The Betel. Part 3. The bidding.

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The Betel. Part 2. The play. <- previous part

Allocation of deck

       The first dealer is freely chosen - for example by drawing lots. The player to the left of the dealer will be the next dealer - and clockwise again and again. The game is played for as long as any player scores 1000 points. Optionally, a different rule to start and finish series of deals can be set.

       The dealer deals cards, face down, in turn to each player starting from the left. The first two turns are dealt into four piles - to the left player, to the "twins", to the right player and to the dealer. The next eight turns bypass the "twins". So there are four piles after dealing: 10 cards for each of three players and 2 cards in a "twins".

The bidding (first part of deal)

       Once the cards are dealt, each player picks up their "hand" and, beginning with the dealer, makes a "call" ("exchange" and "bid" or "pass"). Players calls clockwise. Each player's call consists of "exchange of a "twins" and "bid" or "pass" or "double". If all players pass, the dealer starts the game - no "contract" will be played, there will be notrump and the goal of each player will be to get as many tricks as possible.

       If any player declares a contract, then any subsequent player clockwise may "pass", "double" or declare a higher contract. The bidding continues until the two consecutive "passes" or "Grand Slam".

       Each player's call consists of "exchanges" and "bid" or "pass" or "double". You can abandon the exchange and then pass, double or bid, or exchange one or two cards from "twins" and then bid, not pass and not double. You can abandon in such ways: by viewing any one "twins" card, by viewing all two "twins" cards or by not viewing any card of the "twins". If you look at one card and "pass", you'll get -5 points. Looking at two cards and pass costs -10 points. But looking at two cards and "double" costs 0 points. If you decide to "exchange" you cannot pass but you can "double". You can take "twins" to "hand" and then put two other cards (or the same), face down, from hand on table creating new "twins" and then you are obligate to "bid" or "double".

       "Double" means that points for a contract will be doubled, whether they are positive or negative. Additionally, the next bidding may start from the beginning. After a double and a pass you cannot bid the same contract again, but you can bid that contract in subsequent bidding rounds. In addition, the same contract may not be doubled for a second time in any subsequent bidding.

       Bid is a declaration of "contract". Here are all possible contracts from the lowest to the highest: 1. "Betel 3", 2. "One clubs", 3. "One diamonds", 4. "One hearts", 5. "One spades", 6. "One notrump", 7. "Betel 2", 8. "Two clubs", 9. "Two diamonds", 10. "Two hearts", 11. "Two spades", 12. "Two notrump", 13. "Betel 1", 14. "Three clubs", 15. "Three diamonds", 16. "Three hearts", 17. "Three spades", 18. "Three notrump", 19. "Betel 0", 20. "Small Slam clubs", 21. "Small Slam diamonds", 22. "Small Slam hearts", 23. "Small Slam spades", 24. "Small Slam notrump", 25. "Grand Betel", 26. "Grand Slam clubs", 27. "Grand Slam diamonds", 28. "Grand Slam hearts", 29. "Grand Slam spades", 30. "Grand Slam notrump". All betels are notrump.

       “One” means 6 tricks or more to be taken, “Two” means 7 tricks or more, “Three” means 8 tricks or more, “Small Slam” means 9 tricks or more, “Grand Slam” means all 10 tricks. "Betel 3 means 3 tricks to be taken and no more, “Betel 2” means 2 tricks and no more, “Betel 1” means 1 trick and no more, “Betel 0” means no tricks to be taken and “Grand Betel” means no tricks and no obligation to "defenders" to put higher card in suit, but still there is this obligation to "declarer" and obligation to follow the suit to all.

next part-> Scoring

Grzegorz GPS Świderski

PS. Related notes:

PS2. All parts:

The Betel. Part 2. <- previous note

next note -> The Betel. Part 4.

Tags: gps65, Betel, bidding, autction, declaration, contract

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