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POETRY NEWS _SALON Info. News user site -Poezja USA -Polska

Poetry is a tool of communication with a contoured talent of showing the word. In a beautiful color of absorbability. An attitude that receives our spirit
It can be rhymed to songs with different mentalities
Is it to praise and show the spirit and to show the world in a different perspective.
For a better understanding of association and imagination. concepts.
Rated poetry is a very difficult task.
Due to the different mentality and its directions of communication.
The message of truth which can not be conveyed.
For a time that is more perfect.
As the Messiah he speaks to the apostles coming down from this world.
I do not leave you alone.
Because he speaks to them. I will send you the Spirit of Truth which will lead you to the whole Truth.
Otherwise, knowledge.
And here the poets have to say what God's gifts have.
The purpose of targeting is not to teach.
The true messenger is God's messenger.
Which stirs up the talents God gives us.
Complicated would be this science and what simple.
When finalizing the case, it boils down to simplicity.
And invaluable honesty.

For example: Focusing and filling us belongs.
When we love such a world and we see our place there.

Poetry Poland
Where the eyes of the Nation are leading
It is not always Poland
Poland is there
Where is soul and conscience
You raise
Her sovereignty
And her foundation
There is a stone of truth.
shark POETRY NEWS _SALON Info News user site -Poezja USA -Polska

Poezja jest narzędziem przekazu wyprofilowanym talentem okazywania słowa.W pięknej barwie przyswajalności.Ucha który odbiera nasz duch
Może to być w formie rymowanym do piosenek o różnej mentalności
Czy to wysławiania i okazywania ducha i okazywanie świata w innej strony spojrzenia.
Dla doskonalszego zrozumienia skojarzenia i wyobraźni. pojęć.
Oceniane poezji to bardzo trudne zadanie.
Ze względu na różne mentalności i jej kierunki przekazu.
Przekazu Prawdy której się nie da przekazać.
Dla czasu który jest doskonalszy.
Jako Mesjasz mówi do apostołów schodząc z tego świata.
Nie zostawiam was samych.
Ponieważ mówi do nich .Poślę wam Ducha Prawdy który was doprowadzi do całej Prawdy.
Inaczej poznania.
I tu mają do powiedzenia poeci co mają dary Boże.
Celem nakierowania nie pouczenia.
Nauczycielem prawdziwym jest wysłannik Boga.
Który wznieca talenty jakie daje nam Bóg Ojciec.
Skomplikowana byłaby się zdawała ta nauka a jaka prosta.
Przy sfinalizowaniu sprawy sprowadza się to do prostoty.
I bezcennej uczciwości.

Np:Ukierunkowanie a wypełnienie do do  odbiorcy  należy. jego wolnej woli.
Gdy taki świat kochamy i widzimy tam swoje miejsce.

Poezja Polska
Tam gdzie oczy Narodu wiodą
Nie zawsze jest Polska
Polska jest tam
Gdzie duszą i sumieniem
Jej suwerenność
A podwaliną jej
Jest kamień prawdy.

 True Light of Nations
The power of Poetry is time

Not diluting the senses
That understanding would overtake us
And purity of mind
It brought time to our existence

Because healthy information
Without truth, hypocrisy stands
What you call healthy hurts falsely
Root pain gnaws at suffering

Demagogy twists the association
Illusion of peoples suffering
False repeated a thousand times
True false refuge
Which you watch as an illusion
As a morning mist
What was blurred
In the clouds of the sun
You didn't see

Although it hurts a lot
Man suffers
In the name of good
Someone's interests
Vices thorn of misery

An occult man fell asleep
dead set
He was hypnotized
In his tangle
In which he was involved
I believed

To his perdition
Sparkling wine anger hello
As promised by the Creator.
In the Apocalypse.

How it is seen from a different level
Understand understand
Meditate and arrange real
Associations of insights.
Weaken a man in the valley
His muddy water
Which flushed out the last of it
Slapping your tongue
They support the enemy
Or maybe he'll give the treasurer

Unfortunately, betrayals of future generations
What will they live in a lie?

The power of truth
Build a stone
What sticks into a boulder
Power of Nations

Like a word of flame spirit
Draws with a conscience
Our souls

Not this way of poisoning
Not this goal
Not these thoughts
What did our enemy choose to eat us
Intrigue with his mission

What snares he bet
Your violence
This is death
When we go back
Wickedness as a reptile
Such a culture
And he knows it as a gat
What shackles have the abyss of the oceans
Where there is no law
The word of man
And darkness
Emptiness and death

As a man of his culture
As human nature, we go
The power of his Creator
As him
Our father
He gave us life
That's what right you want to take from us
In the name of inhuman practices
In the name of our rebellion
This is violence
Imposed on inhuman practices
Is this what freedom is supposed to be like.
Did you get the permission?
Our creator
What are you accusing us of?
Who gave you the duty to eat pure grain?
Instead of chaff
You only deserved it
And to death
Eternal Damnation

ocean shark.

And you, man, drum the sobering up
Common sense
Is a law
Valleys and highlands
Up inspiration
What man forgot
About your duty
Charity speech
From the soul of conscience
New - New life
What a talent duty it is
He received from God

On the word difference
Democracy was created
Not the way where everyone is right
And the truth is the foundation stone on it
Threw out time
Poland is not there
Not this style
And not hers
Renewal attire
But Truth is our gift
That a real man will meet
And her defense is dignity
New Poland

If you persist in the watchdog of conscience
And then the road and the world are changing
What you add your hand to this happiness
What do you think you are getting ready
It's not you and your God
The real world builds with you.
And if the doubts come
Then pray and sigh
This is your test
And you, man, drum the sobering up
Common sense
Is a law
Valleys and highlands
Up inspiration
What man forgot
About your duty
Charity speech
From the soul of conscience
New - New life
What a talent duty it is
He received from God

What beats the freedom in your chains
Don't talk and don't let them convince you
That there is no Poland
He is not a man but a torturer
What shackles put on
Dictating the word judgment oracles
Judging and stripping the garments of spirit and body
He carries anger and disgust
Our god
Which is all powerful .

Polish longing
You speak a word
You call with your voice

Let conscience open
Let our spirit deny freedom
As you create it within yourself
Beautiful harmony what
Truth her pupils of the spirit
They're singing a song to you
Quiet nicer than that
The triumph of harmony it can create

Where is your homeland?
Your life energy there
Where is yours
There and spirit and conscience
It's vibrant with life
Your pulse
Heart rate beats time
What a supply of living water
In your interior
Marks the time
What lets you
about worries
Peace of silence

Poland is mine

Raise the power of your speech
This is the truth
Her streets
In your soul, conscience
It's all for her homeland
have a heart
May you be full of your beauty
Free Poland

Like octaves on an instrument
Which we find difficult
Get out of yourself

And our lives depend on them
knowing how
Create her harmony of beauty
Our spirit
This is what our Creator gave us
We would be our talents
They duplicated towards ours

Like your land
What morning dew
You strengthen your strength

Straining his spirit
Nothing here
The church is massive
Mortified spirit
Fainting body
Is this what we are given
Go Truth pages
Write with a clear conscience
In your blood hemorrhage
After a vacuum
And the enemy is mocking us alive

What are you reaching from the depths of the spirit?
Sources of purpose
It will not grow by itself
Her shoots will not bloom
Seedling orchard

She is a laborer
Your goal and zeal
A spirit of memories that develops the soul's core
To give her gifts, drink
Our conscience

Talk about the truth
It play on the nose of many
May you not lose faith in your mission
paradise gardens
On which many fell
But dryness
Overcoming the impossible borders.

In longing - mud and dirt
In December and the mitigation zone
You go where freedom
The day is really winding up
What would you say about shameless things?
Shadows narrow their eyes
They look at hi hot in the dark and midnight
The silver eye of the TV overwhelms them
In a time thief and iniquity
Pours your soul into oblivion
Like this plague, which overthrows your conscience
Which washes you away from your soul
What God wrote to you
That you wouldn't understand him
Wallowing in lawlessness

But you are the winners
What persevered
Winds storms
Fears and spooks
Doubts and sinking
And they rose from the dead
Keep paving the way for victory
In my ways
What will nobody get them?
On the road to the truth
And her victories.
And they called them dead

Yes, every wound is open
It hurts

To which the enemy adds salt
That we would give him his soul
For a slice
Moldy bread.
Because we can not respect
Polish raison d'etat

What would you like as my homeland?
Great was in the power of her spirit
As a seed among
Your homeland.
What a light
You can surround a man with yours
You penetrate the kidneys
the liver has a heart
and a humble soul
That she could eat your bread
holy hand

And you give strength
To endure anguish
Which man sacrifices for you
Which one for you
He gives his soul away
To hang the victory banner
No temptation.
Moving away from
Black matter illusions
What death brings
Lucifer Abyss
. Make an island
In the world of the desert
Take the plague away
Destruction Diseases
Where hers
This is a priority
Rough in the oceans
Yes to
Death Destruction
Telling us freedom
And death is getting closer.

Yes, the truth is gone
second to none
When your rays to me
It penetrates the soul
And conscience

And her wisdom
There are no equal
A respite
He tells us

His fruit
Brings you a hundred times
And it is far from lossy

No !
This is not our enemies
What animal venom
And animal monsters
You harass nations
Not this path is not the goal
Not this Mord
What is filling
Killing hearts with fire
Over the world
Which has a different purpose.

Who can mix between us -
Who can put shackles on us?
When with us true freedom that no one will question
Who cracks on her shatters - Who falls on it crushes - But you, my pearl, keep you clean
That nobody would accuse you of our God
Polish; In your miter and your drudgery
I see you, my land, in your true dress
For my god; You are dying like a dead man with harassment
Lied to and lied to by the highest

Poland is you and me
They and we
We are Poland
This is how the Creator sees us
And our workmanship is our granary of spirit
And the matter of which
He is the only lucky person
As our Creator
There is no other way.

News - News
Poetry portal
Increasing values ​​such as
Poland Co.
in your renewal
Native poetry
begets love
Polish land
May you shine
A clean torch
To the hills that take you
They will lead there
What pure bread
They will live

On the word difference
Shackles of law
Not serving man
How they are not a human bond
Called democracy
Which dissolve
Lakes of Tears
Giving lawlessness
What they see themselves at the tops
Forgetting what they carried out
That's why everyone drowns
And their foundations
They are falling out of control
Carrying terror
And death
Defend human freedom

The power of time

Raise us the spirit
They were told
And love is full of her
Add to our spice

And let us understand the power of truth
And easily
stepped up
With our weakness
What time he seduced
Addiction in us
The greatest enemy of man
What is our weakness?
To our sins
Which captivated us
A series of woes.

For how will you overcome the enemy
With a veil of your conscience
When hers
The guard fell asleep
In her vigilance

And the enemy is balancing in our apartment
And mixes with impunity
Unfortunately, having us
For foolish fools
Lying to us
From ours
Unbelief covered with a handful
This is how we are to be respected.
Let's open our eyes what church freemasonry does
And her leaders
With her support
Peels us
Us to pain
Promising golden mountains.
Saying Man is to live longer.
This is the voice of today's politicians.
Which is us
During their media hypnosis screening
We've chosen
Pole is awake
They are not enough to rob you
They will kill them.
What you don't know what to eat
On average, a Pole eats 2 kg of chemistry a year
I mean poison

Wake up your arteries
Move your heart
And strain your spirit
Not animal man
Or his spirit

God's power will stun violence
And he will carry the power
Faith content
That you would understand man
That only your Creator is God
And only worship him
That you would receive freedom

the rest is dark
Which wrapped us in anesthesia


Follow the voice of truth
That you would not experience
Profession and contempt
How you wear it
On your harassment

Through and from

People who are free of conscience
of men
What have lost their roots

It's mean, unbearable
And contemptuous
What kind of man is he?
He could do it
To become a wolf

That you my homeland
she got to know her
The eyes of conscience opened
And your spirit cried out
Real name
And he knew his will. Creator
And in this you will find the word to the truth
And the language is lost in it
Which bears contempt
Which he hates
Our Creator
Because it is not a language
Our god
She possessed us

We left Poland by his will
We live by his will
This is how it is agreed
That our enemy would begat us by the will of our enemies
To our loss.

Just because the enemy
Lucifer in the skin of Freemasonry
He mixed up the languages ​​of understanding

Drifting and playing our lives
I am a poker gambler
Exposing our nation
For the suffering.

And only and only because
That we can't cry
His will of wisdom
What a mason this is
He divided us

Media cunning
Speech differences.
You don't have freedom there
What end is your life

What a fall as
Before your coverage
Where the earth will change you
into nothingness

You have no life or freedom there
Your time was there
Dreams that ended

Life and freedom

Creates your conquests
Fighting for liberation
Which you should seek
In another space

The muscles stop
The heart stops
This force is dying

But the strength of the spirit
That touches the truth
And your conscience
He starts beating with his pulse
And the world is beginning to be
Truth instructions
there is life

Do you listen to this?
God Jesus Christ
He instructed that

As your conscience increases, understanding increases
And this one
You understand the words of the Holy Bible
God Himself teaches you.
When the light flux
They are entwined in your life
You begin to meet
And nobody teaches you

As written

No one will instruct anyone
And everyone will know me.

Poland, don't burn yourself
Like a fire in a fire

As Sodom and Gomorrah, she followed her footsteps
the fall
Yes, our civilization
Cannot exist without
Testicles of life

Polish Magazine
Not the broad way is boundless
But those in the lot of their humanity
Which can't be watered down
Animal thoughts
What fell on them
Sodom and Gomorrah.

Polish foundation

Fight your weaknesses
What logs bind understanding
Not this way
To Poland
Due to the state of requirements
Build a house

Our Poland poetry

Flame in wisdom
In a burning soul
It meanders and intensifies
The power of time

Polish poetry
Poetry of our homeland

This road which
You will love your freedom is your homeland
And zeal
And your fervor for the Truth will set you free.

New Novum of the World
Not what enters the mouth but what comes out of the mouth indicates a man.
Absolute Truth Not from People Comes But From God Himself
Who can sanctify us with his presence.
There are three ways of sanctification.
They were born with a comb means clean.
For they were pierced by pure people
They were forced to do so with strong will, faith and strength of spirit
Which made them saints.
Whoever persevere in this will be saved.
To these processes Lucifer exhibited heavy artillery in the body of Masonry
Starting from the USA, Brussels and Poland to our country.

Such a sin is a sin against the Holy Spirit.
Against the rebirth of the New World to be created
Announced by the prophets in the scriptures.
Yes we will be worlds of huge events.
Hills and mountains of the Sea and oceans will be touched.
Sky and land
Heroes will become escapees of their fear.
Not finding a hideout
To hide.
These matters are not new.
The scriptures describe it to us.
And there is only one escape.
The way to the truth of our God.
That will renew us.
In the Holy Spirit of our God to nature
The original God gave us in paradise.
In its own image.
ocean shark.

.https: // Not far from the truth wisdom stands
and what are you afraid of
Diamonds at your fingertips - eternal treasures
Just take you and dress your soul
In festive eternal garments
To sit at a real table with yours

What are you afraid of?
The shark broke the nets
I shared and shared with everyone
The most valuable
And the enemy breaks teeth with anger
It is tripling and what I will earn now
When he stands on the edge of law
And he will tell me the truth about my guilt which I have broken
In his name.
Thunder with you what you fear
My brothers and sisters
ocean shark

What raises his wisdom in his God
Don't supply your longing
Say in your love
Whose enemy can be envious
In which he falls wickedly
As a villain
All-time what was considered the hero of his lies
And now, as his falsehood, he showed his betrayal of his soul
Where he thought that he had cheated everyone.
And he deceived himself the most
The wicked man is stripped of his soul
Rejecting the road and putting other logs
On an animal name
What no one will crush her
She is love
What touches the soul of Nations
Nobody weigh yourself
Undermine her dignity
For her is a villain
Time of death
She is the victorious battle
Nations triumphs
It sticks together and is the foundation of agreement
It is on her that eternity is not beaten
Far from the winds of wickedness
What a masonic triumph like a plague
He is the wicked talker
It's him
He won't let us go to her
Let us fall into his hell
Breaking down our families
Crying for democracy
So that the differences between nations would be on his side
And it doesn't even fill it
Breaking all of them
Dirty plague
What its foundation is a swamp
Old Matrix
Which is it drowning on
Into the abyss of his darkness
But not with us
What would he choose to enslave us?
It's his end
What on your triumph of truth happened
That you would know your time

ocean shark

shark in the body of the ocean
From which the true triumph of Poland will be born and reborn.

What are you afraid of?
Above us and around us a power that you do not recognize

Do you have to see to believe.
Did not Jesus Christ say
Blessed are those who have not seen but believed
The power of truth

Let my enemies
They know what awaits them
I won't die until I'm done
Until they see my eye how my people will be free in truth Thunder Lucifer Not his victims - whom he possessed

Genesis 3:14 Then God said to the serpent: "Because you have done this, be cursed among all domestic and field animals; on your stomach you will crawl and dust you will eat all the days of your existence. 15 I bring enmity between you and the woman, between your offspring and her offspring: it will crush your head and you will crush his heel. "

The book of kind shows us the process
The process of the path from creation to fall to victory to the land from which we were banished
At this stage of the road we had great warriors and Prophets.
But over the true victory of this path stood the true master of power of all time, Jesus Christ.
God the Messiah, the son of God our only Father
It was he who won the path to paradise through the Holy Spirit
Which he will send us and lead us to all truth.
Therefore, the time is near because Lucifer is concentrating his army towards faithful God.

Poetry portal
Increasing values ​​such as
Poland Co.
in your renewal
Native poetry
begets love
Polish land
May you shine
A clean torch
To the hills that take you
They will lead there
What pure bread
They will eat yours
Let generations in our longing
the soul - which delight
He wants to burn
And it will light up
Sparks a thread of conception
What kindle the pleasure of fire
Tell our soul about -
Her greatness to our nation
That he would not forget about her - on which
This is standing Nations
Not knowing it
That her pity
He holds her
Extinguishing her woods
Which goes out
now moving
To his own
Let's not think
As a tree
It will grow itself
Without the use of spirit
Getting rid of leftovers
Which micro traces
Removes our enemy Lucifer
As animating us
In this limiting
Our thinking
There is no Law in the dark
Only torturing

ocean shark

Polish people

Let us not impose
words shackles
No defile spirit
As Brzeziński under the guise of a Pole
As spiritually, he wasn't quite
Because as an influential man
He did not grant Polish citizens visas for the USA
What was his secret's purpose?
Pump up hate speech
Feeling like
Russia must be frightened.
He turned Ukraine up and fascist factions
Does it serve Poland?
The post-war ulcer died as UPA
Why and make him excited.
Brzezinski weakens Europe
Exactly all over.
As in the culture of pagan Freemasonry.
And as economically, it does everything to undo us.
And goes back.
Even recent crises.
And space therapies.
These are not the old man's ways.
God will call you for confession.
We will talk there truly.
Only there you will not be a judge.
ocean shark

Poetry in word
You dive her population
You go out to her neighborhoods
Polish poetry
Like a song that permeates conscience content
To eat her soul
And become a real Pole
Because Poland is dying today
Her culture dies
Confidentiality has lost faithfulness
Motherland virtue
Her imperious purpose
get up from the dead
it's your goal
Poem poem
In patriotic speech
What is enemy?
this speech
There is betrayal
Our identity
But the truth trenches the content
Hostility is the goal
Because with us
Enormous forces

ocean shark


It's from the rocks
Hard and strong
Create a Polish soul
Polish land
Like an erupting volcano
From inside her earth
Creates her
Our truth
Will put together one whole

Polish poetry portal
Calling for
To Poland
She was Poland


The power of truth
Like an avalanche of fire what
A volcanic eruption is thrown out
Hot fire bites
Yes our love
What do you think about Poland?
Which will touch Poland
And a world of renewal


Poetry portal
Based on a foundation
virtues of the Polish nation
As given to him
It is ascend
Freedom of mind


Polish Poetry
Lifting Real
Polish stone
from fertile land
Enhance with yours
Burning fire
Your spirit
That your father will let you
Heaven and earth
He listened

Not in differences of Thought
And as in the truth
From the begining
As it is love
To the homeland
In truth
It wasn't a man who made her up
To fill it
For how she is
The pearl should stand

Poetry portal
Increasing values ​​such as
Poland Co.
in your renewal
Native poetry
begets love
Polish land
May you shine
A clean torch
To the hills that take you
They will lead there
What pure bread
They will eat yours
generations /
Polish Poetry
Lifting Real
Polish stone
from fertile land
Enhance with yours
Burning fire
Your spirit

The end of Lucifer announced for centuries
It can't be like that for Lucifer in the body of Freemasonry.
He imposed on animals to the Nations
He trampled over and destroyed the beginnings of humanization
Be agile like a viper
And innocent like a dove
That he would not sting you
venom of his leaven
Killing soul and body.
After the Barricades

On road mites
Fuzzy our thoughts
What a lie
Washed falsely
Under the guise of truth
A cheater deceived us /


The triumph
You sound the alarm
Where the dawn
Opens pupils
This is your drop
That revives you


Lift her weight on her face
In a world of increasing corruption
It hurts criminals
Which they fall into
And you walk with your head raised
Don't be afraid of this plague
She hurts
His harassment
sword of words
That nobody would match you
Because in truth
And love renewal
Polish poetry

True Truth
True truth leads through true freedom
True freedom raises true patriotism
True patriotism raises real life and a bonfire of happiness
Which builds the right track of the state and the nation
What numb your soul
Your heart in tortures
What do you sigh like you would live your own life
What a touch bites your legs
That you would fall as a poor nation

Not knowing where the darkness is where the night is
What a life where a day
What thrives
In our soul
To bring a drop of love
What my heart will move
That you exist

Polish poetry

On personification and in a separate embodiment
Thoughts we are sand
Like a broken boulder
W had dust and crossroads
Nobody counts with us
Because for what and with whom
We are as a worthless thorn
Who demands rights
From an institution foreign to us
What can you take of us
And torment with impunity


We are not alone
Although it seems to us
We create loneliness for ourselves
We are not poor
Although it seems to us
Because what a treasure of the soul is
What will you replace him with?
And what will you move?
to exist
Where man can't
Our Creator is there
That you would be able to rule
his speech
And he understood him

The spirit of poetry

Raising the truth of day life
Going everyday torment
The bustle of the ghost
We need to call for love first
Let God the Father hear us
In the power of his confessions
To which we are looking forward to being together
Our land to which we seek

Let the truth
will be our real banner
Your land and gift
To which you are going
Walking in the pain of this land
Depth of her abyss
The thorn follows
Which obstructs her view of beauty
And she calls us
That he would give her strength to carry her
And with his light
It will embrace our soul
That the whole sacrifice
For her
Is our life
Her light
There is no treasure and price
Above all
For there is life


Truth is a chain of processes gathering together
Life-long building.
Into the great mass of rock as a foundation of new life in the biblical language
If you are not born or reborn, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
This is the encouragement of the temptation to renew biological spirituality
It is the Spirit of truth that will lead you to all truth

The time and space of the universe is unlimited
Only our lives are limited
But only on this layer
which we exist
Processes that take place in the universe
They are unlimited
The processes that are given to us
Through our messiah
They are called white stone
And the nucleus of his development
There is a Spirit of truth.
Which brings us to the whole truth.
Extending our time indefinitely.

Polish poetry

Where the eyes of the Nation lead
It is not always Poland
Poland is there
Where soul and conscience
You raise
Her sovereignty
And her foundation
There is a stone of truth.

Soul Hunters

they are not idle
Home without care and security
he is stray
In a country with relaxed bearings
There is no prosperity
and respect
Tell the truth to the Pole
Raise your banner of the Polish spirit of the Nation
Don't be bitten
And he smelled his bad feelings
That our enemies want to direct

And a word with her
It's like a double-edged sword
Don't be afraid of the word
Do not be afraid of what enlightens our souls
Don't return to temptation
Lucifer that hurt
Under the guise of charity and the weak
They want to bind us to a broken law and its
Not giving a flourish to the spirit


Let the truth
will be our real banner
Your land and gift
To which you are going
Walking in the pain of this land
Depth of her abyss
The thorn follows
Which obstructs her view of beauty
And she calls us
That he would give her strength to carry her
And with his light
It will embrace our soul
That the whole sacrifice
For her
Is our life
Her light
There is no treasure and price
Above all
For there is life

Poetry portal
Poetry pointer
and the artistry of truth
Here is what you need
Water - Sun - Food
That we could build
One room house
Fight against the torturer himself
No new vision

Fighting the torturer himself is only a pious call
Is the howling wolf in the desert
What will a beautiful house mean to us?
Which we will build
As he will be empty inside
And without joy from being abandoned
The customs of family understanding
Where family integrity is in the gutter
And the strength of the spirit in the basket
And outside he won't have security
Our being.
Yes, Poland needs a pro-family culture
And the strength of the spirit that will be created
By her humiliation.
That we go through.
What is given to us from the admission of sin
He clung to us
It is God himself who speaks to us
Who I love, I increase it.
That we would be masters of our power
What is Poland like?
That's the only way they'll get her
who will understand that.
And they come out of their perversions
Which are vice and emaciation
Our homeland
Where there is a mess there is a stench
And rats, foraging for lawlessness.
Let's sort ourselves first
A benevolent organization within us
He will chase away rats.
Because there will be no feeding for them
And they will be afraid of settling them
Their filth and the crap they committed
Road to free Poland

ocean shark

On the Borderland of War

Man is so constructed that
We get used to the greatest threat - and our mind enters a state
sleep indifference
Although it hangs
The threat of war is - but not arsenals
wars that man built.
They are a direct cause.
The reason lies in the language of misunderstanding

Wisdom is not far from the truth
and what are you afraid of
Diamonds at your fingertips - eternal treasures
Just take you and dress your soul
In festive eternal garments
To sit at a real table with yours

A real home Poland
Who builds a house and its place in it - where it nestles its existence.
If you have a granary and the magazine you put in
If rats and mice nest there, is there no medicine?
If wolves and foxes have their home there - they are scavenging reptiles
But are we; we have no wisdom and understanding what the Creator has given us
Will he not find a decent club to chase them away?
But are we able to take over this beautiful land?
Are our teeth related to our torturers of souls and bodies?

You can't hear the speech that is close to you
This is where you got lost
The road is blurred by traces of nothingness
Fog covered the road contours
A man got lost.
And the false road workers rearranged the signs

Detachment of children from parents and placing them in special centers, schools
man-made freemasonry. To subject them to complete and universal demoralization, so that they become human animals susceptible to all manipulation and lies . Manipulating exact sciences, convince them that nothing but matter exists and that man is a god for himself. And makes laws for itself.

Like your land
What morning dew
You strengthen your strength

Straining his spirit
Nothing here
The church is massive
Mortified spirit
Fainting body
Is this what we are given
Go Truth pages
Write with a clear conscience
In your blood hemorrhage
After a vacuum
And the enemy is mocking us alive

True what wisdom
In your reign
Nations stand
And so many of their murders
And disagreement
In contrast

Like octaves on an instrument
Which we find difficult
Get out of yourself

And our lives depend on them
knowing how
Create her harmony of beauty
Our spirit
This is what our Creator gave us
We would be our talents
They duplicated towards ours

Do not be afraid of what enlightens our souls
Don't return to temptation
Lucifer that hurt
Under the guise of charity and the weak
Features of our spirit and its doubt
They want to bind us to a broken law and its
Without giving a flourishing conscience
Entering the sphere of family matters
Checking the sensitivity of social family tissue is insane

In poetry chamber
In color robes
Noble Rise

Poland, you like listening to lies

They promise and endure false hope
For tomorrow
But this is the death of our fetus
What do you carry in the cradle
Polish land
Wake up your conscience
The righteous spirit
Fist not in hand
Your defense.

What Poles don't want to know

And they don't take to heart,poezja-polska

Archbishop Bugnini's reply to the Board of the Masonic Lodge:

"I think I laid the foundations for the greatest frolics in the Catholic Church, thanks to my document, issued in accordance with your instructions. I had a troublesome struggle and had to use all tricks in the face of my enemies from the Congregation of Rites to receive approval of this document from the Pope. Fortunately for our cause, we have received the support of our friends and our Freemason brothers from Universa Laus who are faithful to us. Thank you for providing money and I hope to meet you soon. I hug you

Your Brother Buan (Bugnini)

July 2, 1967 "

Real time
And man was in charge of him
Without going into doubt
What world brings shadow blight
So that man would not be eaten from unfortunate pressures
Words waiting for him
Carrying a lot of doubt.
For the truth has a fruit of beauty
Which ennobles everyone
Who fell in love with her
To the knock of unlimited love

It's difficult to look for the truth in the crowd. Truth is the priority of those who seek it with their own strengths . Lies and unhealthy views are wrong and bitter in fruit
It is better to support those who seek the truth than convince one because only on susceptible soil the fruits of real work are abundant

Lift her weight on her face
In a world of increasing corruption
It hurts criminals
Which they fall into
And you walk with your head raised
Don't be afraid of this plague
She hurts
His harassment
sword of words

to get to the truth

We need to know the paths of those who blur it
As some say - the darkest under the lighthouse.
Antichrist uses the highly specialized art of appearances, which are supposed to give us the full beliefs of clichés that are not.
These are specialized tricks with very high truthfulness that distract the Nations from their mission sources Which the world is to fulfill.
And he is deceptively urged to go nowhere.
High maybe even a very high quotient of the demagogical devastation of their souls.
And the consequences are only logs and stocks where a man becomes helpless in his enslavement.
Feeling pressure without knowing who is pulling these strings of bondage.

Where are your weapons of victory?
Successful victories
We've been told
Where is your message?
What we were promised
Where are their words
Nothing significant
Escaping from the country
Before revenge
Those who are not Poles
In our country
As laborers
Nothing significant
Patriotism words
between the wanderers of the world
Is Poland like us?

Don't cry my pearl

You are dear to me
And I love you very much
I think every day
Who is punishing you so?
And every day you assume slavery assumes
He is not the master of your soul or our freedom
Our country will shake soon
And great powers will rise
And you will
Your freedom
And our enemies walking at night
What degraded us
In God's power, our redemption.

Remembering one
The nation's gold is honesty
Respect and love of respect
Relative to my family
And their roots
What are Slavs like?

Not forgetting in which
threat we live
From what seed
We grew up
Kim and what should we do
That we would live safely.
What is our captivity?
And what purpose
We would exist
Between nations.
Man is not given to him once and for all
If it is not cared for and sanded, it rusts.
A real singer drifts in notes from low to high
The more he is distant from his poles
And their clever key
It makes you know the expertise of this workshop.
Similarly, the poet
Entering the world of purity and valleys
Deflecting them

Who and what is Masonry
Probably the reverse of our Creator
Their life processes go in the opposite pole
I mean death
You raise with the spirit
of hope. Mother's words
Polish Co Enemy
Taking your family away
I tell you to fall into oblivion
His vital
A word of thought
What creates you
The native spirit of the Nation
For your freedom
Words you create
towards new rebirths
Time to open your eyes
Everything's up
Everything upside down
Doctors destroy health
Lawyers destroy justice
Universities destroy knowledge
Governments destroy freedom
Religions destroy spirituality.
Who can mix between us?
- Who can put shackles on us?
When with us true freedom that no one will question
Who cracks on her shatters - Who falls on it crushes - But you, my pearl, keep you clean
That nobody would accuse you of our God

- From the Wisdom of Rock Minerals - you forge your treasure - Who will confuse you - Not knowing their advice - Where the truths of conception of the day - Cover your wound - You will decorate your spirit and soft wind will wrap you - Drawing a new conscience - Your robes New instructions. - Who he will understand in the dark - How much is the Truth which He does not seek

Don't cry Polish - Pole
These angels will bring freedom
That you would believe it
On which we will plant the next generation
New Poland

Well, these are not times
Which will be an oasis
And the Pole is afraid
What will be tomorrow?
Let the will be in this pit
I am not afraid
Our God and the messiah said
When you see the signs of the times
Which were not there
Don't be afraid every day
It's your time
Time of Victory
ocean shark
Which Carved In Signs What Warp The Spirit of Hope
He lifts us vital forces To the truths Which draw us the quotient of the Spirit, yes
So that we can understand its content
What makes us happy?
When a thorn covers her night
And life rises from the shadows
That we could exist.
And the spirit could tear us apart
Impossible Things
Towards the way
ocean shark .

Lucifer lie

A lie is the most important element that serves to hide the truth. A lie is a conspiracy and is its foundation - the secret is its scaffolding.
That's why the enemy's weapon is a lie.
Which reigns in populism, demagogue, occult art, magic arts etc.
Because a lie is false and the opposite of truth.
He hid from her in burrows of debauchery.
And today we can see that this filth has emerged on the streets and crawls around the salons of power and the church.
And it spreads all over our land of Poland.
Sowing depression, oppression and possessiveness, which removes and exposes us of both bodily and spiritual garments.
Sowing such confusion and confusion that we would not be able to communicate with each other and understand about building a common homeland.
Because for this caricature and vipers what came out of breeding holes to sow venom and debauchery.
Sacking our consciences.
Then households turning our souls into their slavery to the crooked and insidious world
Our existence.
in ocean Poland
Don't be fooled
Do not let tramples on Polish soil
Don't be fooled
And cheer
Thinking that he will change something offending

Even the wolf becomes immodest
And the reptile will limit
And that you would seek wisdom
Ominous and envious venom
He is the carrion of this land
And you give yourself to defile your conscience
Under the Flag of Bandera

Not everyone spits out Bear
And the lucifer will sail away
To the ice land
Where God will freeze him
And what do you say Mr. K-ki
What do you want to exchange Poland for?
He made a mistake with his fear.

Don't do it
Remember Poland is not you
And the whole nation
There is still law above yours, not yours
Some know what the nobility were doing
That's your flag
And a saber
A wise and intelligent man does not fight with muscles
And I understand what hate blinds it
It is wisdom in Truth that makes National settlements

Who fights with what dies from it
Who puts a home on the truth
Truly puts

Ocean shark Truth What no one will crush her
She is love
What touches the soul of Nations
Nobody weigh yourself
Undermine her dignity
For her is a villain
Time of death
She is the victorious battle
Nations triumphs
It sticks together and is the foundation of agreement
It is on her that eternity is not beaten
Far from the winds of wickedness
What a masonic triumph like a plague
He is the wicked talker
It's him
He won't let us go to her
Let us fall into his hell
Breaking down our families
Crying for democracy
So that the differences between nations would be on his side
And it doesn't even fill it
Breaking all of them
Dirty plague
What its foundation is a swamp
Old Matrix
Which is it drowning on
Into the abyss of his darkness
But not with us
What would he choose to enslave us?
It's his end
What on your triumph of truth happened
That you would know your time

ocean shark

Detachment of children from parents and placing them in special centers , schools
man-made freemasonry. To subject them to complete and universal demoralization, so that they become human animals susceptible to all manipulation and lies. Manipulating exact sciences, convince them that nothing but matter exists and that man is a god for himself. And makes laws for itself.

What a light
You can surround a man with yours
You penetrate the kidneys
the liver has a heart
and a humble soul
That she could eat your bread
holy hand
And you give strength
To endure anguish
Which man sacrifices for you

Truth is a chain of processes gathering together
Life-long building.
Into the great mass of rock as a foundation of new life in the biblical language

But Truth, Power in Truth will set us free
In which we will believe
Do you need so much?
For be honest with you
Total freedom
To stay clean

Surrendered to the Pole in truth
In an oasis between intruders
Who chose us as a sacrifice
Not this way
Above us and below us power
Forces unknown to them
Their day is night
Behind the preoccupied
Looking for lies like hypocrisy to catch us.
That is why their actions are inexplicable

A state without a healthy soul of social coexistence.
It becomes lofty and there is a criminal and executive dictatorship in it.

To his homeland
We were told to go
In truth womb
What love
The bread of life
And nobody will tell us
A word of animal
Adoration of employment
Go away lucifer

Let it not be created
your spirit Poland
As I said and wrote, maybe it is awkward maybe
with shortcomings
But with intentions
Great Poland
Because this is the most important thing
Because as they say
The ends justify the means

Forge your soul in strong steel

In December and the mitigation zone
You go where freedom
The day is really winding up
What would you say about shameless things?
Shadows narrow their eyes
They look at hi hot in the dark and midnight
The silver eye of the TV overwhelms them
In a time thief and iniquity
Pours your soul into oblivion
shark in the body of the ocean
From which the true triumph of Poland will be born and reborn.

What are you afraid of?
Above us and around us a power that you do not recognize

Do you have to see to believe.
Did not Jesus Christ say
Blessed are those who have not seen but believed
The power of truth

Let my enemies
They know what awaits them
I won't die until I'm done
Until it sees my eye as my people will be free in truth

Thunder Lucifer
Not his victims - whose possessions

Lucifer pogrom

Roads and wilderness
those who place the logs

Soul hunters are not idle
Home without care and security
he is stray
In a country with relaxed bearings
There is no prosperity
and respect
Tell the truth to the Pole
Raise your banner of the Polish spirit of the Nation
Don't be bitten
And he smelled his bad feelings
That our enemies want to direct

In your refuge, freedom
Your greatness and greatness
Let the truth rise
And applies his wisdom to the Nation
Let no one dare to threaten to split her
Who can shatter family rocks
Let the masonic incompatibilities
I will defile my poison
As it rises
In the animal venom of temptation
Where lucifer has his habitat
That he would not find a place on earth
In a human soul
And the Power of Truth will crush him
In dust
ocean shark

Not in the nostrils of strength
And in God's power
What man will ask for
At his father's

The real homeland is not there
what they don't care about her
Our homeland is not there
Where is patriotism?
A foreign brace
Like Poles, not Polish land
Time will change them
They are not Poles
He is not a living tree builder
Not them
They are not our leaders
And thieves
And villains
Not worth it
Words write about them
ocean shark
You my pearl
Don't think that eternal bondage
The wind before the storm
Thunder and streets during a thunderstorm
rain what our body gets wet
To ionize the air
to our health
Then the sun and healthy breathing.
May you my pearl
Poland has not lost its speech
And the broken tree would not have escaped you
it did not stick to the earth forever.
Poland when real depression
There and our master close
what are you afraid of
He prepared a new concave
For the harvest
From a new land
That we could
New world
That will change us and Poland
Giving light to us
And we
Other Nations


Our homeland
The tree of our being
Where is God the Father?
He created the way for her to us
Whoever wants to destroy her
The one on her shatters
And he won't know peace
Neither the first death nor the second.
until it reaches the limits of vermin
And he will end his nothingness.
And let us fight our weakness.
Because it's her
Our enemy.

Go the truth
Killing the fire of your soul

For who will raise us up?
It will move our spirit
To life-giving
Lands of life

Because what weak intentions say
our conscience
When wolves and foxes
They attack us tirelessly
And our greatest enemy is fear
And naivety
And where is our faith
Who rejected her trampled her
And he threw it out
That's her
Our true covenant raft
Let's not let her go
Without you and randomly
Because the wolf
feeds on such
What is leaving them
strength of spirit
Not believing in your path

We must not tell the truth about supply
to go to heaven and not be afraid

With a clear conscience
Because what will the unfaithful allusioned magician say?
Egocentric eating ruthlessly honest
Exalted in the occult
To feed your nakedness to your poor soul without conscience
Empty in his pack of hunts -
Its fruit is skull and death.
The whole NWO
Headers feeding on the Polish sky
Dressing up this spooky
In the real garb of the Illuminati
To feed us with hypocrisy of untruth
And to scare the Polish nation
False salt
Talk about the truth
It play on the nose of many
May you not lose faith in your mission
For paradise gardens
On which many fell
But dryness
Overcoming the impossible borders


Not about the supply of truth
We need to tell us
Who has strength?
Close its valves
Who will cut us off?
Great sophisticated
Fight life
In which you win
Which you follow me to
And my friend
In our true God
Do not be afraid of the great for whom they are
Our Creator and Lord of the Universe
He is with those who call his name
Good things promised
We all know it
And yet we are trapped
In captivity of temptation
The clergy deceived us
But the truth is bitter
But it is impossible not to know
Her instructions
To exist as a nation

The power of truth
Like an avalanche of fire what
A volcanic eruption is thrown out
Hot fire bites

Yes our love
What do you think about Poland?
Which will touch Poland
And a world of renewal

Polish oasis
Tongue sword
He will move his head
Polish love
So as not to lose your head

Betrayals speak soft language
Poland is not there
No false layouts
And in truth her name is Truth
There you will consolidate your Polish roots

For generations
National fame
That no one would dare

Not taking a penny from it
What usury business has permission for you
This is not a friend a
The end of Lucifer announced for centuries
It can't be like that for Lucifer in the body of Freemasonry.
He imposed on animals to the Nations
He trampled over and destroyed the beginnings of humanization

Our saviors are not yours

What overwhelmed us with theirs
Logs of their disagreement
Taking away from us
Normal beauty; life
What kind of man is he?
He should be in his nature
They trod on us
Eternal enemies

My homeland
I have drowned my desire in you
To share your gift
As given to me
I am not your authority
Let me not be a liar
And he shows his ways
That you would love the truth
It will free you
It will open the eyes of conscience
Soul Understanding - See You
And she recognized our enemy completely

The power of time

Raise us the spirit
They were told
And love is full of her
Add to our spice

And let us understand the power of truth
And easily
stepped up
With our weakness
What time he seduced
Addiction in us
The greatest enemy of man
What is our weakness?
To our sins
Which captivated us
A series of woes.

For how will you overcome the enemy
With a veil of your conscience
When hers
The guard fell asleep
In her vigilance

And the enemy is balancing in our apartment
And mixes with impunity
Unfortunately, having us
For foolish fools
Lying to us
From ours
Unbelief covered with a handful
This is how we are to be respected.
Let's open our eyes what church freemasonry does
And her leaders
With her support
Peels us
Us to pain
Promising golden mountains.
Saying Man is to live longer.
This is the voice of today's politicians.
Which is us
During their media hypnosis screening
We've chosen
Pole is awake
They are not enough to rob you
They will kill them.
What you don't know what to eat
On average, a Pole eats 2 kg of chemistry
I mean poison


You forgot who you are, man

And the mission of your talents
What did God put in you?
The chasm of darkness enters
You forgot to call in the desert
Such a language
Your creator will not hear you
And the depth of the abyss devours you.
Such naivety is not righteous people
And insolent people
What they think
That someone would arrange everything for them.

Unfortunately this is not the case


News - News
Poetry portal
Increasing values ​​such as
Poland Co.
in your renewal
Native poetry
begets love
Polish land
May you shine
A clean torch
To the hills that take you
They will lead there
What pure bread
They will live


They mingled
Our vastness of our spirit
With his vomit
That they drank
His slipperiness

Poland is you and me
They and we
We are Poland
This is how the Creator sees us
And our workmanship is our granary of spirit
And the matter of which
He is the only lucky person
As our Creator
There is no other way.

As me and you, you don't mean anything to God
You are not
Associated with a living organ.

Poetry of Nature

which makes us think
To shape her life without a shadow.
Yes, to light the fire of love,
which endures the time of nothingness.
Looking at disasters and falls of fate.
They teach us not to fall off the car.
Where are we going
by fate given to us.
We're going, shackled.
Without even knowing it.
Being a slave to death,
what time is it
Who will kill the corrosion of time?
Who will free us from this deadlock?
Who will build the paths of eternity?
And there is one who has set a time of love.
He will etch and anoint our soul.
The seal of God's eternity
that man could enjoy paradise.
For eternal happiness.

No !
This is not our enemies
What animal venom
And animal monsters
You harass nations
Not this path is not the goal
Not this Mord
What is filling
Killing hearts with fire
Over the world
Which has a different purpose.

Yes, the truth is gone
second to none
When your rays to me
It penetrates the soul
And conscience

And her wisdom
There are no equal
A respite
He tells us

His fruit
Brings you a hundred times
And it is far from lossy

Make an island
In the world of the desert
Take the plague away
Destruction Diseases
Where hers
This is a priority
Rough in the oceans
Yes to
Death Destruction
Telling us freedom
And death is getting closer.


Not this way
What is split?
In pain
And the bondage
Asking Nations

Just because our naivety
It's great
Not checking
Where does this information come from?
They come


Like a diffuse conflagration - break it
It flows with blood
Don't touch your hands there
Man needs warmth
And security
Everyone is right there
they place their property

May you my homeland
She was there


You don't have freedom there
What end is your life

What a fall as
Before your coverage
Where the earth will change you
into nothingness

You have no life or freedom there
Your time was there
Dreams that ended

Life and freedom

Creates your conquests
Fighting for liberation
Which you should seek
In another space

The muscles stop
The heart stops
This force is dying

But the strength of the spirit
That touches the truth
And your conscience
He starts beating with his pulse
And the world is beginning to be
Truth instructions
there is life

Do you listen to this?
God Jesus Christ
He instructed that

As your conscience increases, understanding increases
And this one
You understand the words of the Holy Bible
God Himself teaches you.
When the light flux
They are entwined in your life
You begin to meet
And nobody teaches you

As written

No one will instruct anyone
And everyone will know me.

ocean shark

Not the broad way is boundless
But those in the lot of their humanity
Which can't be watered down
Animal thoughts
What fell on them
Sodom and Gomorrah.

O mnie Iskra.SH

Niektórzy nie zdają sobie sprawy co ja piszę. Na ten czas  czekali Pokolenia Polskie.I marzyli o ogromnej Polsce Nowej wielkiej Bogatej Polski. Na Fundamencie Prawdy i jej Poznania. Jako Polacy już nie powinni i nie będą żyli w państwie Kapłaństwa a w Państwie apostolskim. Naród ślepy potrzebuje pasterzy którzy ich prowadzą inaczej są dalej  w prawie opamiętania. A nie poznania. Tu już nikt nikogo nie może zwodzić nie ma na to miejsca. Świat apostolski posiada poznanie Prawdy.Jakim był apostoł Piotr. Świat Kapłański nam przedstawił Paweł.Jako dalszy ciąg starego Testamentu. Świat Apostolski To jest wyjście z procesów Prawa  DO Natury Boga Stwórcy  jaki otrzymali pierwsi rodzice. A to pouczał Piotr apostoł uczeń Mesjasza jako namaszczony przez samego Boga. Jako nam mówi i dziś jeśli was sumienie nie oskarża czyści jesteście. Jako ks.Tischner  nam mówi jako Bóg nas zapyta Josiek kim jesteś. Jako Mesjasz odchodzący z tego świata mówi nie zostawiam was samych Jako Duch Prawdy którego wam poślę doprowadzi was do całej Prawdy. Jako napisano nikt nikogo nie będzie was pouczał o mnie inaczej o naszym Bogu Ojcu.Wszyscy będą mnie znali Te czasy przychodzą. Gdzie się zmienią nasze drogi zmysłowe i zapragniemy natury swojej inaczej natury człowieka jaką mieliśmy u poczęcia stworzenia. I spełnią się słowa jakie zadanie dał Stwórca człowiekowi. I co go czeka i ile nas zginie. Nie uciekniemy od tego zobowiązania albo zginiemy jak określił nasz nam Ojciec Bóg Stwórca . Jakie słowa wypowiedział pierwszym rodzicom.W rozumowaniu mojej interpretacji. rekin

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