Wrzesień 2008:
“Pierwszym głównym zadaniem zadanym Obamie jest wypchnięcie Chińczyków z Afryki, gdzie Chińczycy pilnie przybliżali się do państw afrykańskich ofertami współpracy gospodarczej opartej na równym traktowaniu i równych korzyściach. Te umowy wznieciły gniew Międzynarodowego Funduszu Walutowego i Banku Światowego, których monopol został złamany; lecz dla Brzezinskiego stawka jest o wiele wyższa. Planem Brzezinskiego jest odcięcie Chińczyków od wszelkiej ropy, gazu, strategicznych minerałów i strategicznych surowców, które obecnie kupują w Afryce. Wybraną metodą jest destabilizacja i zniszczenie większości państw afrykańskich jako środek do wypchnięcia Chińczyków. (...) Afryka stanie się polem bitwy między Chinami a Stanami Zjednoczonymi a rezultatem pewnie będzie kontynent w płomieniach, z poziomem ludobójstwa przeciw ludności subsaharyjskiej osiągającym bezprecedensowe wymiary. Jako część tego planu banda terrorystycznych używek CIA znana jako Al.-Kaida pojawiła się w Algierii, Tunezji, Maroku” s. 376 [1]
“Dziś, Brzezinski I S-ka chcą zacząć całą serię interwencji i inwazji pod lewicowym szyldem, szyldem praw człowieka, szyldem humanitarnym, przeciw takim celom jak Sudan, Birma i Chiny przez Tybet” s. 369
[1]The first main task assigned to Obama is to kick the Chinese out of Africa, where the Chinese have been assiduously courting African states with offers of economic cooperation deals based on parity and equality of economic advantage. These deals have excited the rage of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, whose monopoly has thus been broken; but for Brzezinski the stakes are much higher. Brzezinski’s design is to deprive the Chinese of all the oil, natural gas, strategic minerals, and strategic raw materials which they are presently purchasing in Africa. The chosen method is the destabilization and destruction of most African states as a means to forcing the Chinese out. Much of this will be done under the new US African command or Africom, which is about to be created in Ethiopia. Under the Brzezinski policy, Africa will become increasingly a battleground between China and the United States and the result is likely to be a continent in
flames, with the levels of genocide against the sub-Saharan populations reaching unprecedented levels. As part of this design the CIA’s gaggle of terrorist patsies known as Al Qaeda has surfaced in Algeria (one of the largest oil producers), Tunisia, and Morocco.
[2]„Today, Brzezinski & Co. are eager to launch a whole series of interventions and invasions under left cover, human rights cover, and humanitarian cover against targets like Sudan, Burma, and China, including via Tibet.” S. 369
“A May 19, 2008 op-ed by Washington Post deputy editorial page editor Jackson Diehl touted the efforts of Obama handlers Anthony Lake and Ivo Daalder to establish a “Concert of Democracies,” to sanction military invasions of countries in Africa and Asia, generally using left, human rights cover. The “Concert of Democracies” hearkens back to the Castelreagh-Canning system of British imperial domination of Europe after the Napoleonic Wars.” S. 369
"As outlined by the cold warrior and Russia-hater Brzezinski, the first phase is to eject the Chinese from Africa, cutting off their access to oil and raw materials, and thus sabotaging their current rapid industrial development. All of Africa is rapidly becoming a battlefield of the US against the Chinese, and Obama is the ideal front man for this. Chinese allies like Sudan, and also Pakistan and Burma, are all being targeted as part of this plan. s.385
"Zbig thinks he can drive the oil-starved Chinese in on Russia’s provinces of eastern Siberia, where there is much oil and few Russians. Obama is thus the bearer of a plan for Sino-Russian World War III that far surpasses the insanity of the neocons. Since Russia and China are both well aware of the Brzezinski plan, this entire lunatic project is sure to blow up in our faces, with cataclysmic results. The Iraq war will seem a tea party by comparison. The main grounds for aggression in the new phase will be humanitarian and human rights claims, not terrorism, so as to maximize left cover." s. 385
"Biden remains convinced that it is up to the United States to dictate the form of government and economic system of virtually every country in the world. His specialty is blatant interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states, with left-cover of soft power issues like human rights and humanitarian concerns furnishing his favorite pretexts." s.422
Powyższe to książka: Obama Anauthorized Biography, Wrzesień 2008
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