Do you know the Polish poet Juliusz Słowacki?
In the last years of his life, probably around 1844, great polish poet Juliusz Słowacki [1809-1849]¹ wrote a mystical prose poem (or a prayer) entitled"Genesis from the Spirit". According to experts on the subject, the writing process took about two years and resulted in four versions of the poem (published in 1871). The creation of the world is described in it as follows:
“Because my Spirit, first Trinity composed of Spirit, Love and Will, hovered over the abysses, calling up brotherly spirits of a similar nature, He awakened in himself the will through love and changed one point of invisible space into a burst of Magnetically Attractive forces. And these were transformed into electric forces, into the powers of lightning. And they expanded into heat in the Spirit. And when my Spirit, having become lazy in the task, neglected to extract from itself its solar essence and deviated from the path of Creation, You punished it, Lord, by the conflict of the interior forces and by their disharmony; And behold, in the heavens, a second circle of luminous spirits, similar to the circle of fire, but of a purer and redeemed nature, a golden angel with flowing hair, strong and ravishing, grabbed one handful of globes, spun it like a fiery rainbow and carried it away behind him.” ²
If we omit the mystical parts in this quotation and leave only the purely material, objective, physical ones, we ended up with the following description of the Big Bang:
“...The Spirit... turned one point... of invisible space into a flash of Magnetic-Attractive Forces. And these turned into electric and lightning bolds - And they warmed up in the Spirit... You, Lord, forced him... to flash with destructive fire... You turned the Spirit... into a ball of fire and hung him on the abysses... And here... a circle spirits... he grabbed one handful of globes and swirled them around like a fiery rainbow... “
So, a certain physical process is described here with the following sequence of events :
- a flash of ˮMagnetic-Attractive Forcesˮ (in one point of space)
- transformation into ˮelectric and lightning forcesˮ
and then:
- ˮwarming upˮ,
- ˮflash of the destructive fireˮ, ˮa ball of fireˮ
and finally appears a
- ˮhandful of globesˮ »
The American Adgar Allan Poe (practically the contemporary of the Polish poet: the American was born on January 19, 1809, the Pole on September 4 of the same year and died on April 3, 1849, and Poe a few months later, on October 7 of the same year), had an analogous, astonishing intuition. He described it in the famous work "Eureka" published in 1848 where he included several brilliant ideas, including that the universe cannot be infinite, it had its beginning and was created from one primary particle or atom and so on – and the author was quite aware of the great importance of his premonitions : “What I have propounded will (in good time) revolutionize the world of Physical & Metaphysical Science, I say this calmly – but I say it” !
The mysterious analogy between Poe's "Eureka" and "Genesis from the Spirit" intrigues philologists to this day...
¹ J.Słowacki (and his contemporary A.Mickiewicz) are to Poles what Shakespeare is to the English or Dante to the Italians.…
In 1848 he wrote the famous prophetic poem which announced the coming of the “Slavic Pope” (as St. John Paul II sometimes said about himself ):
« In the midst of all the disagreements, Lord God rings A huge bell, For the Slavic, here is the pope He opened the throne... »
see: :
Italian translation:
² in Polish:
« ...Albowiem Duch mój, jako pierwsza trójca z trzech osób: z Ducha, z Miłości i z Woli złożony, leciał, powołując bratnie duchy podobnej sobie natury, a przez Miłość Wolę w sobie obudziwszy, zamienił punkt jeden niewidzialnej przestrzeni w rozbłysk Sił Magnetyczno-Atrakcyjnych. A te przemieniły się w elektryczne i piorunowe — I rozciepliły się w Duchu. A gdy oto zaleniwiony w pracy, mój Duch słoneczności z siebie wydobyć zaniedbał i z drogą się Twórczości rozminął, Tyś go, Panie, walką sił wnętrznych i rozbratnieniem onych ukarał — nie światłem już, ale ogniem niszczycielem błysnąć przymusił, a dłużnikiem miesięcznych i słonecznych światów uczyniwszy, zamieniłeś Ducha mego w kłąb ognia i zawiesiłeś go na przepaściach. A oto na niebiosach drugi krąg duchów świecących, kręgowi ognia podobny, lecz czystszej i odkupionej natury, anioł złoty z rozwiniętymi włosami, silny i porywający, uchwycił jedną garść globów, zakręcił nią jak tęczą ognistą i porwał za sobą. A oto na niebiosach drugi krąg duchów świecących, kręgowi ognia podobny, lecz czystszej i odkupionej natury, anioł złoty z rozwiniętymi włosami, silny i porywający, uchwycił jedną garść globów, zakręcił nią jak tęczą ognistą i porwał za sobą... »
(see : )
French translation by Stefan Danysz :
and by Stanisław Dunin Karwicki:'esprit.htm
P.S. see also :
« Słowacki e l’idea di evoluzione: per una rivisitazione di Genezis z Ducha » Raffaele Caldarelli
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