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Geert van den Bossche - światowej klasy wirusolog i guru w kwestii badań i opracowań nowych szczepionek - wzywa WHO i wszystkie państwa do natychmiastowego zaprzestania masowych szczepień szczepionkami przeciw covid!

"Przez masowe szczepienia tworzymy ekstremalnie groźne, zmutowane monstrum-coronawirus, z którym własny organizm już nigdy sobie nie poradzi..

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Geert Vanden Bossche


Niepokoi mnie katastrofalny wpływ, jaki miałoby to na naszą ludzką „rasę”. Nie tylko

ludzie tracą ochronę za pośrednictwem szczepionek, ale także cenną, odmiennie niespecyficzną (!), wrodzoną odporność

zniknie (dzieje się tak, ponieważ przeciwciała szczepionkowe przewyższają naturalne przeciwciała w wiązaniu z Covid-19,

nawet jeśli ich powinowactwo do wariantu wirusa jest stosunkowo niskie).

Powiadomiłem wszystkie odpowiedzialne organy odpowiedzialne za zdrowie i organy regulacyjne, w tym WHO, CDC, FDA itp. I tak zrobiłem

Poproszono o rozważenie mojej troski i natychmiastowe rozpoczęcie dyskusji o katastrofie

konsekwencje każdej dalszej ucieczki immunologicznej Covid-19.

Wiem oczywiście, że obecne kampanie masowych szczepień cieszą się energicznym i ogólnoświatowym poparciem

wiele różnych stron / interesariuszy. Jednak jeśli nie udowodniono mi, że się mylę, nie może to być plik

wymówka dla ignorowania faktu, że ludzkość może obecnie przekształcać całkiem nieszkodliwy wirus w

niekontrolowany potwór. Nigdy nie traktowałem tak poważnie swojego oświadczenia.

3 marca 2021

Jestem BARDZO zaniepokojony wpływem, jaki obecne szczepionki Covid-19 będą miały, gdy będą coraz częściej wykorzystywane w kampaniach masowych szczepień prowadzonych w ogniu pandemii. Przeczytaj moje globalne OSTRZEŻENIE i dowody naukowe:


# COVID19 #turnthetide #provaxxer  

Geert Vanden Bossche


Doktorat, niezależny konsultant ds. Badań nad szczepionkami DVM Odkrywanie szczepionek i badania przedkliniczne.


Mass infection prevention and mass vaccination with leaky Covid-19 vaccines in the midst of the pandemic can only breed highly infectious variants.

Key document on mass vaccination and immune escape. Response to critics. Why do mass vaccination campaigns promote dominance of selective immune escape variants? I repeat with utmost urgency my call for a public scientific debate with the WHO, qualified experts and authorities worldwide. 

Why do Covid-19 mass vaccinaton campaigns promote dominance of selectve immune escape variants?- Geert Vanden Bossche"Mass vaccinaton campaigns can substantally reduce infecton rates and hence, the emergence of new viral variants. So, enhancement of vaccinaton campaigns should be able to prevent circulaton of additonal variants." Why is this simplistc postulate fundamentally wrong? First, in order for emerging more infectous variants to enhance their potency and become well established, they must adapt to the suboptmal immune pressure they escaped from. To adapt viruses to grow at high infectous tters under suboptmal conditons1, it is critcal to passage the virus repeatedly under the same ‘stress’ conditons. Likewise, repeated person-to-person transmission of a highly mutable virus under similarly selectve, suboptmal immune pressure would enable ‘training’ of selected immune escape variants. This will ultmately result in adaptaton of the viral variant and thereby enable full-fedged replicaton under conditonswhich initally restricted its replicaton. All more infectous Sars-CoV-2 variants are characterized by mutatons that are directed at spike (S) protein (herein called: ‘S variants’). Selecton of S-directed mutatons enables enhanced binding of these variants to the ACE-2 cell receptor. By virtue of their enhanced binding to cell receptors on respiratory epithelial cells, S variants are able to overcome limitatons in infectousness imposed by S-specifc antbodies (Abs).In the absence of infecton preventon measures or mass vaccinaton campaigns, spontaneously occurring S variants have no opportunity to compete with circulatng wild virus as there is no selectve immune pressure mechanism promotng their adaptaton to the human host. In case of de novo infecton of a seronegatve populaton with Sars-CoV-2, there is no selectve immune pressure that could promote replicaton and propagaton of immune escape S variants. In case subjects have previously been primed as a result of infectonwith wild type Sars-CoV-2, their later exposure to variant S antgen (S’) will recall a strong response mounted by Abs that efectvely recognize both S and S’ (htps:// Lastly, subjects who are in the process of seroconvertng as a result of Coronavirus (CoV) infecton will not be susceptble to re-infecton by another CoV due to antviral innate immunity. So, in none of the above-mentoned cases do S variants have anopportunity to repeatedly replicate and propagate under suboptmal selectve immune pressure. This is to saythat under conditons of natural infecton, adaptaton of S-selectve immune escape variants does not usually occur. This seems to be confrmed by the results from virus characterizaton on archival autopsy samples fromsubjects who succumbed to Infuenza during the pandemic of 1918. Samples isolated during the second, most severe, wave did not indicate any contributon from variant strains (htps:// conditons occur when the virus is, for example, inoculated on host cells that are not usually permissive to the virus or when it is grown on cell culture at suboptmal temperature or in the presence of subneutralizing antbodiesAuthor: Geert Vanden Bossche, DVM, PhD (March 31 2021) –

In case of mass vaccinaton, however, there is plenty of opportunity for spontaneously occurring S variants to experience selectve immune pressure. Mass vaccinaton campaigns will cause large, not previously primed cohorts of the populaton to seroconvert against S protein and to even maintain suboptmal Abs for quite some tme (e.g., in those waitng for the second dose of a 2-shot vaccine) while being exposed to spontaneously emerging viral variants. Such cohorts include people who have not previously been infected at all as well as subjects who have been asymptomatcally infected and only exhibited short-lived Ab tters, presumably due to lack of adequate priming (htps://; htps:// Mass vaccinaton of vulnerable groups does not abrupt viral transmission chains but increasingly redirects transmission events to asymptomatc carriers (i.e., vaccinated subjects as well as not yet vaccinated young and healthy people, several of whom experienced asymptomatc infecton without mountng long-lived Ab tters2). As ongoing mass vaccinaton campaigns are shifing the ‘reservoir’ of viral transmission to asymptomatcally infected subjects (whether vaccinated or not),the likelihood for unvaccinated, previously asymptomatcally infected subjects to experience re-infecton with Sars-CoV-2 while being endowed with suboptmal and short-lived ant-S Abs substantally increases. This is to say that within the populaton that is now most actvely involved in viral transmission, new, spontaneously emerging S

I’ve attached the slides of the keynote that I held yesterday at the Vaccine Summit in Ohio (“Why should

current Covid-19 vaccines not be used for mass vaccination during a pandemic?”). Please do have a look

at them. The bottom-line is that I don’t see how mass vaccination campaigns would not lead to a

disastrous aggravation of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, no one else seems to realize; instead,

vaccinologists, clinicians and scientists are merely focusing on the (positive) short-term results and

impact at an individual level. Nobody seems to be looking at the consequences and risk at a human

population level (which, according to my understanding, will become manifest quite soon).

Why is nobody worried about ‘immune escape’ whereas Covid-19 has already escaped people’s innate

immunity as reflected by multiple emerging, much more infectious, viral variants (most likely due to the

global implementation of infection prevention measures)? Vaccine deployment in the ongoing mass

immunization campaigns are highly likely to further enhance (adaptive) immune escape as none of the

current vaccines will prevent replication/ transmission of viral variants. The more we use these vaccines

for immunizing people in the midst of a pandemic, the more infectious the virus will become. With

increasing infectiousness comes an increased likelihood of viral resistance to the vaccines. It's not exactly

rocket science, it’s a basic principle taught in a student’s first vaccinology class: One shouldn’t use a

prophylactic vaccine in populations exposed to high infectious pressure (which is now certainly the case

as multiple highly infectious variants are currently circulating in many parts of the world). To fully escape

selective immune pressure exerted by vaccinal antibodies, Covid-19, a highly mutable virus, only needs

to add another few mutations in its receptor-binding domain …

I am beyond worried about the disastrous impact this would have on our human ‘race’. Not only would

people lose vaccine-mediated protection but also their precious, variant-nonspecific (!), innate immunity

will be gone (this is because vaccinal antibodies outcompete natural antibodies for binding to Covid-19,

even when their affinity for the viral variant is relatively low).

I’ve alerted all responsible health and regulatory authorities, including WHO, CDC, FDA etc. and have

asked to consider my concern and to immediately open the discussion about the disastrous

consequences any further immune escape of Covid-19 would have.

I know, of course, that current mass vaccination campaigns enjoy vigorous and world-wide support from

a multitude of different parties/ stakeholders. However, unless I am proven wrong, this cannot be an

excuse for ignoring that mankind may currently be transforming a quite harmless virus into an

uncontrollable monster. I’ve never been that serious about a statement I made.

Stron 1-21

Zakorzeniony w historii Polski i Kresów Wschodnich. Przyjaciel ludzi, zwierząt i przyrody. Wiara i miłość do Boga i Człowieka. Autorytet Jan Paweł II

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