Annswer :another missile which hit boening belly.
I will try to debunk DSB claim that the BUK finished boeing MH17 .
There are BUK marks on the boeing cockpit but it is insufitient to claim that BUK explosion burst the airplane.
DSB in its final report on MH17 not bother to refer to a large hole appearing in the boeing keel which is most likely a result of the passage of the projectile type AIr to Air ( or Air to Ground).
Thus DSB ahead of both russian and polish aeronautical committees in terms of misunderstandings and unreliability in the preparation of the final report. Figure 1a shows the inlet hole wi
th description.
Figure 1a MH17 - forgotten by the DSB hole in the belly of a Boeing.
One of the girders standing on the way of the missile was completely torn . The second one standing on the side was significantly deflected from the axis of the passage and the ferrule of the girder is cut showing the power of the explosion of the passing missile.

Fig.1b Zoom of the inlet hole shape.
Figure 1a and Fig. 1b there are fragments of Reuters photograph (author Maxim Zmeyev)

Fig. 1 Inverted keel and starboard of Boeing MH17 ( Reuters).
This photo was used in July 2014 as evidence of shooting down with a rocket. When it turned out that traces of rockets BUK appear on cockpit and left engine ceased to take care of it, because this hole no longer fit into the official script. It became politically incorrect.
Looking at the Reuters photograph , one can see that this is not only one suspicious hole. On the right side you can see as if it is next hole on the missile way. This hole has a jagged and sooting edges.This is likely exit hole of rocket tuft. The second opening is located in the right board somewhere in the height of the windows. Fig.2

Figure 2. The inlet hole in the keel and outlet hole in a right side of the Boeing.
Boeing debris with keel next to starboard were lying on the edge of the village Grabove, where the parts of the central airplane fallen down and where it was the biggest fire.
To realize where the A-A missile hit the Boeing lets see the keel from the other side

Figure 3. The remains of the keel seen from the other direction. The back shell attached from the bottom to the keel is visible.
The arrow shows the location of the hole. We see that the bullet hit the left side of the Boeing.
On the outskirts of burned grass is further part of the boeing keel , visible two main rails and lower shell.

Fig.4The front part of the shell from the boeing belly with visible sooting and high temperature traces.
It is interesting that sooting and traces of high temperature are visible even though the shell is away from the center of the fire and at least selected in the drawing part (upper right corner) could not singe from a small grass fire nearby. It already blackened and hot fallen down and cause small grass fire on the left side.
Let's see how our hole looks on the other side.

Figure 5. Boeing keel left side view
The keel at the down of the picture is firmly damaged from the raging here fire of fuel .Traces of missile shrapnels piercing at the keel on the bottom of the picture look quite unusual. While at the top on the picture there was only slightly blackened from fire but torn because of inside explosion girders.

Fig. 5a Zoom showing inlet hole and marks of a high temperature around it. On the left at the top there are remains of the torn girders.
The head of the missile exploded after it reach the plane. Lateral (wright) beam of an explosion made destruction of the girders visible in Fig. 5a Lateral (left) beam of an explosion exploded even after puncture the keel and bent girder on the other (right) side of the keel. Anyway explosion occurred inside the aircraft which had lead to its rupture.

Figure 6. Boeing keel left side view
Figure 6 photograph in higher resolution showing the keel from the left side. Unfortunately, the missile hole is covered by a cloth. But you can see nicely broken girders and metal wall. These metal sheets had to be punctured by head shrapnels , and later broke fire, which distorted a little traces of postexplosion destruction but only at the bottom of the figure Fig. 6a and 6b. At the top the fire only sooting the wreck .

Figure 6a Uprooted girders by inside explosion.

Fig. 6b Signature of A-A rocket. Marks of rod shrapnels.
Fig. 6b (zoom in of the picture 6)girders torn apart (one cut - was not attached to the side wall) traces of shrapnels piercing the wall of the main keel can still be see . The holes shape indicates a rod or a rod-delta type shrapnels, such as one used in an air to air or air to ground missiles.
Let's look at the Boeing keel in production in Indonesia to better positioning of the discovered hole.

Figure 7. Boeing keel on the production hall in Indonesia

Fig.7a The comparison of Reuters photography and boeing keel during production process. (belingcat ,
Jeroen Akkermans took a picture of the remains of the recreational cabin for staff.

Fig.8 Sooting of the crew rest cabin
Fig.8 shows that on the cabin wall hit some smoking hot particles leaving the stellar tracks. Similarly, you can see scorched couch where a small amount of burnt grass around suggest that grass took up of burning debris fallen from the sky and not the other way. Around the burnt portion of the sofa can not see the scorched grass. Similarly tight sooting fragment of a wall on the left side of the photo had been in such a state to fall from the sky. This proves fire inside Boeing as a result of an internal explosion.

Fig.9Location of the crew rest cabin on the plane.
Figure 9 shows the location of the crew rest cabin. We see that it is adjacent to the area where exploded the A-A (A-S) missile. This explains sooting traces of fire and signs of hits hot particles against the wall.

Fig. 10 The remains of the boeing keel in the corner of the hangar in the Netherlands. Away from the cameras of reporters.
Remainsof the keel were transported to the Netherlands and ... thrown them into a corner of the hangar. As shown in the figure 10 journalists are not allowed too close to the place with missile hole avoid them from asking an awkward questions.
My question is who will inform the Dutch public prosecutor's office about the concealment of evidence by the DSB?
DSB completely ignored the facts described here: a hole in the boeing keel, torn girders, piercing shards and traces of fire inside Boeing. Moreover, the report stated that there was not any explosion or fire in the interior of the aircraft . Oooo, how similar to the reports from Smolensk.
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