Na początek jedno z wielu świadectw czasów bohaterskiego gen. Pinocheta
Remember, general Cheyre?
(Source: part of the text published in the daily newspaper, Punto Final, March 2002)
"On the 6th of October, 1973, at lunch time, you arrived, Mr. Cheyre, accompanied by Planco and Ojeda plus a squad of soldiers. You broke down the door andanything else that stood in your way such as household objects. You destroyed the living room using "yatagan knives. You burned the books in my little library; the patio became full of holes.
What were you and your men looking for? Arms!
You didn't find any and this reduced you to a paroxysm of fury: the blows grew worse and worse against my husband and me. Your insults, like 'slut,' 'whore,' 'your mother's cunt' - still echo in my ears, like the terrified cries of my little children. With my hands tied and my eyes blindfolded, I was taken to Regiment "Arica" de la Serena. Your commandant was Ariosto Lapostol Orrego. I was thrown into a punishment cell from which I was taken to sessions of torture. Other women also suffered rape, beating, application of electricity to fingers, feet, nipples, vagina. Without food or water I drank what accumulated in the corners with urine and the remains of feces.
You ordered that I be shot, since I implicated no one and knew nothing about weapons. And the feigned execution took place.
Handcuffed and blindfolded, we were being moved to the women's jail when someone gave the order to halt. 'Free her hands' it commanded the guards - 'and all you others behind.' This stranger caressed my cheek, then she took one of my hands and placed a message in it. It read, 'Lady, I have had no part in this. Never forget the names written here: Juan Emilio Cheyre, Polanco, Ojeda, Osvaldo Pinchetti (alias Professor Destiny). You were tortured for a month."
Różnych świat widział dyktatorów, takich co przeciwników internują, i takich co wrzucają ich do wulkanów. Różnie też świat ich ocenia, również ten świat współczesny.
Cóż więc powinien świat myśleć o Pinochecie i jego reżimie?
Otóż, zakładając, że zbrodniom dokonanym już się nie da zapobiec, Pinochet jest dziś przydatny o tyle, że wskazuje, iż nadal istnieją ludzie, którzy uważają, że w ramach walki o swoją wizję Ojczyzny można kobietom do pochwy wsadzać elektrody.
I właśnie za to świat powinien dziś „nawidzieć” legendę Pinocheta. Gdyż właśnie owa legenda, czy raczej do niej stosunek, doskonale pokazuje, kto jest przyzwoity oraz komu, i dlaczego, w żadnym wypadku nie należy dziś powierzać władzy. Stosunek do łajdaka, jako papierek lakmusowy czyjegoś łajdactwa, ot główna, i pewnie mimowolna, zasługa owego „bohatera”. Zasadnicze pytanie, zarówno dziś, jak i wówczas, brzmiało bowiem nie „czy” , ale „jak” walczyć z wrogiem.
Uparty centrolewicowiec, niedogmatyczny liberał i gospodarczy i obyczajowy, skłaniający się raczej ku agnostycyzmowi, fan F.C. Barcelony choć nick upamiętnia Ferenca Puskasa gracza Realu Madryt email:
About Ferenc Puskas: I was with (Bobby) Charlton, (Denis) Law and Puskás, we were coaching in a football academy in Australia. The youngsters we were coaching did not respect him including making fun of his weight and age...We decided to let the guys challenge a coach to hit the crossbar 10 times in a row, obviously they picked the old fat one. Law asked the kids how many they thought the old fat coach would get out of ten. Most said less than five. Best said ten. The old fat coach stepped up and hit nine in a row. For the tenth shot he scooped the ball in the air, bounced it off both shoulders and his head, then flicked it over with his heel and cannoned the ball off the crossbar on the volley. They all stood in silence then one kid asked who he was, I replied, "To you, his name is Mr. Puskás". George Best
His chosen comrades thought at school He must grow a famous man; He thought the same and lived by rule, All his twenties crammed with toil; 'What then?' sang Plato's ghost. 'What then?' Everything he wrote was read, After certain years he won Sufficient money for his need, Friends that have been friends indeed; 'What then?' sang Plato's ghost. 'What then?' All his happier dreams came true - A small old house, wife, daughter, son, Grounds where plum and cabbage grew, poets and Wits about him drew; 'What then.?' sang Plato's ghost. 'What then?' The work is done,' grown old he thought, 'According to my boyish plan; Let the fools rage, I swerved in naught, Something to perfection brought'; But louder sang that ghost, 'What then?' “What then”” William Butler Yeats
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