TU154M PLF 101 – Nr 90A-837 ??? gdzie się podział ?
Na pewno nie na polance XUBS Siewiernyj !!! 10.04.2010
Czesko-polska „dziupla” – Vladni letadla, Vojenske letadla
08.04.2010-19.03.2015 ???
Vladni letadla, Vojenske letadla
Ohh my god! Goodbye Tu-154M:-( my last picture from him
Typ letadla:
Czech Air Force (CEF)
Datum pořízení:
Praha - Ruzyně (PRG/LKPR)
06.11. 15:06 Letoun 1016 navždy opouští pražskou ruzyňskou základnu a roluje na svůj poslední start z dráhy 24...
TU 154M PLF101 A90-987
Spotting Group
Aircraft Details
This photographer is a member of:
Pannon Air Spotters
Registration/Serial No./Date
Remarks & Notes
Ohh my god! Goodbye Tu-154M:-( my last picture from him
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Huffman Table: (Dest ID: 1, Class: AC)
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YCC clipping in DC:
Y component: [<0= 0] [>255= 0]
Cb component: [<0= 0] [>255= 0]
Cr component: [<0= 0] [>255= 0]
RGB clipping in DC:
R component: [<0= 0] [>255= 0]
G component: [<0= 0] [>255= 0]
B component: [<0= 0] [>255= 0]
Average Pixel Luminance (Y):
Y=[149] (range: 0..255)
Brightest Pixel Search:
YCC=[ 983, -54, 21] RGB=[252,250,237] @ MCU[122, 71]
Finished Decoding SCAN Data
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*** Marker: EOI (End of Image) (xFFD9) ***
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Signature (Rotated): 014302FE54745F4DBB58A0D51CDC66BD
File Offset: 0 bytes
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EXIF Makernotes: NONE
EXIF Software: OK [Adobe Photoshop CS2 Windows]
Searching Compression Signatures: (3347 built-in, 0 user(*) )
EXIF.Make / Software EXIF.Model Quality Subsamp Match?
------------------------- ----------------------------------- ---------------- --------------
CAM:[Leica Camera AG ] [M8 Digital Camera ] [ ] No
CAM:[Leica Camera AG ] [M8 Digital Camera ] [ ] No
CAM:[Leica Camera AG ] [M8 Digital Camera ] [ ] No
CAM:[NIKON ] [E4500 ] [FINE ] No
CAM:[NIKON ] [E5400 ] [FINE ] No
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CAM:[NIKON ] [E775 ] [FINE ] No
CAM:[Samsung Techwin ] [Digimax V50/a5 ] [ ] No
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CAM:[SONY ] [SONY ] [ ] No
SW :[IJG Library ] [097 ]
The following IJG-based editors also match this signature:
SW :[GIMP ] [097 ]
SW :[IrfanView ] [097 ]
SW :[idImager ] [097 ]
SW :[FastStone Image Viewer ] [097 ]
SW :[NeatImage ] [097 ]
SW :[Paint.NET ] [097 ]
SW :[Photomatix ] [097 ]
SW :[XnView ] [097 ]
NOTE: EXIF Software field recognized as from editor
Based on the analysis of compression characteristics and EXIF metadata:
ASSESSMENT: Class 1 - Image is processed/edited
Appears to be new signature for known software.
If the camera/software doesn't appear in list above,
PLEASE ADD TO DATABASE with [Tools->Add Camera to DB]
Spotting Group
Aircraft Details
This photographer is a member of:
Brno Spotters
Registration/Serial No./Date
Camera: Konica Minolta Dynax 5D Lens: Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DG MACRO
Remarks & Notes
Arrival of Polish prime minister two days before this plane crashed in Smolensk, Russia.
Filesize: [579897] Bytes
Start Offset: 0x00000000
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OFFSET: 0x00000000
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OFFSET: 0x00000002
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thumbnail = 0 x 0
*** Marker: APP1 (xFFE1) ***
OFFSET: 0x00000014
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Identifier = [Exif]
Identifier TIFF = 0x[4D4D002A 00000008]
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TAG Mark x002A = 0x002A
EXIF IFD0 @ Absolute 0x00000026
Dir Length = 0x000C
[Model ] = "DYNAX 5D"
[Orientation ] = Row 0: top, Col 0: left
[XResolution ] = 72/1
[YResolution ] = 72/1
[ResolutionUnit ] = Inch
[Software ] = "Adobe Photoshop 7.0 CE"
[DateTime ] = "2010:04:10 12:30:52"
[YCbCrPositioning ] = Centered
[ExifOffset ] = @ 0x018C
Offset to Next IFD = 0x000003B0
EXIF IFD1 @ Absolute 0x000003CE
Dir Length = 0x0006
[Compression ] = JPEG
[XResolution ] = 72/1
[YResolution ] = 72/1
[ResolutionUnit ] = Inch
[JpegIFOffset ] = @ +0x040E = @ 0x042C
[JpegIFByteCount ] = 2523
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EXIF SubIFD @ Absolute 0x000001AA
Dir Length = 0x001F
[ExposureTime ] = 1/640 s
[FNumber ] = F11.0
[ExposureProgram ] = Aperture priority
[ISOSpeedRatings ] = 200
[ExifVersion ] = 02.21
[DateTimeOriginal ] = "2010:04:08 17:50:31"
[DateTimeDigitized ] = "2010:04:08 17:50:31"
[ComponentsConfiguration ] = [Y Cb Cr .]
[BrightnessValue ] = 937/100
[ExposureBiasValue ] = -1.00 eV
[MaxApertureValue ] = 400/100
[MeteringMode ] = Pattern
[LightSource ] = Daylight
[Flash ] = Flash did not fire
[FocalLength ] = 100 mm
[SubjectLocation ] = 1504, 1000, 256, 304
[UserComment ] = ""
[FlashPixVersion ] = 01.00
[ColorSpace ] = sRGB
[ExifImageWidth ] = 1200
[ExifImageHeight ] = 800
[CustomRendered ] = Normal process
[ExposureMode ] = Auto exposure
[WhiteBalance ] = Manual white balance
[DigitalZoomRatio ] = 0/1
[FocalLengthIn35mmFilm ] = 150
[SceneCaptureType ] = Standard
[GainControl ] = 0
[Contrast ] = 1
[Saturation ] = 2
[Sharpness ] = 0
*** Marker: APP2 (xFFE2) ***
OFFSET: 0x00000E07
length = 3160
Identifier = [ICC_PROFILE]
ICC Profile:
Marker Number = 1 of 1
Profile Size : 3144 bytes
Preferred CMM Type : 'Lino' (0x4C696E6F)
Profile Version : (0x02100000)
Profile Device/Class : Display Device profile ('mntr' (0x6D6E7472))
Data Colour Space : rgbData ('RGB ' (0x52474220))
Profile connection space (PCS) : 'XYZ ' (0x58595A20)
Profile creation date : 1998-02-09 06:49:00
Profile file signature : 'acsp' (0x61637370)
Primary platform : Microsoft Corporation ('MSFT' (0x4D534654))
Profile flags : 0x00000000
Profile flags > Profile not embedded
Profile flags > Profile can't be used independently of embedded
Device Manufacturer : 'IEC ' (0x49454320)
Device Model : 'sRGB' (0x73524742)
Device attributes : 0x00000000_00000000
Device attributes > Reflective
Device attributes > Glossy
Device attributes > Media polarity = negative
Device attributes > Black & white media
Rendering intent : Perceptual
Profile creator : 'HP ' (0x48502020)
Profile ID : 0x00000000_00000000_00000000
*** Marker: APP1 (xFFE1) ***
OFFSET: 0x00001A61
length = 5477
Identifier = [http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/]
|<?xpacket begin='' id='W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d'?>
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*** Marker: DQT (xFFDB) ***
Define a Quantization Table.
OFFSET: 0x00002FC8
Table length = 67
Precision=8 bits
Destination ID=0 (Luminance)
DQT, Row #0: 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4
DQT, Row #1: 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 3
DQT, Row #2: 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 3
DQT, Row #3: 1 1 1 2 3 5 5 4
DQT, Row #4: 1 1 2 3 4 7 6 5
DQT, Row #5: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6
DQT, Row #6: 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 6
DQT, Row #7: 4 6 6 6 7 6 6 6
Approx quality factor = 96.95 (scaling=6.11 variance=1.09)
*** Marker: DQT (xFFDB) ***
Define a Quantization Table.
OFFSET: 0x0000300D
Table length = 67
Precision=8 bits
Destination ID=1 (Chrominance)
DQT, Row #0: 1 1 1 3 6 6 6 6
DQT, Row #1: 1 1 2 4 6 6 6 6
DQT, Row #2: 1 2 3 6 6 6 6 6
DQT, Row #3: 3 4 6 6 6 6 6 6
DQT, Row #4: 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
DQT, Row #5: 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
DQT, Row #6: 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
DQT, Row #7: 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Approx quality factor = 96.99 (scaling=6.01 variance=0.24)
*** Marker: SOF0 (Baseline DCT) (xFFC0) ***
OFFSET: 0x00003052
Frame header length = 17
Precision = 8
Number of Lines = 819
Samples per Line = 1200
Image Size = 1200 x 819
Raw Image Orientation = Landscape
Number of Img components = 3
Component[1]: ID=0x01, Samp Fac=0x11 (Subsamp 1 x 1), Quant Tbl Sel=0x00 (Lum: Y)
Component[2]: ID=0x02, Samp Fac=0x11 (Subsamp 1 x 1), Quant Tbl Sel=0x01 (Chrom: Cb)
Component[3]: ID=0x03, Samp Fac=0x11 (Subsamp 1 x 1), Quant Tbl Sel=0x01 (Chrom: Cr)
*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
OFFSET: 0x00003065
Huffman table length = 31
Destination ID = 0
Class = 0 (DC / Lossless Table)
Codes of length 01 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 02 bits (001 total): 01
Codes of length 03 bits (004 total): 00 02 04 05
Codes of length 04 bits (003 total): 03 06 07
Codes of length 05 bits (001 total): 08
Codes of length 06 bits (001 total): 09
Codes of length 07 bits (001 total): 0A
Codes of length 08 bits (001 total): 0B
Codes of length 09 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 10 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 11 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 12 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 13 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 14 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 15 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 16 bits (000 total):
Total number of codes: 012
*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
OFFSET: 0x00003086
Huffman table length = 96
Destination ID = 0
Class = 1 (AC Table)
Codes of length 01 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 02 bits (001 total): 01
Codes of length 03 bits (003 total): 02 03 11
Codes of length 04 bits (002 total): 04 05
Codes of length 05 bits (004 total): 00 06 21 31
Codes of length 06 bits (003 total): 07 12 41
Codes of length 07 bits (005 total): 08 13 22 51 61
Codes of length 08 bits (005 total): 14 71 81 91 F0
Codes of length 09 bits (006 total): 09 15 32 42 A1 B1
Codes of length 10 bits (004 total): 23 C1 D1 E1
Codes of length 11 bits (005 total): 16 24 52 62 F1
Codes of length 12 bits (002 total): 33 72
Codes of length 13 bits (003 total): 0A 17 25
Codes of length 14 bits (001 total): 43
Codes of length 15 bits (002 total): 18 34
Codes of length 16 bits (031 total): 82 92 19 26 27 35 44 53 63 A2 B2 28 38 66 73 78
83 93 29 36 37 39 45 56 74 A3 A4 B5 B6 C2 D2
Total number of codes: 077
*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
OFFSET: 0x000030E8
Huffman table length = 29
Destination ID = 1
Class = 0 (DC / Lossless Table)
Codes of length 01 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 02 bits (002 total): 01 02
Codes of length 03 bits (003 total): 00 03 04
Codes of length 04 bits (001 total): 05
Codes of length 05 bits (001 total): 06
Codes of length 06 bits (001 total): 07
Codes of length 07 bits (001 total): 08
Codes of length 08 bits (001 total): 09
Codes of length 09 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 10 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 11 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 12 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 13 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 14 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 15 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 16 bits (000 total):
Total number of codes: 010
*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
OFFSET: 0x00003107
Huffman table length = 89
Destination ID = 1
Class = 1 (AC Table)
Codes of length 01 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 02 bits (001 total): 01
Codes of length 03 bits (002 total): 02 11
Codes of length 04 bits (004 total): 00 03 21 31
Codes of length 05 bits (003 total): 04 41 51
Codes of length 06 bits (006 total): 05 12 61 71 81 F0
Codes of length 07 bits (004 total): 22 91 A1 B1
Codes of length 08 bits (005 total): 06 13 C1 D1 E1
Codes of length 09 bits (003 total): 07 32 F1
Codes of length 10 bits (003 total): 08 14 42
Codes of length 11 bits (002 total): 15 23
Codes of length 12 bits (003 total): 52 62 72
Codes of length 13 bits (003 total): 16 33 82
Codes of length 14 bits (008 total): 09 17 24 34 43 92 A2 B2
Codes of length 15 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 16 bits (023 total): D2 18 53 63 73 83 C2 25 74 93 D3 64 94 A3 E2 E3
26 44 45 B3 46 84 C3
Total number of codes: 070
*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
OFFSET: 0x00003162
Scan header length = 12
Number of img components = 3
Component[1]: selector=0x01, table=0x00
Component[2]: selector=0x02, table=0x11
Component[3]: selector=0x03, table=0x11
Spectral selection = 0 .. 63
Successive approximation = 0x00
*** Decoding SCAN Data ***
OFFSET: 0x00003170
Scan Decode Mode: No IDCT (DC only)
NOTE: Low-resolution DC component shown. Can decode full-res with [Options->Scan Segment->Full IDCT]
Scan Data encountered marker 0xFFD9 @ 0x0008D937.0
Compression stats:
Compression Ratio: 5.20:1
Bits per pixel: 4.62:1
Huffman code histogram stats:
Huffman Table: (Dest ID: 0, Class: DC)
# codes of length 01 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 02 bits: 3146 ( 20%)
# codes of length 03 bits: 8183 ( 53%)
# codes of length 04 bits: 3099 ( 20%)
# codes of length 05 bits: 531 ( 3%)
# codes of length 06 bits: 379 ( 2%)
# codes of length 07 bits: 108 ( 1%)
# codes of length 08 bits: 4 ( 0%)
# codes of length 09 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 10 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 11 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 12 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 13 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 14 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 15 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 16 bits: 0 ( 0%)
Huffman Table: (Dest ID: 1, Class: DC)
# codes of length 01 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 02 bits: 14910 ( 48%)
# codes of length 03 bits: 12853 ( 42%)
# codes of length 04 bits: 1361 ( 4%)
# codes of length 05 bits: 888 ( 3%)
# codes of length 06 bits: 621 ( 2%)
# codes of length 07 bits: 214 ( 1%)
# codes of length 08 bits: 53 ( 0%)
# codes of length 09 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 10 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 11 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 12 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 13 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 14 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 15 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 16 bits: 0 ( 0%)
Huffman Table: (Dest ID: 0, Class: AC)
# codes of length 01 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 02 bits: 101417 ( 26%)
# codes of length 03 bits: 138878 ( 35%)
# codes of length 04 bits: 51094 ( 13%)
# codes of length 05 bits: 53366 ( 14%)
# codes of length 06 bits: 21146 ( 5%)
# codes of length 07 bits: 14852 ( 4%)
# codes of length 08 bits: 6593 ( 2%)
# codes of length 09 bits: 4031 ( 1%)
# codes of length 10 bits: 1406 ( 0%)
# codes of length 11 bits: 875 ( 0%)
# codes of length 12 bits: 146 ( 0%)
# codes of length 13 bits: 130 ( 0%)
# codes of length 14 bits: 30 ( 0%)
# codes of length 15 bits: 35 ( 0%)
# codes of length 16 bits: 109 ( 0%)
Huffman Table: (Dest ID: 1, Class: AC)
# codes of length 01 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 02 bits: 117324 ( 29%)
# codes of length 03 bits: 94777 ( 24%)
# codes of length 04 bits: 97294 ( 24%)
# codes of length 05 bits: 31719 ( 8%)
# codes of length 06 bits: 34659 ( 9%)
# codes of length 07 bits: 10707 ( 3%)
# codes of length 08 bits: 8492 ( 2%)
# codes of length 09 bits: 2576 ( 1%)
# codes of length 10 bits: 1113 ( 0%)
# codes of length 11 bits: 388 ( 0%)
# codes of length 12 bits: 311 ( 0%)
# codes of length 13 bits: 178 ( 0%)
# codes of length 14 bits: 177 ( 0%)
# codes of length 15 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 16 bits: 147 ( 0%)
YCC clipping in DC:
Y component: [<0= 0] [>255= 0]
Cb component: [<0= 0] [>255= 0]
Cr component: [<0= 0] [>255= 0]
RGB clipping in DC:
R component: [<0= 0] [>255= 0]
G component: [<0= 0] [>255= 0]
B component: [<0= 0] [>255= 0]
Average Pixel Luminance (Y):
Y=[124] (range: 0..255)
Brightest Pixel Search:
YCC=[ 1004, -28, 6] RGB=[253,254,245] @ MCU[ 92, 52]
Finished Decoding SCAN Data
Number of RESTART markers decoded: 0
Next position in scan buffer: Offset 0x0008D936.6
*** Marker: EOI (End of Image) (xFFD9) ***
OFFSET: 0x0008D937
*** Searching Compression Signatures ***
Signature: 010564D93F295ADB889B91604DC82EE1
Signature (Rotated): 014302FE54745F4DBB58A0D51CDC66BD
File Offset: 0 bytes
Chroma subsampling: 1x1
EXIF Makernotes: NONE
EXIF Software: OK [Adobe Photoshop 7.0 CE]
Searching Compression Signatures: (3347 built-in, 0 user(*) )
EXIF.Make / Software EXIF.Model Quality Subsamp Match?
------------------------- ----------------------------------- ---------------- --------------
CAM:[Leica Camera AG ] [M8 Digital Camera ] [ ] No
CAM:[Leica Camera AG ] [M8 Digital Camera ] [ ] No
CAM:[Leica Camera AG ] [M8 Digital Camera ] [ ] No
CAM:[NIKON ] [E4500 ] [FINE ] No
CAM:[NIKON ] [E5400 ] [FINE ] No
CAM:[NIKON ] [E775 ] [FINE ] No
CAM:[NIKON ] [E775 ] [FINE ] No
CAM:[Samsung Techwin ] [Digimax V50/a5 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SAMSUNG TECHWIN ] [Pro 815 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-H1 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-H2 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-H5 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-H7 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-H9 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-L1 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-N2 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-P150 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-P200 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-R1 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-S90 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-V1 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-V3 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-W35 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-W7 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [SONY ] [ ] No
SW :[IJG Library ] [097 ]
The following IJG-based editors also match this signature:
SW :[GIMP ] [097 ]
SW :[IrfanView ] [097 ]
SW :[idImager ] [097 ]
SW :[FastStone Image Viewer ] [097 ]
SW :[NeatImage ] [097 ]
SW :[Paint.NET ] [097 ]
SW :[Photomatix ] [097 ]
SW :[XnView ] [097 ]
NOTE: EXIF Software field recognized as from editor
Based on the analysis of compression characteristics and EXIF metadata:
ASSESSMENT: Class 1 - Image is processed/edited
Appears to be new signature for known software.
If the camera/software doesn't appear in list above,
PLEASE ADD TO DATABASE with [Tools->Add Camera to DB]
Ohh my god! Goodbye Tu-154M:-( my last picture from him
Tu-154M OK-BYO seen in December 1992.
(photo, Axel Juengerich)
Tupolev Tu-154 * Retired *
Four Tu-154B and three Tu-154M acquired in 19??. Used by the Government for VIP transport. Three sold, one to Slovakia in 1993 and three to the Air Force.
Prev. Identity
Tu-154B-2, to 0420 March 1989
Tu-154B-2, to OK-LCP Apr 1992
Tu-154B-2, to OK-LCS 1990
Tu-154B-2, to 0601 Feb 1991
Tu-154M, to Slovakia OM-BYO 1993
Tu-154M 'Salon', to OK-VCP Sept 1992
Tu-154M, to 1016 Jan 1999
noted June 1996
- European Air Forces Directory 2005/06 (Mach III)
Typ letadla:
Czech Air Force (CEF)
Datum pořízení:
Praha - Ruzyně (PRG/LKPR)
Filesize: [179026] Bytes
Start Offset: 0x00000000
*** Marker: SOI (xFFD8) ***
OFFSET: 0x00000000
*** Marker: APP0 (xFFE0) ***
OFFSET: 0x00000002
length = 16
identifier = [JFIF]
version = [1.1]
density = 1 x 1 (aspect ratio)
thumbnail = 0 x 0
*** Marker: COM (Comment) (xFFFE) ***
OFFSET: 0x00000014
Comment length = 59
Comment=CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 98.
*** Marker: DQT (xFFDB) ***
Define a Quantization Table.
OFFSET: 0x00000051
Table length = 67
Precision=8 bits
Destination ID=0 (Luminance)
DQT, Row #0: 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
DQT, Row #1: 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
DQT, Row #2: 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2
DQT, Row #3: 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 2
DQT, Row #4: 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 3
DQT, Row #5: 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 4
DQT, Row #6: 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 4
DQT, Row #7: 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Approx quality factor = 97.68 (scaling=4.64 variance=2.36)
*** Marker: DQT (xFFDB) ***
Define a Quantization Table.
OFFSET: 0x00000096
Table length = 67
Precision=8 bits
Destination ID=1 (Chrominance)
DQT, Row #0: 1 1 1 2 4 4 4 4
DQT, Row #1: 1 1 1 3 4 4 4 4
DQT, Row #2: 1 1 2 4 4 4 4 4
DQT, Row #3: 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4
DQT, Row #4: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
DQT, Row #5: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
DQT, Row #6: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
DQT, Row #7: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Approx quality factor = 97.93 (scaling=4.14 variance=0.14)
*** Marker: SOF0 (Baseline DCT) (xFFC0) ***
OFFSET: 0x000000DB
Frame header length = 17
Precision = 8
Number of Lines = 708
Samples per Line = 1024
Image Size = 1024 x 708
Raw Image Orientation = Landscape
Number of Img components = 3
Component[1]: ID=0x01, Samp Fac=0x22 (Subsamp 1 x 1), Quant Tbl Sel=0x00 (Lum: Y)
Component[2]: ID=0x02, Samp Fac=0x11 (Subsamp 2 x 2), Quant Tbl Sel=0x01 (Chrom: Cb)
Component[3]: ID=0x03, Samp Fac=0x11 (Subsamp 2 x 2), Quant Tbl Sel=0x01 (Chrom: Cr)
*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
OFFSET: 0x000000EE
Huffman table length = 31
Destination ID = 0
Class = 0 (DC / Lossless Table)
Codes of length 01 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 02 bits (001 total): 00
Codes of length 03 bits (005 total): 01 02 03 04 05
Codes of length 04 bits (001 total): 06
Codes of length 05 bits (001 total): 07
Codes of length 06 bits (001 total): 08
Codes of length 07 bits (001 total): 09
Codes of length 08 bits (001 total): 0A
Codes of length 09 bits (001 total): 0B
Codes of length 10 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 11 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 12 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 13 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 14 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 15 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 16 bits (000 total):
Total number of codes: 012
*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
OFFSET: 0x0000010F
Huffman table length = 181
Destination ID = 0
Class = 1 (AC Table)
Codes of length 01 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 02 bits (002 total): 01 02
Codes of length 03 bits (001 total): 03
Codes of length 04 bits (003 total): 00 04 11
Codes of length 05 bits (003 total): 05 12 21
Codes of length 06 bits (002 total): 31 41
Codes of length 07 bits (004 total): 06 13 51 61
Codes of length 08 bits (003 total): 07 22 71
Codes of length 09 bits (005 total): 14 32 81 91 A1
Codes of length 10 bits (005 total): 08 23 42 B1 C1
Codes of length 11 bits (004 total): 15 52 D1 F0
Codes of length 12 bits (004 total): 24 33 62 72
Codes of length 13 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 14 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 15 bits (001 total): 82
Codes of length 16 bits (125 total): 09 0A 16 17 18 19 1A 25 26 27 28 29 2A 34 35 36
37 38 39 3A 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 53 54 55 56
57 58 59 5A 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 73 74 75 76
77 78 79 7A 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 92 93 94 95
96 97 98 99 9A A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA B2 B3
B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA
D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7
E8 E9 EA F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA
Total number of codes: 162
*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
OFFSET: 0x000001C6
Huffman table length = 31
Destination ID = 1
Class = 0 (DC / Lossless Table)
Codes of length 01 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 02 bits (003 total): 00 01 02
Codes of length 03 bits (001 total): 03
Codes of length 04 bits (001 total): 04
Codes of length 05 bits (001 total): 05
Codes of length 06 bits (001 total): 06
Codes of length 07 bits (001 total): 07
Codes of length 08 bits (001 total): 08
Codes of length 09 bits (001 total): 09
Codes of length 10 bits (001 total): 0A
Codes of length 11 bits (001 total): 0B
Codes of length 12 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 13 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 14 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 15 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 16 bits (000 total):
Total number of codes: 012
*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
OFFSET: 0x000001E7
Huffman table length = 181
Destination ID = 1
Class = 1 (AC Table)
Codes of length 01 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 02 bits (002 total): 00 01
Codes of length 03 bits (001 total): 02
Codes of length 04 bits (002 total): 03 11
Codes of length 05 bits (004 total): 04 05 21 31
Codes of length 06 bits (004 total): 06 12 41 51
Codes of length 07 bits (003 total): 07 61 71
Codes of length 08 bits (004 total): 13 22 32 81
Codes of length 09 bits (007 total): 08 14 42 91 A1 B1 C1
Codes of length 10 bits (005 total): 09 23 33 52 F0
Codes of length 11 bits (004 total): 15 62 72 D1
Codes of length 12 bits (004 total): 0A 16 24 34
Codes of length 13 bits (000 total):
Codes of length 14 bits (001 total): E1
Codes of length 15 bits (002 total): 25 F1
Codes of length 16 bits (119 total): 17 18 19 1A 26 27 28 29 2A 35 36 37 38 39 3A 43
44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 63
64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 82
83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
9A A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7
B8 B9 BA C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA D2 D3 D4 D5
D6 D7 D8 D9 DA E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA F2 F3
F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA
Total number of codes: 162
*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
OFFSET: 0x0000029E
Scan header length = 12
Number of img components = 3
Component[1]: selector=0x01, table=0x00
Component[2]: selector=0x02, table=0x11
Component[3]: selector=0x03, table=0x11
Spectral selection = 0 .. 63
Successive approximation = 0x00
*** Decoding SCAN Data ***
OFFSET: 0x000002AC
Scan Decode Mode: No IDCT (DC only)
NOTE: Low-resolution DC component shown. Can decode full-res with [Options->Scan Segment->Full IDCT]
Scan Data encountered marker 0xFFD9 @ 0x0002BB50.0
Compression stats:
Compression Ratio: 12.20:1
Bits per pixel: 1.97:1
Huffman code histogram stats:
Huffman Table: (Dest ID: 0, Class: DC)
# codes of length 01 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 02 bits: 2575 ( 22%)
# codes of length 03 bits: 5513 ( 48%)
# codes of length 04 bits: 981 ( 9%)
# codes of length 05 bits: 836 ( 7%)
# codes of length 06 bits: 770 ( 7%)
# codes of length 07 bits: 675 ( 6%)
# codes of length 08 bits: 153 ( 1%)
# codes of length 09 bits: 17 ( 0%)
# codes of length 10 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 11 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 12 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 13 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 14 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 15 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 16 bits: 0 ( 0%)
Huffman Table: (Dest ID: 1, Class: DC)
# codes of length 01 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 02 bits: 4438 ( 77%)
# codes of length 03 bits: 773 ( 13%)
# codes of length 04 bits: 315 ( 5%)
# codes of length 05 bits: 152 ( 3%)
# codes of length 06 bits: 65 ( 1%)
# codes of length 07 bits: 17 ( 0%)
# codes of length 08 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 09 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 10 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 11 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 12 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 13 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 14 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 15 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 16 bits: 0 ( 0%)
Huffman Table: (Dest ID: 0, Class: AC)
# codes of length 01 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 02 bits: 40683 ( 25%)
# codes of length 03 bits: 29413 ( 18%)
# codes of length 04 bits: 37291 ( 23%)
# codes of length 05 bits: 18936 ( 12%)
# codes of length 06 bits: 4431 ( 3%)
# codes of length 07 bits: 14421 ( 9%)
# codes of length 08 bits: 5240 ( 3%)
# codes of length 09 bits: 4267 ( 3%)
# codes of length 10 bits: 3819 ( 2%)
# codes of length 11 bits: 1427 ( 1%)
# codes of length 12 bits: 1379 ( 1%)
# codes of length 13 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 14 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 15 bits: 87 ( 0%)
# codes of length 16 bits: 3095 ( 2%)
Huffman Table: (Dest ID: 1, Class: AC)
# codes of length 01 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 02 bits: 12839 ( 46%)
# codes of length 03 bits: 4447 ( 16%)
# codes of length 04 bits: 4229 ( 15%)
# codes of length 05 bits: 2838 ( 10%)
# codes of length 06 bits: 1567 ( 6%)
# codes of length 07 bits: 187 ( 1%)
# codes of length 08 bits: 746 ( 3%)
# codes of length 09 bits: 382 ( 1%)
# codes of length 10 bits: 259 ( 1%)
# codes of length 11 bits: 90 ( 0%)
# codes of length 12 bits: 24 ( 0%)
# codes of length 13 bits: 0 ( 0%)
# codes of length 14 bits: 16 ( 0%)
# codes of length 15 bits: 17 ( 0%)
# codes of length 16 bits: 104 ( 0%)
YCC clipping in DC:
Y component: [<0= 0] [>255= 0]
Cb component: [<0= 0] [>255= 0]
Cr component: [<0= 0] [>255= 0]
RGB clipping in DC:
R component: [<0= 0] [>255= 0]
G component: [<0= 0] [>255= 0]
B component: [<0= 0] [>255= 0]
Average Pixel Luminance (Y):
Y=[ 75] (range: 0..255)
Brightest Pixel Search:
YCC=[ 968, 24, 2] RGB=[249,247,254] @ MCU[ 25, 20]
Finished Decoding SCAN Data
Number of RESTART markers decoded: 0
Next position in scan buffer: Offset 0x0002BB50.0
*** Marker: EOI (End of Image) (xFFD9) ***
OFFSET: 0x0002BB50
*** Searching Compression Signatures ***
Signature: 01081C0D2E757D5A5E24734E147CE6B9
Signature (Rotated): 019C33083B8FA8E4D2CED45F06F0B201
File Offset: 0 bytes
Chroma subsampling: 2x2
EXIF Make/Model: NONE
EXIF Makernotes: NONE
EXIF Software: NONE
Searching Compression Signatures: (3347 built-in, 0 user(*) )
EXIF.Make / Software EXIF.Model Quality Subsamp Match?
------------------------- ----------------------------------- ---------------- --------------
CAM:[NIKON ] [E5400 ] [FINE ] No
CAM:[SAMSUNG TECHWIN ] [Pro 815 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-H1 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-H2 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-H5 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-H7 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-H9 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-L1 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-P150 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-P200 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-R1 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-S90 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-V3 ] [ ] No
CAM:[SONY ] [DSC-W7 ] [ ] No
SW :[IJG Library ] [098 ]
The following IJG-based editors also match this signature:
SW :[GIMP ] [098 ]
SW :[IrfanView ] [098 ]
SW :[idImager ] [098 ]
SW :[FastStone Image Viewer ] [098 ]
SW :[NeatImage ] [098 ]
SW :[Paint.NET ] [098 ]
SW :[Photomatix ] [098 ]
SW :[XnView ] [098 ]
NOTE: JFIF COMMENT field is known software
Based on the analysis of compression characteristics and EXIF metadata:
ASSESSMENT: Class 1 - Image is processed/edited
This may be a new software editor for the database.
If this file is processed, and editor doesn't appear in list above,
PLEASE ADD TO DATABASE with [Tools->Add Camera to DB]
06.11. 15:06 Letoun 1016 navždy opouští pražskou ruzyňskou základnu a roluje na svůj poslední start z dráhy 24...
Petr Volek
Typ letadla:
Czech Government
Datum pořízení:
Praha - Ruzyně (PRG/LKPR)
Typ letadla:
Czech Air Force (CEF)
Datum pořízení:
Praha - Kbely (LKKB)
ktory ostatnio był widziany na lotnisku LKPR w Pradze Vaclav Havel Airport w dniu 08.04.2010 roku !!!
o godzinie 17:53 czasu UTC
Zakorzeniony w historii Polski i Kresów Wschodnich. Przyjaciel ludzi, zwierząt i przyrody. Wiara i miłość do Boga i Człowieka. Autorytet Jan Paweł II
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