Martin Schulz

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Martin Schulz is a German politician serving as Leader of the Social Democratic Party of Germany since March 2017 and a Member of the Bundestag since September 2017.
Dec 7, 2017 - In a speech at the SPD's party conference in Berlin that called for the creation of a “United States of Europe” by 2025, as well as a more robust social security net and a phasing out of coal power,Martin Schulz made the case for entering open-ended talks with the Christian Democratic Union (CDU).
Source: War II~“Announcement of Registration of Jews for forced labor"By decree of October 26, 1939, a work requirement was introduced for Jews residing in the General government, to take immediate effect.To implement this decree, I order the following:§ 1All male Jews from the ages of 12 to 60 are to report immediately to the Jewish council connected to the office of the mayor of the responsible source community for the purpose of registration. The responsibility of the Jewish council extends to the entire area of the source community. Baptized Jews are also subject to registration. ...§ 5Up to 10 years’ imprisonment may be imposed on any Jew eligible for forced labor:
a) who does not report immediately to the responsible Jewish council for registration,
b) who supplies false or incomplete information about himself,
c) who pretends inability or reduced capacity to work,
d) who disposes of the tools of his trade.Announcement by the District Head of Sanok, Dr. Schaar, March 7, 1940Source: and Deliverance by Avraham WernerDr. Werner’s book describes his childhood in Sanok, escape from the Sanok ghetto and how he managed to survive the war. This book was originally written in Hebrew in 1999 and is titled "Revach Vehazala Mimakom Acher".(Dr. Werner’s book can be read online by clicking on its title. You may contact Dr. Werner by clicking on his name.)_________________________
Judenrat CorrespondenceWorld War II CorrespondenceCourtesy of Dr. Abraham Werner / Translated by William Leibner(Dr. Werner is the son of the author of the letters below & received permission from the Polish Jewish Historical Archives to publish these documents.)The document below was provided by Dr. Avraham Werner and loosely translated from Polish by William Leibner. It appears to be a copy of a report sent by the local Sanok J.S.S. (Jewish Self Help Organization) branch to its headquarters in Krakow. The J.S.S. helped various Jewish communities during the initial stages of World War II._________________________ Place - Sanok District - Sanok Region - Krakow
Postal area - Sanok, 9 Galicia, Poland“Sprawozdanie” (Fact Report)From September 1st 1941 to September 31st 1941~ Click Here to Read this Report ~ _________________________My War Years by L.T. (excerpt from Memorial Book of Zaglembie describing an escape from Zaglembie and contact with the town of Sanok)On the train all the four of us – my two cousins, my friend and I – stayed silent for the most of the journey. Each was thinking her own sad thoughts, but after some time we regained our confidence and our hopes grew brighter with every past mile. We were planning to get over to the Russian side and then to help our families do the same. The train stopped at Tarnow. We slept there in the abandoned farmhouse of "Ha'noar Hazioni". The whole town looked a dead town. Not a single Jew could be seen in the streets. We reached Sanok by various side-ways and paths on the 1st of November. Sanok was situated on the river San, which formed the Russian-German border. Most of the local Jews had escaped to the Russian side, but there was still active there, a special help-committee for the refugees. At that Committee we got same food and a place to sleep. We intended to wait there for the border to be opened, but after three days of useless waiting we decided to smuggle the border on our own. In the dark and cold of the night, wearing heavy clothes and carrying our rucksacks on our backs, we stepped into the deep, cold waters of San, following a Ukrainian smuggler. Suddenly the Ukrainian disappeared, and we, four frightened girls, heard the first Russian: "stoi, kto idiot ?" In front of us stood three Russian soldiers with threatening guns. We exclaimed happily: "My Yevrei !" But the soldiers laughed and told us to follow them. Page 49Source: _________________________Gypsies in the Holocaust - Gypsies from the General Government [Poland] who were not sent to Auschwitz and to the operation Reinhard camps were shot on spot by the local police or gendarmes. In the eastern region of the Cracow district, in the counties of Sanok, Jaslo, and Rzeszow, close to 1,000 Gypsies were shot..."Source: _________________________Polish Rightous Among Nations –“Those who Risked their Lives”PYRCAK, Michal, living at Sanok, Krosno province - arrested for his part in helping Jews, sent to the camp at Mauthausen, from where he never returned. Posthumously awarded the medal of "Righteous Among the Nations". Source: _________________________· 3,000 in Rebel Band Terrorize Galicia (NYTimes – April 18, 1946)· Sanok, Poland, September 1939, German Soldiers Guarding Jews (photo)· Claims Resolution Tribunal - Klara Ramer, Salomon Ramer and Samuel Herzig· Personal Receipts, Postcards
Excerpt from the testimony of Yakov Gurfein (photo, 1961) One morning, in the middle of January 1943, they woke us up. We saw that we were surrounded by SS men who were stationed around the ghetto. They ordered us to line up in the courtyard, allowed each one to take a blanket, and led us on foot to the Zaslaw camp (from Sanok ghetto). At Zaslawthey put everyone into one hall and kept us there for three days and two nights.(to read more of this account, go to: ) Transcript from Session-021-03 – People vs. Adolf Eichmann Halevi: Mr. Gurfein, you mentioned the members of theSS - Kratzmann, Mueller and Schulz.Witness Gurfein: Schulz was the commander of the Gestapo inSanok.Q. And who was Kratzmann?A. Kratzmann was the Judenreferent within the Gestapo.Q. Where was his office?A. In the Gestapo of Sanok.Q. And Mueller?A. He was also a Gestapo man in Sanok.Q. I didn't understand what you said about them. How didthey take part in these events?A. Kratzmann and Mueller were the most terrible Gestapo men.They also took part in the killing of Jews. The officerSchulz reached us in 1942 from Yaroslav. Subsequently werealized that he had come especially to organize thedeportation of the Jews of Sanok. As I mentioned, they cameto us, for we were a number of Jews together with theirfamilies within the camp of the Schutzpolizei (CivilPolice). We hoped that we would be able to remain and towork there. They arrived that night, and saw that not allthe people were capable of working. There were also smallchildren. Despite the fact that previously they had allowedus to come into that camp with the members of our familiesas well, they separated us from each other and left only 20persons.Presiding Judge: You were asked what was the role of each ofthese Gestapo men.Judge Halevi: What did the three Gestapo men, whose namesyou mentioned, do?Witness Gurfein: At that time they separated our familiesfrom us, they loaded them onto trucks and transferred themto the Zaslav camp to be deported.Q. You stayed there?A. We remained in the camp of the Schutzpolizei.Q. What happened to your families?A. They removed them to the camp at Belzec in that sametrain, except for my uncle whom they gave another threemonths to live, and he was shot at the time the 500 peoplewere shot.Q. You said something about 10,000 Jews. Were they sent awayall at the same time?A. They were sent away together in three trains.Q. Where to?A. To Belzec.Q. Was a separation made between those fit to work andothers?A. They took all the 10,000 Jews, both those who were fit towork, and also women, children and old men.Attorney General: The camp at Belzec was an exterminationcamp, not a labour camp. There they did not separate people.There they exterminated everyone who arrived at the place.Judge Halevi: You spoke of a particular case of separationof the families and that they cheated you and told you thatwithin a short time you would see your families again?Witness Gurfein: This was on that night, before thedeportation, when they took the parents and the childrenaway from us. The people who still remained in the campbegan to plead that they should leave the families behind asthey had promised. They calmed them down by saying that thiswas nothing, they were taking them only to some newhabitation - we would be reunited within a week.Q. Who said this?A. The Gestapo commander in Sanok, Albert Schulz.Q. That was a lie?A. Of course, seeing that on the following day theytransferred them by train to an extermination camp.Judge Raveh: Did you meet any other persons from your townafter the War?Witness Gurfein: Yes. I met people. There were those who hidand who were not included in this transport. They hid withChristians and managed in this way to be saved. But of thosewho were on the train, I didn't meet anyone.Q. Do you have an idea how many Jews of your town weresaved?A. I think that it would be possible to count them on thefingers of one hand - five or six people.Q. Out of a population of 13,000?A. Yes.Q. Did your uncle survive?A. No. They took him on the second transport and he perished. _________________________JewishGen Holocaust Database_________________________The Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names**Yad Vashem**_________________________ Jews who Lived in Germany, Registered in Krakow Ghetto in 1940
BRAKSMAJER, Reizla FELIKS, Helena Chaja SCHEINER, Chaja SCHEINER, Chuma Additional Details at: _________________________List of the Children(from Sanok)Original list of the children who arrived in Eretz Israel in the middle of World War II, after escape from occupied Poland to Russia, suffering hunger, diseases, orphanage… These children survived a life of helpless wandering child refugees in Siberia, the Asian Republics of U.S.S.R, Iran and finally Eretz Israel. Those from Sanok include: Genek and NatanHock, Rosa and Szajndla Irom, Eliasz Schuerz, Hersz and Tania Sobol and Dorota Szor. For more details, such as date of birth and parents’ names, click on the source addresses listed below.Sources: & _________________________
Sanokers of Kibbutz Gat, 1985(Left to right: Bilha Rosenfeld, Asher Rubinfeld, Ozer Pipe, Eliahu Lindenberger, Malka Lewenthal, Towa Sztolberg, Yakov Mayus, Miriam Gurfein)Photo courtesy of : Mark Salik
· Odpowiedz · 11 grudnia o 11:03

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On 14 December, Schulz received a radio message that he would receive the Diamonds to the Ritterkreuz, and was told to report to the Führer's headquarters. Schulz refused to go on the grounds that he was too busy fighting on the eastern front and had no time to receive it. The honor was eventually awarded to him on ...
Jan 11, 2016 - Tak to widzą Niemcy - rozliczenie z przeszłością w Rodzinie Martina Schulza miłość rok 1940 "Im Laufe unseres Lebens haben wir...
Schulz rief im Mai 2013 die Bürger zum europaweiten Kampf gegen die Meinungsfreiheit (→ „Kampf gegen Rechts“) auf. „Wir müssen ein europäisches Bündnis länderübergreifend schmieden“. „Wie kommen wir an die Islamophoben, Homophoben heran?“ Die Gefahr drohe durch die Verunsicherung aufgrund der ...
Zakorzeniony w historii Polski i Kresów Wschodnich. Przyjaciel ludzi, zwierząt i przyrody. Wiara i miłość do Boga i Człowieka. Autorytet Jan Paweł II
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