Jakie macie wsponienia z 9/11?
9/11. Telefon zadzwonil bardzo wczesnie rano. "Mama, mama" -- moja starsza corka, Monica, brzmiala przerazona, "wlacz zaraz telewizor, ale nie odkladaj prosze sluchawki!"
Stalysmy bez slowa przy telefonie sparalizowane tym co na ekranie, ona w Boulder, gdzie studiowala, ja w San Francisco. Jedna wieza juz sie palila, mowili cos o samolocie... Nawet oddychac nie moglam, nie bardzo rozumialam co sie dzieje.... A potem, potem, o moj Boze.... potem samolot walnal w druga wieże. Na naszych oczach i na oczach swiata.
Edek pracował wtedy w Kanadzie. Wszedl rano do szpitala i huknal na grupe lekarzy zgromadzonych wokol telewizora na korytarzu -- chyba oszaleli, pacjenci czekaja a oni ogladaja jakis film o palacym sie wieżowcu.... Przez kilka dni nie mogl wrocic do domu bo nie bylo zadnych lotow, potem wpuszczali tylko obywateli USA a on przeciez nie...
Polecielismy do Nowego Jorku jak tylko mozna bylo. Po prostu zeby tam byc, z lojalnosci. Jak na pogrzeb. Ulice nieopodal zalane były flagami, zdjęciami, notkami, zabawkami…. Ból. Żałoba.
Zdjęcie własne, z wtedy.
Po tylu latach odpowiedzialni za te zbrodnie jeszcze za nia w pelni nie zaplacili. Zapłaca.
Przekaz: Zapiski z wygnania. Rozmowa z Sabiną Baral. Julian Fleischer, Eternity Vancouver przekaz, Monika Czechowicz, pisała ze mną w salonie24
„Zapiski z wygnania” to przede wszystkim opowieść o młodej dziewczynie, która wiele lat później opisuje, jak w jednej chwili zmieniło się całe jej życie. To opis dwóch podróży: rzeczywistej i wewnętrznej, opowieść o dojrzewaniu i poszukiwaniu własnej tożsamości. Mniej w niej polityki, więcej osobistych zmagań, historii, wyznań: na temat Polski i Wrocławia, tego, kim była i kim jest teraz; opowieść o miejscach i ludziach, miłości, zaufaniu, relacjach z rodzicami.
Sabina Baral pokazuje trudną drogę, którą przeszła – od momentu „wyjazdu” z Polski aż po przyjazd z rodzicami do USA, gdzie mieszka do dziś.
CD nastąpi.
At least 24 Canadians lost their lives in the 9-11 terrorist attacks, according to Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
There is much discrepancy, however, when it comes to pinpointing just how many Canadians were killed amid the chaos on Sept. 11, 2001. Many victims, though not born in Canada, are recognized as having close ties to the country.
The victims listed below were either born in Canada or had roots in the country.
Michael Arczynski (Vancouver, B.C.)
Arczynski, 45, worked as senior vice-president of Aon Corp.'s Manhattan office. The Vancouver-native left behind three children on 9-11. His wife Lori gave birth to a fourth child, named after his late father, after the attack.
Garnet "Ace" Bailey (Lloydminster, Sask.)
Bailey, 53, was the director of pro scouting for the National Hockey League's Los Angeles Kings. He was aboard United Airlines Flight 175 when it crashed into the South Tower. He is survived by his wife, Katherine, and son, Todd.
David Barkway (Toronto, Ont.)
Barkway, 34, an executive with BMO Nesbitt Burns in Toronto, was in the office of Cantor Fitzgerald on the 105th floor of the north tower. Barkway is survived by his wife Cindy and two young sons.
Ken Basnicki (Toronto, Ont.)
Basnicki, 48, was in the north tower attending a conference for BEA Systems, the software firm he worked for in Toronto. He is survived by his wife Maureen and two children, Brennan and Erica.
Jane Beatty (Toronto, Ont.)
Originally from Britain, Beatty lived in Ontario for more than two decades before moving to the United States to work as a technical supervisor at Marsh and McLennan Cos. Inc. in the WTC North Tower. Three weeks before she died, she celebrated her fifth anniversary of surviving breast cancer.
Joseph Collison (Toronto, Ont.)
The Toronto-native was working in a mailroom on the 102 floor of the North Tower at the time of the attack. At the time of his death, Collison, who was not married, was hoping to adopt a young boy in New York.
Cynthia Connolly (Montreal, Que.)
Connolly, 40, transferred from insurance firm Aon Corp.'s Montreal offices to New York in 1999. She and her husband, Donald Poissant lived in Metuchen, N.J.
Arron Dack (Toronto, Ont.)
Originally from England, Dack moved to Canada with his parents in 1970. The 39-year-old software executive was attending a conference in the North Tower when the first plane hit. He is survived by his wife Abigail and two children, Olivia and Carter.
Frank Joseph Doyle (linked to the Ottawa Valley)
The 39-year-old Detroit native was married to Kimmy Chedel of St. Adele, Que. He was an American citizen whose parents were from the Ottawa valley and he had a home in Canada. He is survived by two children, Zoe and Garrett.
Christine Egan (Winnipeg, Man.)
The 55-year-old Health Canada nurse epidemiologist was visiting her younger brother's office on the 105th floor in the second tower of the WTC at the time of the attack. Egan was raised in England and moved to Canada in the late 1960s.
Michael Egan (Montreal, Que.)
Egan, 51, lived in New Jersey and worked on the 105th floor of the World Trade Center at an insurance firm. The father of two boys moved to the New York area from Montreal in 1991.
Albert Elmarry (Toronto, Ont.)
The 30-year-old moved from Toronto to the United States in 1999 to work in computer support for Cantor Fitzgerald on the 103rd floor of one of the towers. His wife Irinie gave birth to a daughter nearly six months after he was killed.
Meredith Ewart and Peter Feidelberg (Montreal, Que.)
The Montreal couple moved to the United States in 1997 and married in March 2000. Ewart, 29, and Feidelberg, 34, lived in Hoboken, N.J., and both had offices on the 104th floor of the World Trade Center's south tower, where they worked at Aon Corp.
Alexander Filipov (Regina, Sask.)
Filipov, 70, was born in Regina and lived in Concord, Mass. He was on American Airlines Flight 11 when it hit the World Trade Center. He is survived by his wife Loretta and three sons.
Ralph Gerhardt (Toronto, Ont.)
Gerhardt, 34, was a vice-president with Cantor Fitzgerald in the North Tower at the time of the attack. His girlfriend Linda Luzzicone was also killed on 9-11.
Stuart Lee (Vancouver, B.C.)
Lee, 30, was vice-president of integrated services for DataSynapse, a technology company that served the financial industry. Lee, who grew up in Vancouver, spent the last hour of his life emailing his company for updates from outside the WTC.
Mark Ludvigsen (Rothesay, N.B.)
Ludvigsen, 32, moved to the United States with his family at age seven. He worked as a bond broker at Keefe, Bruyette and Woods on the 89th floor of the south tower.
Bernard Mascarenhas (Newmarket, Ont.)
Mascarenhas, 54, worked for Marsh Canada, whose parent company, Marsh and McLennan Cos. Inc., had offices at the World Trade Center. He is survived by his wife, Raynette, a son, Sven, and a daughter, Jaclyn.
Colin McArthur (Toronto, Ont.)
McArthur, 52, moved to Toronto in 1977 to work as an insurance broker. He and his wife Brenda relocated to New York in 1997 where McArthur worked for Aon Corp on the 104th floor of the South Tower.
Michael Pelletier (linked to Vancouver, B.C.)
Pelletier, 36, was a commodities broker for a division of trading firm Cantor Fitzgerald on the 105th floor of the North Tower. He is survived by his wife Sophie and his three-year-old daughter and one-year-old son. Much of his family lives in Vancouver, B.C.
Donald Robson (Toronto, Ont.)
Robson, 52, worked for Cantor Fitzgerald on the 103rd floor of the north tower of the World Trade Center. He is survived by his wife, Kathy, had two sons, Geoff and Scott.
Ruffino "Roy" Santos (linked to British Columbia)
The 37-year-old Manila native moved to British Columbia with his family in the 1980s. He moved to New York in the late 1990s, to work as a computer consultant. Santos was supposed to leave the 94th floor of the World Trade Center the week after he died to work for a different company.
Vladimir Tomasevic (Toronto, Ont.)
Originally from Yugoslavia, Tomasevic moved to Canada in 1994. The 36-year-old was attending a conference on the 106th floor of the North Tower at the time of the attack. He is survived by his wife Tanja.
Chantal "Chanti" Vincelli (Montreal, Que.)
Originally from Montreal, Vincelli worked as a marketing assistant at DataSynapse Inc. The 38-year-old moved to New York in the late 1990s and lived in Harlem with her cats.
Debbie Williams (Montreal, Que.)
Williams, 35, worked for international insurance company Aon Corp. for 15 years. The Montreal-native and her husband, Darren, moved to Hoboken, N.J., after being transferred to New York City by their employer.
LeRoy Homer (linked to Canada)
Homer, 36, was the co-pilot of United Airlines Flight 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania. He was an American citizen, but his wife Melodie was from Hamilton, Ont. He and his wife lived in Marlton, N.J. with their daughter.
With files from The Canadian Press
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