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Lech Walesa & Rabbi Mendel Schneerson

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W wiadomościach
Były prezydent jak co roku był gościem honorowym na charytatywnym Balu Polonijnym w ...

W Polsce skandal z „Bolkiem”, a Wałęsa… prowadzi poloneza na balu w Miami. W jednym rzędzie z ambasadorem RP ...

Wielcy i Sławni Żydzi - Ryszard Schnepf Loża B'nai B'rith i ...
07.08.2015 - Ryszard Schnepf jest jeszcze lepiej umocowany politycznie od Agnieszki bo jest ambasadorem Polski w USA. To jemu zawdzięczamy sukces ...

Ryszard Schnepf i Dorota Wysocka-Schnepf - Yelita
Ryszard Schnepf, zanim został głównym doradcą premiera Marcinkiewicza w polityce zagranicznej, był ambasadorem w Urugwaju (1991-1995) i w Kostaryce ...


SCHNEPF - Aktualne wydarzenia z kraju i zagranicy -

info.wyborcza.pl620 × 414Wyszukiwanie obrazem
Schnepf na ambasadora w Waszyngtonie, czyli roszady w dyplomacji‎ - 1 dzień temu
Polacy podzieleni w sprawie Bolka...A Wałęsa bawi sie w Miami

Lech Walesa na balu w Miami – więcej wiadomości


W Polsce nie cichnie burza w sprawie dokumentów znalezionych w domu Czesława Kiszczaka (+90 l.), a tymczasem Lech Wałęsa (73 l.) jak gdyby nic bawi się w Miami Beach na Florydzie. Były prezydent jak co roku wziął tam udział w wystawnym Balu Polonijnym.


Międzynarodowy Bal Polonijny odbył się w tym roku po raz 44., tym razem pod hasłem "Oczarowani starożytnymi Chinami". Na zaproszenie Amerykańskiego Instytutu Kultury Polskiej w Miami Beach na bal, oprócz innych ważnych person, przybył także Lech Wałęsa. Mimo że w kraju od tygodnia trwa burza wokół jego postaci, on nie zrezygnował z tradycji.

Jak co roku Wałęsa zatańczył w pierwszej parze poloneza z prezes Instytutu lady Blanką Rosenstiel (86 l.), a podczas gali wręczono specjalną nagrodę jego imienia. Blichtr, tańce i towarzystwo z wyższych sfer w czterogwiazdkowym hotelu Eden Roc - to wszystko nie pozwoliło mu jednak zapomnieć o tym, co się dzieje w kraju.

Zobacz też: Senat przyjął budżet. Więcej pieniędzy na Kościół oraz IPN, mniej na TK i RPO

Podczas oficjalnego wystąpienia Wałęsa mówił o demokracji, ale chwilę po zakończeniu przemówienia znów podszedł do mikrofonu i odniósł się do sprawy odnalezionych akt. - Podpisałem wiele, wiele wielkich rzeczy, ale i podpisałem takie, z którymi mam dzisiaj problem - mówił, dodając, że żal mu, iż musi się tłumaczyć ze swojej przeszłości.,kazdy-z-nas-jest-bolkiem





Do Stanów Zjednoczonych ewekauowany przez Admirała Canarisa z Warszawy w roku 1940 z Rodziną.

Byli lepsi i gorsi Żydzi !



Menachem Mendel Schneerson
Menachem Mendel Schneerson – rabin chasydzki, filozof żydowski, kabalista, siódmy i ostatni przywódca ortodoksyjnego odłamu Chabad-Lubawicz. Wywodzi się z rodu o długotrwałych tradycjach rabinicznych.Wikipedia
ŻonaChaya Mushka Schneerson (od 1928 do 1988)


hulaj dusza – piekła nie ma


hulaj dusza  piekła nie ma (język polski)[edytuj]

przysłowie polskie

Smutna rzeczywistość. Ile było OFIAR i to ludzi w bardzo młodym wieku.

Jaką cenę zapłciliśmy w wymierze moralnym i materialnym.


Podejrzewam, że to Mistrzowie w swojej dziedzinię Chabad Lubowicz, wpływowa sekta talmudyczna na świecie.


The half-Jewish Nazi who saved the Lubavitcher Rebbe

www.sodahead.com295 × 383Wyszukiwanie obrazem
Thanks to the late Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, Chabad Lubavitch is a well-known and powerful Hasidic movement, with 4,000 emissaries now

They Came From All Over For Rabbi Schneerson

Przesłany 25.06.2009

From As Far Away As China And Australia Traveled Throngs Of Jews To Honor And Remember Late Spiritual Leader
They came from all over the world to remember a religious leader.

On Wednesday night tens of thousands of Jews made a spiritual journey to Queens.

They made the trip to mark the 15th anniversary of the death Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson.

The observance started at sundown and before it is over massive crowds will enter the holy place to be inspired by the memory of a spiritual leader they respected like no other.

Faithful and patient, the masses journeyed to Cambria Heights from near and far, inspired by the holiness of the final resting place of their rebbe.

"It's inspirational. It's dynamic. You feel the energy of the rebbe there and it just feels amazing," said Esti Duchman of Miami Beach, Fla.
The wait times lasted up to four hours as groups of 80 filed in to a small space to feel close to the late Schneerson.Once inside each visitor received two minutes to pray and ponder. Some read and then shred notes for God's blessing at the rebbe's headstone.

"We believe this rabbi is special in our generation. He is the greatest one," said Henry Klein of Sao Paolo, Brazil.
Remembered as scholarly and visionary, Schneerson led the Chabad Lubavitch movement for more than 40 years, leaving behind an international network of rabbinical emissaries in 74 countries.

And here you find proof of the global reach of the rebbe's work. Many of these visitors traveled long distances to be here, some from as far away as China and Australia.
"More and more people are inspired by his life and what he has taught," said Rabbi Motti Seligson of
"His message continues to resonate because it is a living message, a message of reaching out to all Jews, all people," said Yosef Kantor of Bangkok, Thailand.
Organizers said this custom is growing every year, making it necessary for greater security and extra food and lodging for everyone coming in from out of town

Jak pogrzebano Polskie Linie Oceaniczne w Gdyni.

Polski HAM (szynkę KRAKUS) nie kupujemy w Stanach Zjednoczonych (embargo na wszystko co pochodziło z Polski od 13 grudnia 1981 roku do 1986 roku !)

Jak Lech Wałęsa (TW Bolek) dostał dolara od Rebe ver 2

Opublikowany 04.09.2015

Lech Wałęsa, David Chase, Menachem Mendel Schneerson "Lubavitcher Rebbe"

Lech Walesa and the Rebbe’s Dollar



In 1989, someone suggested that I visit Poland, my birthplace, where sixty members of my family were murdered. He told me that while there I should meet with Lech Walesa, then the head of the Solidarity Union.

Though I had neither reason nor inclination to return to Poland, I reported the request to the Rebbeduring the course of an audience with him.

The Rebbe replied that there were still many Jews in Poland, and a visit could be helpful to them. He was adamant, however, that I should not encourage any Jew to return to Poland to live.

On my trip, I met with Walesa. Though I expressed my pleasure at meeting with him, I told him that I had no desire to do business in Poland. I told him that my family – including my mother, father, sister and grandparents – were murdered in Poland during the holocaust and that I thought that the Polish people continued to exhibit much anti-Semitism.

His response was surprising. I remember his words clearly. He gave me a very sincere look and said, "Your G‑d is my G‑d."

On my return to the United States, I gave a report on my trip to the Rebbe. The Rebbe then gave me a number of dollar bills and told me to give them to Jewish people who live in Poland. He also instructed me to give some of the dollars to non-Jews, who either help Jewish causes or who could be good to Jews in the future. He did not mention any names; and when I asked him how I would know to whom I should give the dollars, he simply said, "You will know."

I saw Walesa frequently, and on one of my trips to Poland, he told me of his decision to run for president. I then decided to give him one of the dollars. "Here is a dollar that you should hold on to," I said to him. "When you become president, I'll tell you who gave me this dollar to give to you. Do not ask me before then. When you become president, and I am sure you will become president, you will find out who gave you this dollar."

He took the dollar, folded it, and put it in his jacket pocket. I am told that until today, he carries that dollar with him wherever he goes.

Walesa won the election and became president. Sensing that the dollar had carried some blessing or luck with it, he asked me, "David, who was the person who gave me the dollar?" I told him that it was the Lubavitcher Rebbe, and I explained who the Rebbe was. I told him about my feelings and deep respect for the Rebbe: about his greatness, his dedication to people, his wonderful behavior, his perception and essence of kindness and goodness, how he looks at the world and is respectful to everyone. I also told him that the Rebbe had specifically instructed me to give the dollar to non-Jews who were inclined to help and befriend the Jewish people.

Walesa was very grateful and appreciative that I had given him the dollar, and expressed his respect towards the Rebbe.

My relationship with President Walesa continued. I began to do business in Poland and traveled there frequently. Two years after his election I encouraged him to go to Israel. I wanted him to establish Israel/Polish relations.

The Rebbe and David Chase (right). Photo: JEM
The Rebbe and David Chase (right). Photo: JEM

He later informed me that he and ten ministers would fly to Israel to meet with Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, and he asked me to accompany him.

I told him, "When you meet Shamir, don't try to placate him. Tell him the truth, tell him how you feel and explain to him how you feel about the Jewish people and what happened in Poland." He said, "Don't worry. I'll take care of what I have to do."

I did not know what he meant by that, nor what he intended to do.

During his meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister, Shamir asked Walesa about continued anti-Semitism in Poland. He mentioned the PLO office in Warsaw and Poland's arms dealings with Iraq, Iran and Syria, as indication of Poland's continued anti-Jewish, anti-Israel sentiments.

In response, Walesa turned to Shamir and said, "Mr. Prime Minister, for the Jewish blood that was spilled in Poland, I, on behalf on the Polish people, beg your forgiveness."

We were all shocked. This was a tremendous statement. Neither I, nor any of us ever expected such a full-hearted apology.

Shamir respectfully accepted his words but continued to challenge him about the PLO office in Warsaw and the arms dealings with Israel's enemies.

Walesa said, "When I get back to Poland, I will shut down the PLO office immediately and stop selling arms."

Personally, I thought that he had just committed political suicide. With 25% unemployment in Poland, reducing sales would cause the loss of even more jobs, and I thought that his political career would be finished.

But he did it. He immediately shut down the PLO office. I traveled back to Poland with him and witnessed it. Then he stopped selling arms to Syria, Iraq and Iran.

As part of the trip to Israel, President Walesa, others and I went to the Diaspora Museum. In one exhibit, there is a wall with the faces of about 40 prominent Jews, including the Rebbe. As we were looking at the picture, I said to Walesa, "This is a picture of the Rebbe, your rabbi."

He said to me, "That is my rabbi? The one who gave me the dollar?"

He then turned and faced the picture directly, looked intently at the Rebbe's face, folded his hands together and gently bowed from the waist towards the Rebbe's photo, with deep respect.

The curator of the museum who was accompanying us said, "My G‑d, what is he doing? Is the President of Poland bowing to the Rebbe?"

"Right," I said. "He's bowing and showing his respect to the Lubavitcher Rebbe."

I reported to the Rebbe what had occurred. The Rebbe was very pleased that Walesa was now increasing his efforts on behalf of the Jewish people.

I believe that the Rebbe's message, sent through me and the dollar, was so effective that it literally changed Walesa's whole attitude and feeling about the Jewish people and Israel. To close the PLO office, to see them as an enemy, and to stop sending arms to Iran, Iraq and Syria, are drastic measures, which were directly or indirectly caused by my message from the Rebbe.

Walesa knew the Rebbe had sent his blessing through the dollar. And from that time on I believe that his actions were consistent with the Rebbe's directive: "to give the dollar to a non-Jew who could help and befriend the Jewish people."

Lech Wałęsa - plusy dodatnie, plusy ujemne TW Bolek

Opublikowany 21.03.2015

Dokument przedstawiający współpracę Tajnego Współpracownika Służby Bezpieczeństwa o pseudonimie "Bolek". Nie był emitowany w żadnej ze stacji telewizyjnych.


Lech Walesa and the Rebbe's Dollar - Life & Times
Tłumaczenie strony
He told me that while there I should meet with Lech Walesa, then the head of the ... The Rebbe replied that there were still many Jews in Poland, and a visit ...

Rebe i Lech Wałęsa - prezydent Rzeczypospolitej - strona 4 ...,rebe-i-lech-walesa-prezydent-rzeczypospolite...
Oto, co ich babcia wyglądała jak po Chabad uczeń jesziwy pobił ją na Szabat po jej brat-in-law Menachem Mendel Schneerson (daleki kuzyn rabin Yosef ...

Lech Wałęsa i dolar od Rebe - Chabad Lubawicz
W naszym pokoleniu Rebe Lubawicz –błogosławionej pamięci Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994), znany poprostu jako "Rebe", stworzył dla ...

Famous Social Reformers & Revolutionaries 3: Lech Wałęsa - Tłumaczenie strony
Teacher Forum - 2014 - ‎Biography & Autobiography
Lech Walesa as the President of Poland Lech Walesa becomes Poland's first popularly ... It is said that Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson wanted Walesa to raise ...


Poland's Lech Walesa Visits With Chabad in Israel


Poland's Lech Walesa Visits With Chabad in Israel


Former Polish Prime Minister Lech Walesa, with, from right to left, Rabbi S. B. Stambler, Chabad representative to Poland, his father and brother, in Israel. (


Kfar Chabad, Israel

JANUARY 15, 2008

( Former Polish President Lech Walesa visited Tuesday with Chabad Chasidim and Chabad institutions in Kfar Chabad, Israel. 

In a desire to become better acquainted with "Jewish, Chasidic life," the Solidarity founder and Nobel Peace Prize winner joined Rabbi Sholom B. Stambler, director of Chabad activities in Poland, where Chabad maintains centers in Warsaw and Cracow, on a trip to Israel.  

Walesa visited the yeshiva in Kfar Chabad where he spoke with its dean, Rabbi Yakov Katz, originally from Poland, in his native Polish. Walesa also met with hundreds of yeshiva students, inquiring about their studies.

“I feel privileged to be in this holy space,” he said, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to see observant Jews in their natural setting. Walesa received a dollar from the Lubavitcher Rebbe prior to winning the presidency back in 1990. He carried the dollar with him for many years as a symbol of protection and blessing.  

Israel's former Chief Rabbi Meir Lau, and Israel's former Ambassador to Poland, Professor Shevach Weiss, both Polish born and Holocaust survivors, were among those who joined Mr. Walesa at the Stambler home in Kfar Chabad.

Poland's Lech Walesa Visits With Chabad in Israel ... - Tłumaczenie strony
15.01.2008 - ( Former Polish President Lech Walesa visited ... Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, opposition leaders.



Zakorzeniony w historii Polski i Kresów Wschodnich. Przyjaciel ludzi, zwierząt i przyrody. Wiara i miłość do Boga i Człowieka. Autorytet Jan Paweł II

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