARVIN Daniel 18y M Southampton - £53 2s - £53,10 - $6637,50 - 1,11$/km - cl.1st.

  771 S - MARVIN Mary 18y W Southampton - £53 2s - £53,10 - $6637,50 - 1,11$/km - cl.1st.

  772 V - MATINOFF Nicola 30y M Cherbourg - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,17$/km - cl.3rd.

  773 V - MATTHEWS William 31y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  774 V - MAYBERY Frank 36y M Southampton - £16 - £16,00 - $2000,00 - 0,33$/km - cl.2nd.

  775 S - MAYNÉ Berthe 24y W Cherbourg - £49 10s 1d - £49,50 - $6188,02 - 1,06$/km - cl.1st.

  776 V - MCCAFFRY Thomas 46y M Southampton - £75 4s 10d - £75,24 - $9405,21 - 1,57$/km - cl.1st.

  777 V - MCCARTHY Timothy 54y M Southampton - £51 17s 3d - £51,86 - $6482,81 - 1,08$/km - cl.1st.

  778 S - MCCARTHY Catherine 24y W Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  779 V - MCCORMACK Thomas 19y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  780 S - MCCOY Agnes 29y W Queenstown - £23 5s - £23,25 - $2906,25 - 0,55$/km - cl.3rd.

  781 S - MCCOY Alicia 26y W Queenstown - £23 5s - £23,25 - $2906,25 - 0,55$/km - cl.3rd.

  782 S - MCCOY Bernard 24y M Queenstown - £23 5s - £23,25 - $2906,25 - 0,55$/km - cl.3rd.

  783 V - MCCRAE Arthur 32y M Southampton - £13 10s - £13,50 - $1687,50 - 0,28$/km - cl.2nd.

  784 V - MCCRIE James 32y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  785 S - MCDERMOTT Bridget 31y W Queenstown - £7 15s 8d - £7,78 - $972,92 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  786 V - MCEVOY Michael 19y M Queenstown - £15 10s - £15,50 - $1937,50 - 0,37$/km - cl.3rd.

  787 S - MCGOUGH James 35y M Southampton - £26 5s 9d - £26,29 - $3285,94 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

  788 S - MCGOVERN Mary 22y W Queenstown - £7 17s 7d - £7,88 - $984,90 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  789 V - MCGOWAN Anna 17y W Queenstown - £8 7d - £8,03 - $1003,65 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

  790 V - MCGOWAN Catherine 42y W Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  791 V - MCKANE Peter 46y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  792 V - MCMAHON Martin 19y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  793 V - MCNAMEE Neal 27y M Southampton - £16 2s - £16,10 - $2012,50 - 0,33$/km - cl.3rd.

  794 V - MCNAMEE Eileen 19y W Southampton - £16 2s - £16,10 - $2012,50 - 0,33$/km - cl.3rd.

  795 V - MCNEILL Bridget 32y W Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  796 V - MEANWELL Marian 63y W Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  797 V - MEEHAN John 22y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  798 V - MEEK Annie 31y W Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  799 S - MELLINGER Madeleine 13y W Southampton - £19 10s - £19,50 - $2437,50 - 0,40$/km - cl.2nd.

  800 S - MELLINGER Elizabeth 41y W Southampton - £19 10s - £19,50 - $2437,50 - 0,40$/km - cl.2nd.

  801 S - MELLORS William 19y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

  802 V - MEO (MARTINO) Alfonzo 48y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  803 V - MERNAGH Robert 28y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  804 V - MEYER Edgar 28y M Cherbourg - £82 3s 5d - £82,17 - $10271,35 - 1,77$/km - cl.1st.

  805 S - MEYER Leila 25y W Cherbourg - £82 3s 5d - £82,17 - $10271,35 - 1,77$/km - cl.1st.

  806 V - MEYER August 31y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  807 S - MIDTSJØ Karl 21y M Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  808 V - MIHOFF Stoytcho 28y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  809 V - MILES Frank 23y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  810 V - MILLET Francis 65y M Cherbourg - £26 11s - £26,55 - $3318,75 - 0,57$/km - cl.1st.

  811 V - MILLING Jacob 48y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  812 V - MINAHAN William 44y M Queenstown - £90 - £90,00 - $11250,00 - 2,15$/km - cl.1st.

  813 S - MINAHAN Daisy 33y W Queenstown - £90 - £90,00 - $11250,00 - 2,15$/km - cl.1st.

  814 S - MINAHAN Lillian 37y W Queenstown - £90 - £90,00 - $11250,00 - 2,15$/km - cl.1st.

  815 V - MINEFF Ivan 24y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  816 V - MINKOFF Lazar 21y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  817 V - MITCHELL Henry 71y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

  818 V - MITKOFF Mito 23y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  819 S - MOCK Philipp 30y M Cherbourg - £57 15s - £57,75 - $7218,75 - 1,24$/km - cl.1st.

  820 S - MOCKLER Ellen 23y W Queenstown - £7 17s 7d - £7,88 - $984,90 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  821 V - MOEN Sigurd 27y M Southampton - £7 13s - £7,65 - $956,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  822 V - MOLSON Harry 55y M Southampton - £30 10s - £30,50 - $3812,50 - 0,64$/km - cl.1st.

  823 V - MONTVILA Juozas 27y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  824 S - MOOR Meier 7y M Southampton - £12 9s 6d - £12,48 - $1559,38 - 0,26$/km - cl.3rd.

  825 S - MOOR Beila 29y W Southampton - £12 9s 6d - £12,48 - $1559,38 - 0,26$/km - cl.3rd.

  826 V - MOORE Clarence 47y M Southampton - £42 8s - £42,40 - $5300,00 - 0,88$/km - cl.1st.

  827 V - MOORE Leonard 19y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  828 S - MORAN Bridget 28y W Queenstown - £24 3s - £24,15 - $3018,75 - 0,57$/km - cl.3rd.

  829 V - MORAN Daniel 27y M Queenstown - £24 3s - £24,15 - $3018,75 - 0,57$/km - cl.3rd.

  830 V - MORAWECK Ernest 54y M Southampton - £14 - £14,00 - $1750,00 - 0,29$/km - cl.2nd.

  831 V - MORLEY Henry 38y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  832 V - MORLEY William 34y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  833 V - MORROW Thomas 30y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  834 S - MOSS Albert 29y M Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  835 V - MOUSSA Mantoura 35y W Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,23 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  836 V - MOUTAL Rahamin 28y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  837 S - MUBĀRIK Halīm 4y M Cherbourg - £15 4s 11d - £15,25 - $1905,73 - 0,32$/km - cl.3rd.

  838 S - MUBĀRIK Jirjis 7y M Cherbourg - £15 4s 11d - £15,25 - $1905,73 - 0,32$/km - cl.3rd.

  839 S - MUBĀRIK Amīnah 24y W Cherbourg - £15 4s 11d - £15,25 - $1905,73 - 0,32$/km - cl.3rd.

  840 V - MUDD Thomas 16y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

  841 S - MULLIN Catherine 21y W Queenstown - £7 14s 8d - £7,73 - $966,67 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  842 V - MULLIN Mary 18y W Queenstown - £15 10s - £15,50 - $1937,50 - 0,37$/km - cl.3rd.

  843 S - MULVIHILL Bridget 25y W Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  844 V - MURDLIN Joseph 22y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  845 S - MURPHY Catherine 21y W Queenstown - £15 10s - £15,50 - $1937,50 - 0,37$/km - cl.3rd.

  846 S - MURPHY Margaret 25y W Queenstown - £15 10s - £15,50 - $1937,50 - 0,37$/km - cl.3rd.

  847 S - MURPHY Nora 34y W Queenstown - £15 10s - £15,50 - $1937,50 - 0,37$/km - cl.3rd.

  848 S - MUSLAMĀNĪ Fatīmah 22y W Cherbourg - £7 4s 6d - £7,23 - $903,13 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  849 V - MYHRMAN Pehr 18y M Southampton - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  850 V - MYLES Thomas 63y M Queenstown - £9 13s 9d - £9,69 - $1210,94 - 0,23$/km - cl.2nd.

  851 V - NAIDENOFF Penko 22y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  852 S - NAJIB KIAMIE Adele 15y W Cherbourg - £7 4s 6d - £7,23 - $903,13 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  853 V - NAKHLI Toufik 17y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,23 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  854 S - NAKID Maria 1y W Cherbourg - £15 14s 10d - £15,74 - $1967,71 - 0,33$/km - cl.3rd.

  855 S - NAKID Sahid 20y M Cherbourg - £15 14s 10d - £15,74 - $1967,71 - 0,33$/km - cl.3rd.

  856 S - NAKID Waika 19y W Cherbourg - £15 14s 10d - £15,74 - $1967,71 - 0,33$/km - cl.3rd.

  857 V - NANCARROW William 33y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  858 V - NANKOFF Minko 32y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  859 V - NASR ALMĀ Mustafà 20y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,23 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  860 V - NASSER Nicholas 28y M Cherbourg - £30 1s 5d - £30,07 - $3758,85 - 0,64$/km - cl.2nd.

  861 V - NASSER Adele 14y W Cherbourg - £30 1s 5d - £30,07 - $3758,85 - 0,64$/km - cl.2nd.

  862 V - NASSR RIZQ Saade 20y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 6d - £7,23 - $903,13 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  863 V - NATSCH Charles 36y M Cherbourg - £29 14s - £29,70 - $3712,50 - 0,64$/km - cl.1st.

  864 V - NAUGHTON Hannah 21y W Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  865 S - NAVRATIL Edmond 2y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  866 S - NAVRATIL Michel 3y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  867 V - NAVRATIL Michel 32y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  868 V - NENKOFF Christo 22y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  869 V - NESSON Israel 26y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  870 S - NEWELL Madeleine 31y W Cherbourg - £113 5s 6d - £113,28 - $14159,38 - 2,44$/km - cl.1st.

  871 S - NEWELL Marjorie 23y W Cherbourg - £113 5s 6d - £113,28 - $14159,38 - 2,44$/km - cl.1st.

  872 V - NEWELL Arthur 58y M Cherbourg - £113 5s 6d - £113,28 - $14159,38 - 2,44$/km - cl.1st.

  873 S - NEWSOM Helen 19y W Southampton - £26 5s 8d - £26,28 - $3285,42 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

  874 V - NICHOLLS Joseph 19y M Southampton - £36 15s - £36,75 - $4593,75 - 0,77$/km - cl.2nd.

  875 V - NICHOLSON Arthur 59y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.1st.

  876 V - NIEMINEN Manta 29y W Southampton - £7 18s 6d - £7,93 - $990,63 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  877 V - NIKLASSON Samuel 28y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  878 S - NILSSON Berta 18y W Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  879 S - NILSSON Helmina 26y W Southampton - £7 17s 1d - £7,85 - $981,77 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  880 V - NILSSON August 21y M Southampton - £7 17s 1d - £7,85 - $981,77 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  881 S - NĪQŪLA Master 11y W Cherbourg - £11 4s 10d - £11,24 - $1405,21 - 0,24$/km - cl.3rd.

  882 S - NĪQŪLA YĀRID Jamilah 14y W Cherbourg - £11 4s 10d - £11,24 - $1405,21 - 0,24$/km - cl.3rd.

  883 V - NIRVA Iisakki 41y M Southampton - £7 2s 6d - £7,13 - $890,63 - 0,14$/km - cl.3rd.

  884 S - NISKÄNEN Juha 39y M Southampton - £7 18s 6d - £7,93 - $990,63 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  885 V - NOFAL Mansouer 20y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,23 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  886 V - NORMAN Robert 27y M Southampton - £13 10s - £13,50 - $1687,50 - 0,28$/km - cl.2nd.

  887 V - NOSWORTHY Richard 21y M Southampton - £7 16s - £7,80 - $975,00 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  888 S - NOURNEY Alfred 20y M Cherbourg - £13 17s 3d - £13,86 - $1732,81 - 0,29$/km - cl.1st.

  889 S - NYE Elizabeth 29y W Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

  890 S - NYSTEN Anna 22y W Southampton - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  891 V - NYSVEEN Johan 60y M Southampton - £6 4s 9d - £6,24 - $779,69 - 0,13$/km - cl.3rd.

  892 V - O'BRIEN Denis 21y M Queenstown - £7 16s 7d - £7,83 - $978,65 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  893 V - O'BRIEN Thomas 27y M Queenstown - £15 10s - £15,50 - $1937,50 - 0,37$/km - cl.3rd.

  894 V - O'BRIEN Johanna 26y W Queenstown - £15 10s - £15,50 - $1937,50 - 0,37$/km - cl.3rd.

  895 V - O'CONNELL Patrick 17y M Queenstown - £7 14s 8d - £7,73 - $966,67 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  896 V - O'CONNOR Maurice 16y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  897 V - O'CONNOR Patrick 23y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  898 V - ÖDAHL Nils 23y M Southampton - £9 4s 6d - £9,23 - $1153,13 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

  899 S - O'DRISCOLL Bridget 27y W Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  900 S - O'DWYER Ellen 25y W Queenstown - £7 17s 7d - £7,88 - $984,90 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  901 S - ÖHMAN Velin 22y W Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  902 S - O'KEEFE Patrick 21y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  903 S - O'LEARY Hanora 16y W Queenstown - £7 16s 7d - £7,83 - $978,65 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  904 S - OLIVA Y OCANA Fermina 39y W Cherbourg - £108 18s - £108,90 - $13612,50 - 2,34$/km - cl.1st.

  905 S - OLSEN Artur 9y M Southampton - £3 3s 5d - £3,17 - $396,35 - 0,06$/km - cl.3rd.

  906 V - OLSEN Henry 28y M Southampton - £22 10s 6d - £22,53 - $2815,63 - 0,47$/km - cl.3rd.

  907 V - OLSEN Karl 42y M Southampton - £8 8s 1d - £8,40 - $1050,52 - 0,17$/km - cl.3rd.

  908 V - OLSEN Ole 27y M Southampton - £7 6s 3d - £7,31 - $914,06 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  909 V - OLSSON Elina 31y W Southampton - £7 17s 1d - £7,85 - $981,77 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  910 V - OLSSON Nils 28y M Southampton - £7 17s 1d - £7,85 - $981,77 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  911 S - OLSSON Oscar 32y M Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  912 V - OLSVIGEN Thor 20y M Southampton - £9 4s 6d - £9,23 - $1153,13 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

  913 S - OMONT Alfred 29y M Cherbourg - £25 14s 10d - £25,74 - $3217,71 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

  914 V - ORESKOVIC Jelka 23y W Southampton - £8 13s 3d - £8,66 - $1082,81 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  915 V - ORESKOVIC Marija 20y W Southampton - £8 13s 3d - £8,66 - $1082,81 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  916 V - ORESKOVIC Luka 20y M Southampton - £8 13s 3d - £8,66 - $1082,81 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  917 V - OSÉN Olaf 16y M Southampton - £9 4s 4d - £9,22 - $1152,08 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

  918 V - OSTBY Engelhart 64y M Southampton - £61 19s 7d - £61,98 - $7747,40 - 1,30$/km - cl.1st.

  919 S - ØSTBY Helen 22y W Southampton - £61 19s 7d - £61,98 - $7747,40 - 1,30$/km - cl.1st.

  920 V - O'SULLIVAN Bridget 21y W Queenstown - £7 12s 7d - £7,63 - $953,65 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  921 V - OTTER Richard 38y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  922 V - OVIÉS Y RODRÍGUEZ Servando 36y M Cherbourg - £27 14s 5d - £27,72 - $3465,10 - 0,59$/km - cl.1st.

  923 S - OXENHAM Percy 22y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

  924 S - PADRON MANENT Julian 26y M Cherbourg - £13 17s 3d - £13,86 - $1732,81 - 0,29$/km - cl.2nd.

  925 V - PAIN Alfred 23y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

  926 S - PALLÀS I CASTELLÓ Emili 29y M Cherbourg - £13 17s 2d - £13,86 - $1732,29 - 0,29$/km - cl.2nd.

  927 V - PÅLSSON Gösta 2y M Southampton - £21 1s 6d - £21,08 - $2634,38 - 0,44$/km - cl.3rd.

  928 V - PÅLSSON Paul 6y M Southampton - £21 1s 6d - £21,08 - $2634,38 - 0,44$/km - cl.3rd.

  929 V - PÅLSSON Stina 3y W Southampton - £21 1s 6d - £21,08 - $2634,38 - 0,44$/km - cl.3rd.

  930 V - PÅLSSON Torborg 8y W Southampton - £21 1s 6d - £21,08 - $2634,38 - 0,44$/km - cl.3rd.

  931 V - PÅLSSON Alma 29y W Southampton - £21 1s 6d - £21,08 - $2634,38 - 0,44$/km - cl.3rd.

  932 V - PANULA Eino 1y M Southampton - £39 13s 9d - £39,69 - $4960,94 - 0,83$/km - cl.3rd.

  933 V - PANULA Jaako 14y M Southampton - £39 13s 9d - £39,69 - $4960,94 - 0,83$/km - cl.3rd.

  934 V - PANULA Juha 7y M Southampton - £39 13s 9d - £39,69 - $4960,94 - 0,83$/km - cl.3rd.

  935 V - PANULA Urho 2y M Southampton - £39 13s 9d - £39,69 - $4960,94 - 0,83$/km - cl.3rd.

  936 V - PANULA Ernesti 16y M Southampton - £39 13s 9d - £39,69 - $4960,94 - 0,83$/km - cl.3rd.

  937 V - PANULA Maija 41y W Southampton - £39 13s 9d - £39,69 - $4960,94 - 0,83$/km - cl.3rd.

  938 V - PARKER Clifford 17y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

  939 V - PARKES Francis 21y M Belfast - - - - - cl.2nd.

  940 V - PARR William 29y M Belfast - - - - - cl.1st.

  941 S - PARRISH Lutie 59y W Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  942 V - PARTNER Austin 40y M Southampton - £28 10s - £28,50 - $3562,50 - 0,59$/km - cl.1st.

  943 V - PASIC Jakob 21y M Southampton - £8 13s 3d - £8,66 - $1082,81 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  944 V - PATCHETT George 19y M Southampton - £14 10s - £14,50 - $1812,50 - 0,30$/km - cl.3rd.

  945 V - PAVLOVIC Stefo 32y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  946 V - PAYNE Vivian 22y M Southampton - £93 10s - £93,50 - $11687,50 - 1,96$/km - cl.1st.

  947 V - PEACOCK Alfred 1y M Southampton - £13 15s 6d - £13,78 - $1721,88 - 0,28$/km - cl.3rd.

  948 V - PEACOCK Treasteall 3y W Southampton - £13 15s 6d - £13,78 - $1721,88 - 0,28$/km - cl.3rd.

  949 V - PEACOCK Edith 26y W Southampton - £13 15s 6d - £13,78 - $1721,88 - 0,28$/km - cl.3rd.

  950 V - PEARCE Ernest 32y M Southampton - £7 - £7,00 - $875,00 - 0,14$/km - cl.3rd.

  951 V - PEARS Thomas 29y M Southampton - £66 12s - £66,60 - $8325,00 - 1,39$/km - cl.1st.

  952 S - PEARS Edith 22y W Southampton - £66 12s - £66,60 - $8325,00 - 1,39$/km - cl.1st.

  953 V - PEDERSEN Olaf 28y M Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  954 V - PEDUZZI Giuseppe 24y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  955 V - PEKONIEMI Edvard 21y M Southampton - £7 18s 6d - £7,93 - $990,63 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  956 V - PELTOMÄKI Nikolai 25y M Southampton - £7 18s 6d - £7,93 - $990,63 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  957 V - PEÑASCO Y CASTELLANA Victor 24y M Cherbourg - £108 18s - £108,90 - $13612,50 - 2,34$/km - cl.1st.

  958 S - PEÑASCO Y CASTELLANA Maria 22y W Cherbourg - £108 18s - £108,90 - $13612,50 - 2,34$/km - cl.1st.

  959 V - PENGELLY Frederick 19y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

  960 V - PERKIN John 22y M Southampton - £7 5s - £7,25 - $906,25 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  961 V - PERNOT René 39y M Cherbourg - £15 1s - £15,05 - $1881,25 - 0,32$/km - cl.2nd.

  962 S - PERREAULT Mary 33y W Southampton - £93 10s - £93,50 - $11687,50 - 1,96$/km - cl.1st.

  963 S - PERSSON Ernst 25y M Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  964 V - PERUSCHITZ Josef 41y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  965 S - PETER/JOSEPH Michael 4y M Cherbourg - £22 7s 2d - £22,36 - $2794,79 - 0,48$/km - cl.3rd.

  966 S - PETER/JOSEPH Anna 2y W Cherbourg - £22 7s 2d - £22,36 - $2794,79 - 0,48$/km - cl.3rd.

  967 V - PETER/JOSEPH Catherine 24y W Cherbourg - £22 7s 2d - £22,36 - $2794,79 - 0,48$/km - cl.3rd.

  968 V - PETERS Katie 26y W Queenstown - £8 2s 9d - £8,14 - $1017,19 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

  969 V - PETERSEN Marius 24y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  970 V - PETRANEC Matilda 28y W Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  971 V - PETROFF Nedialco 19y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  972 V - PETROFF Pastcho 29y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  973 V - PETTERSSON Ellen 18y W Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  974 V - PETTERSSON Johan 25y M Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  975 S - PEUCHEN Arthur 52y M Southampton - £30 10s - £30,50 - $3812,50 - 0,64$/km - cl.1st.

  976 S - PHILLIPS Alice 21y W Southampton - £21 - £21,00 - $2625,00 - 0,44$/km - cl.2nd.

  977 S - PHILLIPS Kate 19y W Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  978 V - PHILLIPS Escott 42y M Southampton - £21 - £21,00 - $2625,00 - 0,44$/km - cl.2nd.

  979 S - PICKARD Berk 32y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  980 S - PINSKY Rosa 32y W Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  981 V - PLOTCHARSKY Vasil 27y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  982 V - POKRNIC Mate 17y M Southampton - £8 13s 3d - £8,66 - $1082,81 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  983 V - POKRNIC Tome 24y M Southampton - £8 13s 3d - £8,66 - $1082,81 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  984 V - PONESELL Martin 24y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  985 S - PORTALUPPI Emilio 30y M Cherbourg - £12 14s 9d - £12,74 - $1592,19 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

  986 V - PORTER Walter 46y M Southampton - £52 - £52,00 - $6500,00 - 1,09$/km - cl.1st.

  987 S - POTTER Lily 56y W Cherbourg - £83 3s 2d - £83,16 - $10394,79 - 1,79$/km - cl.1st.

  988 V - PULBAUM Franz 27y M Cherbourg - £15 8d - £15,03 - $1879,17 - 0,32$/km - cl.2nd.

  989 V - PULNER Uscher 16y M Cherbourg - £8 14s 3d - £8,71 - $1089,06 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

  990 S - QUICK Phyllis 2y W Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  991 S - QUICK Winifred 8y W Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  992 S - QUICK Jane 33y W Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

  993 V - RADEFF Alexander 27y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  994 V - RASMUSSEN Lena 63y W Southampton - £8 2s 3d - £8,11 - $1014,06 - 0,17$/km - cl.3rd.

  995 V - RAZI Raihed 30y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,23 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  996 V - REED James 19y M Southampton - £7 5s - £7,25 - $906,25 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

  997 V - REEVES David 36y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

  998 V - REKIC Tido 38y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

  999 V - RENOUF Peter 33y M Southampton - £21 - £21,00 - $2625,00 - 0,44$/km - cl.2nd.

 1000 V - RENOUF Lillian 30y W Southampton - £21 - £21,00 - $2625,00 - 0,44$/km - cl.2nd.

 1001 V - REUCHLIN Jonkheer 38y M Cherbourg - - - - - cl.1st.

 1002 S - REYNALDS Encarnación 28y W Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

 1003 V - REYNOLDS Harold 21y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1004 S - RHEIMS George 33y M Cherbourg - £39 12s - £39,60 - $4950,00 - 0,85$/km - cl.1st.

 1005 V - RICE Albert 10y M Queenstown - £29 2s 6d - £29,13 - $3640,63 - 0,69$/km - cl.3rd.

 1006 V - RICE Arthur 4y M Queenstown - £29 2s 6d - £29,13 - $3640,63 - 0,69$/km - cl.3rd.

 1007 V - RICE Eric 7y M Queenstown - £29 2s 6d - £29,13 - $3640,63 - 0,69$/km - cl.3rd.

 1008 V - RICE Eugene 2y M Queenstown - £29 2s 6d - £29,13 - $3640,63 - 0,69$/km - cl.3rd.

 1009 V - RICE George 8y M Queenstown - £29 2s 6d - £29,13 - $3640,63 - 0,69$/km - cl.3rd.

 1010 V - RICE Margaret 39y W Queenstown - £29 2s 6d - £29,13 - $3640,63 - 0,69$/km - cl.3rd.

 1011 V - RICHARD Emile 23y M Cherbourg - £15 11d - £15,05 - $1880,73 - 0,32$/km - cl.2nd.

 1012 S - RICHARDS Sibley 1y M Southampton - £18 15s - £18,75 - $2343,75 - 0,39$/km - cl.2nd.

 1013 S - RICHARDS William 3y M Southampton - £18 15s - £18,75 - $2343,75 - 0,39$/km - cl.2nd.

 1014 S - RICHARDS Emily 24y W Southampton - £18 15s - £18,75 - $2343,75 - 0,39$/km - cl.2nd.

 1015 S - RIDSDALE Lucy 58y W Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

 1016 V - RIGHINI Sante 22y M Cherbourg - £135 12s 8d - £135,63 - $16954,17 - 2,92$/km - cl.1st.

 1017 V - RIIHIVUORI Susanna 22y W Southampton - £39 13s 9d - £39,69 - $4960,94 - 0,83$/km - cl.3rd.

 1018 V - RINTAMÄKI Matti 35y M Southampton - £7 2s 6d - £7,13 - $890,63 - 0,14$/km - cl.3rd.

 1019 S - RIORDAN Hannah 18y W Queenstown - £7 14s 5d - £7,72 - $965,10 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

 1020 S - RISIEN Samuel 69y M Southampton - £14 10s - £14,50 - $1812,50 - 0,30$/km - cl.3rd.

 1021 V - RISIEN Emma 58y W Southampton - £14 10s - £14,50 - $1812,50 - 0,30$/km - cl.3rd.

 1022 V - ROBBINS Victor 42y M Cherbourg - £247 10s 6d - £247,53 - $30940,63 - 5,33$/km - cl.1st.

 1023 S - ROBERT Elisabeth 43y W Southampton - £211 6s 9d - £211,34 - $26417,19 - 4,43$/km - cl.1st.

 1024 V - ROBINS Alexander 50y M Southampton - £14 10s - £14,50 - $1812,50 - 0,30$/km - cl.3rd.

 1025 V - ROBINS Charity 47y W Southampton - £14 10s - £14,50 - $1812,50 - 0,30$/km - cl.3rd.

 1026 V - ROEBLING Washington 31y M Southampton - £50 9s 11d - £50,50 - $6311,98 - 1,05$/km - cl.1st.

 1027 V - ROGERS Reginald 18y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

 1028 V - ROGERS William 29y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1029 S - ROMAINE Charles 45y M Southampton - £26 11s - £26,55 - $3318,75 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

 1030 V - ROMMETVEDT Knud 49y M Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1031 V - ROOD Hugh 39y M Southampton - £50 - £50,00 - $6250,00 - 1,04$/km - cl.1st.

 1032 V - ROSBLOM Salli 2y W Southampton - £20 4s 3d - £20,21 - $2526,56 - 0,42$/km - cl.3rd.

 1033 V - ROSBLOM Viktor 18y M Southampton - £20 4s 3d - £20,21 - $2526,56 - 0,42$/km - cl.3rd.

 1034 V - ROSBLOM Helena 41y W Southampton - £20 4s 3d - £20,21 - $2526,56 - 0,42$/km - cl.3rd.

 1035 S - ROSENBAUM Edith 33y W Cherbourg - £27 14s 5d - £27,72 - $3465,10 - 0,59$/km - cl.1st.

 1036 V - ROSENSHINE George 46y M Cherbourg - £79 4d - £79,02 - $9877,08 - 1,70$/km - cl.1st.

 1037 V - ROSS John 36y M Southampton - £40 2s 6d - £40,13 - $5015,63 - 0,84$/km - cl.1st.

 1038 S - ROTH Sarah 31y W Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1039 S - ROTHES Lucy 33y W Southampton - £86 10s - £86,50 - $10812,50 - 1,81$/km - cl.1st.

 1040 V - ROTHSCHILD Martin 46y M Cherbourg - £59 8s - £59,40 - $7425,00 - 1,28$/km - cl.1st.

 1041 S - ROTHSCHILD Elizabeth 54y W Cherbourg - £59 8s - £59,40 - $7425,00 - 1,28$/km - cl.1st.

 1042 V - ROUSE Richard 53y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1043 V - ROWE Alfred 59y M Southampton - £26 11s - £26,55 - $3318,75 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

 1044 S - RUGG Emily 21y W Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

 1045 V - RUSH Alfred 17y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1046 S - RYAN Edward 24y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

 1047 V - RYAN Patrick 29y M Queenstown - £24 3s - £24,15 - $3018,75 - 0,57$/km - cl.3rd.

 1048 S - RYERSON John 13y M Cherbourg - £262 7s 6d - £262,38 - $32796,88 - 5,65$/km - cl.1st.

 1049 S - RYERSON Emily 18y W Cherbourg - £262 7s 6d - £262,38 - $32796,88 - 5,65$/km - cl.1st.

 1050 S - RYERSON Susan 21y W Cherbourg - £262 7s 6d - £262,38 - $32796,88 - 5,65$/km - cl.1st.

 1051 V - RYERSON Arthur 61y M Cherbourg - £262 7s 6d - £262,38 - $32796,88 - 5,65$/km - cl.1st.

 1052 S - RYERSON Emily 48y W Cherbourg - £262 7s 6d - £262,38 - $32796,88 - 5,65$/km - cl.1st.

 1053 V - SAAD Amin 30y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,23 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

 1054 V - SAAD Khalil 27y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 6d - £7,23 - $903,13 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

 1055 S - SAALFELD Adolphe 47y M Southampton - £30 10s - £30,50 - $3812,50 - 0,64$/km - cl.1st.

 1056 V - SADLIER Matthew 18y M Queenstown - £7 14s 7d - £7,73 - $966,15 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

 1057 V - SADOWITZ Henry 17y M Southampton - £7 11s 10d - £7,59 - $948,96 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

 1058 V - SÆTHER Simon 43y M Southampton - £7 5s - £7,25 - $906,25 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

 1059 V - SAGE Anthony 12y M Southampton - £69 11s - £69,55 - $8693,75 - 1,45$/km - cl.3rd.

 1060 V - SAGE Thomas 4y M Southampton - £69 11s - £69,55 - $8693,75 - 1,45$/km - cl.3rd.

 1061 V - SAGE Constance 7y W Southampton - £69 11s - £69,55 - $8693,75 - 1,45$/km - cl.3rd.

 1062 V - SAGE Dorothy 14y W Southampton - £69 11s - £69,55 - $8693,75 - 1,45$/km - cl.3rd.

 1063 V - SAGE Elizabeth 10y W Southampton - £69 11s - £69,55 - $8693,75 - 1,45$/km - cl.3rd.

 1064 V - SAGE Stella 20y W Southampton - £69 11s - £69,55 - $8693,75 - 1,45$/km - cl.3rd.

 1065 V - SAGE Douglas 18y M Southampton - £69 11s - £69,55 - $8693,75 - 1,45$/km - cl.3rd.

 1066 V - SAGE Frederick 16y M Southampton - £69 11s - £69,55 - $8693,75 - 1,45$/km - cl.3rd.

 1067 V - SAGE George 19y M Southampton - £69 11s - £69,55 - $8693,75 - 1,45$/km - cl.3rd.

 1068 V - SAGE John 44y M Southampton - £69 11s - £69,55 - $8693,75 - 1,45$/km - cl.3rd.

 1069 V - SAGE Annie 44y W Southampton - £69 11s - £69,55 - $8693,75 - 1,45$/km - cl.3rd.

 1070 S - SÄGESSER Emma 24y W Cherbourg - £69 6s - £69,30 - $8662,50 - 1,49$/km - cl.1st.

 1071 V - SALANDER Karl 24y M Southampton - £9 6s 6d - £9,33 - $1165,63 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

 1072 S - SALKJELSVIK Anna 21y W Southampton - £7 13s - £7,65 - $956,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1073 S - SALOMON Abraham 43y M Cherbourg - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,56$/km - cl.1st.

 1074 V - SALONEN Johan 29y M Southampton - £7 18s 6d - £7,93 - $990,63 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1075 V - SAMAAN Elias 17y M Cherbourg - £21 13s 7d - £21,68 - $2709,90 - 0,46$/km - cl.3rd.

 1076 V - SAMAAN Hanna 40y M Cherbourg - £21 13s 7d - £21,68 - $2709,90 - 0,46$/km - cl.3rd.

 1077 V - SAMAAN Youssef 16y M Cherbourg - £21 13s 7d - £21,68 - $2709,90 - 0,46$/km - cl.3rd.

 1078 S - SANDSTRÖM Beatrice 1y W Southampton - £16 14s - £16,70 - $2087,50 - 0,35$/km - cl.3rd.

 1079 S - SANDSTRÖM Marguerite 4y W Southampton - £16 14s - £16,70 - $2087,50 - 0,35$/km - cl.3rd.

 1080 S - SANDSTRÖM Agnes 24y W Southampton - £16 14s - £16,70 - $2087,50 - 0,35$/km - cl.3rd.

 1081 S - SAP Julius 21y M Southampton - £9 10s - £9,50 - $1187,50 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

 1082 V - SAUNDERCOCK William 19y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1083 V - SAWYER Frederick 33y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1084 V - SCANLAN James 22y M Queenstown - £7 14s 6d - £7,73 - $965,63 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

 1085 S - SCHABERT Emma 35y W Cherbourg - £57 15s - £57,75 - $7218,75 - 1,24$/km - cl.1st.

 1086 S - SCHEERLINCK Jean 29y M Southampton - £9 10s - £9,50 - $1187,50 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

 1087 V - SCHMIDT August 26y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

 1088 V - SDYCOFF Todor 42y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1089 V - SEDGWICK Charles 28y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

 1090 V - SEMAN Betros 10y M Cherbourg - £4 3d - £4,01 - $501,56 - 0,08$/km - cl.3rd.

 1091 S - SERREPLAN Auguste 30y W Southampton - £31 - £31,00 - $3875,00 - 0,65$/km - cl.1st.

 1092 S - SEWARD Frederic 34y M Southampton - £26 11s - £26,55 - $3318,75 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

 1093 V - SHANNON Andrew 36y M Southampton - £7 5s - £7,25 - $906,25 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

 1094 V - SHARP Percival 27y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

 1095 V - SHAUGHNESSY Patrick 24y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

 1096 V - SHEDID Daher 19y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 6d - £7,23 - $903,13 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

 1097 V - SHELLARD Frederick 55y M Southampton - £15 2s - £15,10 - $1887,50 - 0,31$/km - cl.3rd.

 1098 S - SHELLEY Imanita 25y W Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

 1099 V - SHIHĀB Al-Amīr 29y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 6d - £7,23 - $903,13 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

 1100 V - SHINE Ellen 20y W Queenstown - £7 16s 7d - £7,83 - $978,65 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

 1101 V - SHORNEY Charles 22y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1102 S - SHUTES Elizabeth 40y W Southampton - £153 9s 3d - £153,46 - $19182,81 - 3,22$/km - cl.1st.

 1103 S - SILVÉN Lyyli 17y W Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

 1104 S - SILVERTHORNE Spencer 35y M Southampton - £26 5s 9d - £26,29 - $3285,94 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

 1105 V - SILVEY William 51y M Cherbourg - £55 18s - £55,90 - $6987,50 - 1,20$/km - cl.1st.

 1106 S - SILVEY Alice 39y W Cherbourg - £55 18s - £55,90 - $6987,50 - 1,20$/km - cl.1st.

 1107 V - SIMMONS John 40y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1108 S - SIMONIUS-BLUMER Alfons 56y M Southampton - £35 10s - £35,50 - $4437,50 - 0,74$/km - cl.1st.

 1109 S - SINCOCK Maude 20y W Southampton - £36 15s - £36,75 - $4593,75 - 0,77$/km - cl.2nd.

 1110 S - SINKKONEN Anna 29y W Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

 1111 V - SIRAYANIAN Orsen 22y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,23 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

 1112 V - SIROTA Morris 20y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1113 V - SIVIC Husein 40y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1114 V - SIVOLA Antti 21y M Southampton - £7 18s 6d - £7,93 - $990,63 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1115 S - SJÖBLOM Anna 18y W Southampton - £6 9s 11d - £6,50 - $811,98 - 0,13$/km - cl.3rd.

 1116 V - SJÖSTEDT Ernst 59y M Southampton - £13 10s - £13,50 - $1687,50 - 0,28$/km - cl.2nd.

 1117 V - SKOOG Harald 5y M Southampton - £27 18s - £27,90 - $3487,50 - 0,58$/km - cl.3rd.

 1118 V - SKOOG Karl 11y M Southampton - £27 18s - £27,90 - $3487,50 - 0,58$/km - cl.3rd.

 1119 V - SKOOG Mabel 9y W Southampton - £27 18s - £27,90 - $3487,50 - 0,58$/km - cl.3rd.

 1120 V - SKOOG Margit 2y W Southampton - £27 18s - £27,90 - $3487,50 - 0,58$/km - cl.3rd.

 1121 V - SKOOG Wilhelm 40y M Southampton - £27 18s - £27,90 - $3487,50 - 0,58$/km - cl.3rd.

 1122 V - SKOOG Anna 43y W Southampton - £27 18s - £27,90 - $3487,50 - 0,58$/km - cl.3rd.

 1123 V - SLABENOFF Petco 42y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1124 S - SLAYTER Hilda 30y W Queenstown - £12 7s - £12,35 - $1543,75 - 0,29$/km - cl.2nd.

 1125 V - SLEMEN Richard 35y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

 1126 V - SLOCOVSKI Selman 20y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1127 S - SLOPER William 28y M Southampton - £35 10s - £35,50 - $4437,50 - 0,74$/km - cl.1st.

 1128 V - SMART John 56y M Southampton - £26 11s - £26,55 - $3318,75 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

 1129 V - SMILJANIC Mile 37y M Southampton - £8 13s 3d - £8,66 - $1082,81 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

 1130 V - SMITH James 56y M Cherbourg - £30 13s 11d - £30,70 - $3836,98 - 0,66$/km - cl.1st.

 1131 V - SMITH Lucian 24y M Cherbourg - £60 - £60,00 - $7500,00 - 1,29$/km - cl.1st.

 1132 V - SMITH Richard 58y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.1st.

 1133 S - SMITH Mary 18y W Cherbourg - £60 - £60,00 - $7500,00 - 1,29$/km - cl.1st.

 1134 S - SMITH Marion 39y W Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

 1135 S - SMYTH Julia 17y W Queenstown - £7 14s 8d - £7,73 - $966,67 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

 1136 V - SMYTH Thomas 26y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

 1137 S - SNYDER John 24y M Southampton - £82 5s 4d - £82,27 - $10283,33 - 1,72$/km - cl.1st.

 1138 S - SNYDER Nelle 23y W Southampton - £82 5s 4d - £82,27 - $10283,33 - 1,72$/km - cl.1st.

 1139 V - SOBEY Samuel 25y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

 1140 V - SØHOLT Peter 19y M Southampton - £7 13s - £7,65 - $956,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1141 V - SOMERTON Francis 30y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1142 V - SPECTOR Woolf 23y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1143 S - SPEDDEN Robert 6y M Cherbourg - £134 10s - £134,50 - $16812,50 - 2,89$/km - cl.1st.

 1144 S - SPEDDEN Frederic 45y M Cherbourg - £134 10s - £134,50 - $16812,50 - 2,89$/km - cl.1st.

 1145 S - SPEDDEN Margaretta 39y W Cherbourg - £134 10s - £134,50 - $16812,50 - 2,89$/km - cl.1st.

 1146 V - SPENCER William 57y M Cherbourg - £146 10s 5d - £146,52 - $18315,10 - 3,15$/km - cl.1st.

 1147 S - SPENCER Marie 45y W Cherbourg - £146 10s 5d - £146,52 - $18315,10 - 3,15$/km - cl.1st.

 1148 V - SPINNER Henry 32y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1149 S - STÄHELIN-MAEGLIN Max 32y M Southampton - £30 10s - £30,50 - $3812,50 - 0,64$/km - cl.1st.

 1150 V - STANEFF Ivan 23y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1151 V - STANKOVIC Ivan 33y M Cherbourg - £8 13s 9d - £8,69 - $1085,94 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

 1152 S - STANLEY Amy 24y W Southampton - £7 11s - £7,55 - $943,75 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

 1153 V - STANLEY Edward 21y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1154 V - STANTON Samuel 42y M Cherbourg - £15 11d - £15,05 - $1880,73 - 0,32$/km - cl.2nd.

 1155 V - STEAD William 62y M Southampton - £26 11s - £26,55 - $3318,75 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

 1156 S - STENGEL Charles 54y M Cherbourg - £55 8s 10d - £55,44 - $6930,21 - 1,19$/km - cl.1st.

 1157 S - STENGEL Annie 44y W Cherbourg - £55 8s 10d - £55,44 - $6930,21 - 1,19$/km - cl.1st.

 1158 S - STEPHENSON Martha 52y W Cherbourg - £78 5s 4d - £78,27 - $9783,33 - 1,68$/km - cl.1st.

 1159 V - STEWART Albert 64y M Cherbourg - £27 14s 5d - £27,72 - $3465,10 - 0,59$/km - cl.1st.

 1160 V - STOKES Philip 25y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

 1161 S - STONE Martha 62y W Southampton - £80 - £80,00 - $10000,00 - 1,67$/km - cl.1st.

 1162 V - STOREY Thomas 51y M Southampton - £7 5s - £7,25 - $906,25 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

 1163 V - STOYTCHEFF Ilia 19y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1164 V - STRANDBERG Ida 22y W Southampton - £9 16s 9d - £9,84 - $1229,69 - 0,20$/km - cl.3rd.

 1165 V - STRANDÉN Juho 31y M Southampton - £7 18s 6d - £7,93 - $990,63 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1166 V - STRAUS Isidor 67y M Southampton - £221 15s 7d - £221,78 - $27722,40 - 4,65$/km - cl.1st.

 1167 V - STRAUS Rosalie 63y W Southampton - £221 15s 7d - £221,78 - $27722,40 - 4,65$/km - cl.1st.

 1168 V - STRILIC Ivan 27y M Southampton - £8 13s 3d - £8,66 - $1082,81 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

 1169 V - STRÖM Telma 2y W Southampton - £10 9s 3d - £10,46 - $1307,81 - 0,21$/km - cl.3rd.

 1170 V - STRÖM Elna 29y W Southampton - £10 9s 3d - £10,46 - $1307,81 - 0,21$/km - cl.3rd.

 1171 S - SUNDERLAND Victor 20y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1172 S - SUNDMAN Johan 44y M Southampton - £7 18s 6d - £7,93 - $990,63 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1173 V - SUTEHALL Henry 25y M Southampton - £7 1s - £7,05 - $881,25 - 0,14$/km - cl.3rd.

 1174 V - SUTTON Frederick 61y M Southampton - £32 6s 5d - £32,32 - $4040,10 - 0,67$/km - cl.1st.

 1175 V - SVENSSON Johan 74y M Southampton - £7 15s 6d - £7,78 - $971,88 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1176 S - SVENSSON Johan 14y M Southampton - £9 4s 6d - £9,23 - $1153,13 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

 1177 V - SVENSSON Olof 24y M Southampton - £7 15s 11d - £7,80 - $974,48 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1178 V - SWANE George 19y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

 1179 V - SWEET George 14y M Southampton - £65 - £65,00 - $8125,00 - 1,36$/km - cl.2nd.

 1180 S - SWIFT Margaret 46y W Southampton - £25 18s 7d - £25,93 - $3241,15 - 0,54$/km - cl.1st.

 1181 S - TANNŪS As'ad 1y M Cherbourg - £8 10s 4d - £8,52 - $1064,58 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

 1182 V - TANNŪS Bashīr 31y M Cherbourg - £6 8s 9d - £6,44 - $804,69 - 0,13$/km - cl.3rd.

 1183 S - TANNŪS Thamīn 16y W Cherbourg - £8 10s 4d - £8,52 - $1064,58 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

 1184 S - TAUSSIG Ruth 18y W Southampton - £79 13s - £79,65 - $9956,25 - 1,67$/km - cl.1st.

 1185 V - TAUSSIG Emil 52y M Southampton - £79 13s - £79,65 - $9956,25 - 1,67$/km - cl.1st.

 1186 S - TAUSSIG Tillie 39y W Southampton - £79 13s - £79,65 - $9956,25 - 1,67$/km - cl.1st.

 1187 S - TAYLOR Elmer 48y M Southampton - £52 - £52,00 - $6500,00 - 1,09$/km - cl.1st.

 1188 S - TAYLOR Juliet 49y W Southampton - £52 - £52,00 - $6500,00 - 1,09$/km - cl.1st.

 1189 V - TAYLOR Percy 32y M Southampton - - - - - cl.2nd.

 1190 S - TENGLIN Gunnar 25y M Southampton - £7 15s 11d - £7,80 - $974,48 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1191 V - THAYER John 49y M Cherbourg - £110 17s 8d - £110,88 - $13860,42 - 2,38$/km - cl.1st.

 1192 S - THAYER John 17y M Cherbourg - £110 17s 8d - £110,88 - $13860,42 - 2,38$/km - cl.1st.

 1193 S - THAYER Marian 39y W Cherbourg - £110 17s 8d - £110,88 - $13860,42 - 2,38$/km - cl.1st.

 1194 V - THEOBALD Thomas 34y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1195 V - THOMAS/TANNOUS John 34y M Cherbourg - £6 8s 9d - £6,44 - $804,69 - 0,13$/km - cl.3rd.

 1196 V - THOMAS/TANNOUS Tannous 16y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 6d - £7,23 - $903,13 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

 1197 V - THOMPSON Alexander 36y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1198 S - THORNE Gertrude 38y W Cherbourg - £80 4d - £80,02 - $10002,08 - 1,72$/km - cl.1st.

 1199 V - THORNEYCROFT Percival 36y M Southampton - £16 2s - £16,10 - $2012,50 - 0,33$/km - cl.3rd.

 1200 S - THORNEYCROFT Florence 32y W Southampton - £16 2s - £16,10 - $2012,50 - 0,33$/km - cl.3rd.

 1201 V - TIKKANEN Juho 32y M Southampton - £7 18s 6d - £7,93 - $990,63 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1202 V - TOBIN Roger 20y M Queenstown - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

 1203 V - TODOROFF Lalio 23y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1204 V - TOMLIN Ernest 22y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1205 S - TOOMEY Ellen 48y W Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

 1206 V - TÖRBER Ernst 41y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1207 V - TORFA Assad 20y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,23 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

 1208 S - TÖRNQUIST William 25y M Southampton - - - - - cl.3rd.

 1209 V - TOTEVSKI Hristo 25y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1210 V - TROUPIANSKY Moses 23y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

 1211 S - TROUT Jessie 26y W Southampton - £12 13s - £12,65 - $1581,25 - 0,26$/km - cl.2nd.

 1212 S - TROUTT Edwina 27y W Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

 1213 S - TUCKER Gilbert 31y M Cherbourg - £28 10s 9d - £28,54 - $3567,19 - 0,61$/km - cl.1st.

 1214 S - TU'MAH Jirjis 8y M Cherbourg - £15 4s 11d - £15,25 - $1905,73 - 0,32$/km - cl.3rd.

 1215 S - TU'MAH Mariyam 9y W Cherbourg - £15 4s 11d - £15,25 - $1905,73 - 0,32$/km - cl.3rd.

 1216 S - TU'MAH Hinnah 27y W Cherbourg - £15 4s 11d - £15,25 - $1905,73 - 0,32$/km - cl.3rd.

 1217 V - TURCIN Stjepan 36y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1218 S - TURJA Anna 18y W Southampton - £9 16s 10d - £9,84 - $1230,21 - 0,20$/km - cl.3rd.

 1219 S - TURKULA Hedwig 63y W Southampton - £9 11s 9d - £9,59 - $1198,44 - 0,20$/km - cl.3rd.

 1220 V - TURPIN William 29y M Southampton - £21 - £21,00 - $2625,00 - 0,44$/km - cl.2nd.

 1221 V - TURPIN Dorothy 26y W Southampton - £21 - £21,00 - $2625,00 - 0,44$/km - cl.2nd.

 1222 V - URUCHURTU Manuel 39y M Cherbourg - £27 14s 5d - £27,72 - $3465,10 - 0,59$/km - cl.1st.

 1223 V - VAN BILLIARD James 10y M Southampton - £14 10s - £14,50 - $1812,50 - 0,30$/km - cl.3rd.

 1224 V - VAN BILLIARD Walter 9y M Southampton - £14 10s - £14,50 - $1812,50 - 0,30$/km - cl.3rd.

 1225 V - VAN BILLIARD Austin 35y M Southampton - £14 10s - £14,50 - $1812,50 - 0,30$/km - cl.3rd.

 1226 V - VAN DE VELDE Johannes 35y M Southampton - £9 10s - £9,50 - $1187,50 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

 1227 V - VAN DEN STEEN Leo 28y M Southampton - £9 10s - £9,50 - $1187,50 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

 1228 V - VAN DER HOEF Wyckoff 61y M Belfast - £33 10s - £33,50 - $4187,50 - 0,61$/km - cl.1st.

 1229 V - VAN IMPE Catharina 10y W Southampton - £24 3s - £24,15 - $3018,75 - 0,50$/km - cl.3rd.

 1230 V - VAN IMPE Jean 36y M Southampton - £24 3s - £24,15 - $3018,75 - 0,50$/km - cl.3rd.

 1231 V - VAN IMPE Rosalie 30y W Southampton - £24 3s - £24,15 - $3018,75 - 0,50$/km - cl.3rd.

 1232 V - VAN MELCKEBEKE Philemon 23y M Southampton - £9 10s - £9,50 - $1187,50 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

 1233 V - VANDERCRUYSSEN Victor 46y M Southampton - £9 - £9,00 - $1125,00 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

 1234 V - VANDERPLANCKE Augusta 18y W Southampton - £18 - £18,00 - $2250,00 - 0,37$/km - cl.3rd.

 1235 V - VANDERPLANCKE Julius 31y M Southampton - £18 - £18,00 - $2250,00 - 0,37$/km - cl.3rd.

 1236 V - VANDERPLANCKE Leo 15y M Southampton - £18 - £18,00 - $2250,00 - 0,37$/km - cl.3rd.

 1237 V - VANDERPLANCKE Emelie 31y W Southampton - £18 - £18,00 - $2250,00 - 0,37$/km - cl.3rd.

 1238 V - VANDEWALLE Nestor 28y M Southampton - £9 10s - £9,50 - $1187,50 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

 1239 V - VARTANIAN David 22y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 6d - £7,23 - $903,13 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

 1240 V - VEAL James 40y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

 1241 V - VENDEL Olof 20y M Southampton - £7 17s 1d - £7,85 - $981,77 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1242 V - VESTRÖM Hulda 14y W Southampton - £7 17s 1d - £7,85 - $981,77 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1243 V - VOVK Janko 21y M Southampton - £7 17s 11d - £7,90 - $986,98 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1244 V - WAELENS Achille 22y M Southampton - £9 - £9,00 - $1125,00 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

 1245 V - WALKER William 48y M Southampton - £34 5d - £34,02 - $4252,60 - 0,71$/km - cl.1st.

 1246 S - WALLCROFT Ellen 36y W Southampton - £21 - £21,00 - $2625,00 - 0,44$/km - cl.2nd.

 1247 S - WARD Annie 35y W Cherbourg - £512 6s 7d - £512,33 - $64041,15 - 11,0$/km - cl.1st.

 1248 V - WARE John 45y M Southampton - £21 - £21,00 - $2625,00 - 0,44$/km - cl.2nd.

 1249 V - WARE William 23y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

 1250 S - WARE Florence 31y W Southampton - £21 - £21,00 - $2625,00 - 0,44$/km - cl.2nd.

 1251 V - WARE Frederick 34y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1252 V - WARREN Frank 63y M Cherbourg - £75 5s - £75,25 - $9406,25 - 1,62$/km - cl.1st.

 1253 S - WARREN Anna 60y W Cherbourg - £75 5s - £75,25 - $9406,25 - 1,62$/km - cl.1st.

 1254 V - WARREN Charles 30y M Southampton - £7 11s - £7,55 - $943,75 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

 1255 V - WATSON Ennis 19y M Belfast - - - - - cl.2nd.

 1256 S - WATT Robertha 12y W Southampton - £15 15s - £15,75 - $1968,75 - 0,33$/km - cl.2nd.

 1257 S - WATT Elizabeth 40y W Southampton - £15 15s - £15,75 - $1968,75 - 0,33$/km - cl.2nd.

 1258 V - WAZLI Yousif 23y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 6d - £7,23 - $903,13 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

 1259 S - WEBBER Susan 37y W Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

 1260 V - WEBBER James 66y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1261 V - WEIR John 59y M Southampton - £26 11s - £26,55 - $3318,75 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

 1262 V - WEISZ Léopold 37y M Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

 1263 S - WEISZ Mathilde 37y W Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

 1264 S - WELLS Ralph 2y M Southampton - £23 - £23,00 - $2875,00 - 0,48$/km - cl.2nd.

 1265 S - WELLS Joan 4y W Southampton - £23 - £23,00 - $2875,00 - 0,48$/km - cl.2nd.

 1266 S - WELLS Addie 29y W Southampton - £23 - £23,00 - $2875,00 - 0,48$/km - cl.2nd.

 1267 S - WENNERSTRÖM August 27y M Southampton - £7 15s 11d - £7,80 - $974,48 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1268 S - WEST Barbara 1y W Southampton - £27 15s - £27,75 - $3468,75 - 0,58$/km - cl.2nd.

 1269 S - WEST Constance 4y W Southampton - £27 15s - £27,75 - $3468,75 - 0,58$/km - cl.2nd.

 1270 V - WEST Edwy 36y M Southampton - £27 15s - £27,75 - $3468,75 - 0,58$/km - cl.2nd.

 1271 S - WEST Ada 33y W Southampton - £27 15s - £27,75 - $3468,75 - 0,58$/km - cl.2nd.

 1272 V - WHEADON Edward 65y M Southampton - £10 10s - £10,50 - $1312,50 - 0,22$/km - cl.2nd.

 1273 V - WHEELER Edwin 24y M Southampton - £12 17s 6d - £12,88 - $1609,38 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

 1274 S - WHILEMS Charles 31y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

 1275 V - WHITE Percival 54y M Southampton - £77 5s 9d - £77,29 - $9660,94 - 1,62$/km - cl.1st.

 1276 V - WHITE Richard 21y M Southampton - £77 5s 9d - £77,29 - $9660,94 - 1,62$/km - cl.1st.

 1277 S - WHITE Ella 55y W Cherbourg - £135 12s 8d - £135,63 - $16954,17 - 2,92$/km - cl.1st.

 1278 V - WICK George 57y W Southampton - £164 17s 4d - £164,87 - $20608,33 - 3,46$/km - cl.1st.

 1279 S - WICK Mary 31y W Southampton - £164 17s 4d - £164,87 - $20608,33 - 3,46$/km - cl.1st.

 1280 S - WICK Mary 45y W Southampton - £164 17s 4d - £164,87 - $20608,33 - 3,46$/km - cl.1st.

 1281 V - WIDEGREN Carl 51y M Southampton - £7 15s - £7,75 - $968,75 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1282 V - WIDENER George 50y M Southampton - £211 10s - £211,50 - $26437,50 - 4,43$/km - cl.1st.

 1283 V - WIDENER Harry 27y M Southampton - £211 10s - £211,50 - $26437,50 - 4,43$/km - cl.1st.

 1284 S - WIDENER Eleanor 50y W Southampton - £211 10s - £211,50 - $26437,50 - 4,43$/km - cl.1st.

 1285 V - WIKLUND Jakob 18y M Southampton - £6 9s 11d - £6,50 - $811,98 - 0,13$/km - cl.3rd.

 1286 V - WIKLUND Karl 21y M Southampton - £6 9s 11d - £6,50 - $811,98 - 0,13$/km - cl.3rd.

 1287 S - WILKES Ellen 47y W Southampton - £7 - £7,00 - $875,00 - 0,14$/km - cl.3rd.

 1288 S - WILKINSON Elizabeth 35y W Southampton - £26 - £26,00 - $3250,00 - 0,54$/km - cl.2nd.

 1289 S - WILLARD Constance 20y W Southampton - £26 11s - £26,55 - $3318,75 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

 1290 V - WILLER Aaron 37y M Cherbourg - £8 14s 3d - £8,71 - $1089,06 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

 1291 V - WILLEY Edward 18y M Southampton - £7 11s - £7,55 - $943,75 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

 1292 V - WILLIAMS Charles 51y M Cherbourg - £61 7s 7d - £61,38 - $7672,40 - 1,32$/km - cl.1st.

 1293 V - WILLIAMS Fletcher 43y M Southampton - £35 - £35,00 - $4375,00 - 0,73$/km - cl.1st.

 1294 S - WILLIAMS Richard 21y M Cherbourg - £61 7s 7d - £61,38 - $7672,40 - 1,32$/km - cl.1st.

 1295 S - WILLIAMS Charles 23y M Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

 1296 V - WILLIAMS Howard 28y M Southampton - £8 1s - £8,05 - $1006,25 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

 1297 V - WILLIAMS Leslie 28y M Southampton - £16 2s - £16,10 - $2012,50 - 0,33$/km - cl.3rd.

 1298 S - WILSON Helen 31y W Cherbourg - £134 10s - £134,50 - $16812,50 - 2,89$/km - cl.1st.

 1299 V - WINDELØV Einar 21y M Southampton - £7 5s - £7,25 - $906,25 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

 1300 V - WIRZ Albert 27y M Southampton - £8 13s 3d - £8,66 - $1082,81 - 0,18$/km - cl.3rd.

 1301 V - WISEMAN Philippe 54y M Southampton - £7 5s - £7,25 - $906,25 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

 1302 V - WITTEVRONGEL Camilius 36y M Southampton - £9 10s - £9,50 - $1187,50 - 0,19$/km - cl.3rd.

 1303 V - WOODWARD John 32y M Southampton - - - - - cl.2nd.

 1304 S - WOOLNER Hugh 45y M Southampton - £35 10s - £35,50 - $4437,50 - 0,74$/km - cl.1st.

 1305 V - WRIGHT George 62y M Southampton - £26 11s - £26,55 - $3318,75 - 0,55$/km - cl.1st.

 1306 S - WRIGHT Marion 26y W Southampton - £13 10s - £13,50 - $1687,50 - 0,28$/km - cl.2nd.

 1307 S - YASBECK Antoni 27y M Cherbourg - £14 9s 1d - £14,45 - $1806,77 - 0,31$/km - cl.3rd.

 1308 V - YAZBECK Selini 15y W Cherbourg - £14 9s 1d - £14,45 - $1806,77 - 0,31$/km - cl.3rd.

 1309 S - YOUNG Marie 36y W Cherbourg - £135 12s 8d - £135,63 - $16954,17 - 2,92$/km - cl.1st.

 1310 V - YOUSSEFF (ABI SAAB) Gerios 26y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 6d - £7,23 - $903,13 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

 1311 V - YOUSSIFF (SAM'AAN) Gerios 45y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 7d - £7,23 - $903,65 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

 1312 V - YVOIS Henriette 24y W Southampton - £13 - £13,00 - $1625,00 - 0,27$/km - cl.2nd.

 1313 V - ZAKARIAN Mapriededer 22y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 6d - £7,23 - $903,13 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

 1314 V - ZAKARIAN Ortin 27y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 6d - £7,23 - $903,13 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

 1315 S - ZENNI Philip 22y M Cherbourg - £7 4s 6d - £7,23 - $903,13 - 0,15$/km - cl.3rd.

 1316 V - ZIMMERMANN Leo 29y M Southampton - £7 17s 6d - £7,88 - $984,38 - 0,16$/km - cl.3rd.

833 ofiar (V) oraz 483 uratowanych (S) - wpływy za bilety: ówczesnych 43 563 funtów - dzisiejszych 5 445 426 dolarów

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