Albatros ... z lotu ptaka Albatros ... z lotu ptaka

Blokowiska gdańska i w innych miastach

Albatros ... z lotu ptaka Albatros ... z lotu ptaka Społeczeństwo Obserwuj notkę 4

Do tej pory nie słyszałem aby rząd czy samorząd oraz policja sprawdzała stan sanitarny klatek schodowych czy starych wind w blokowiskach Warszawy, Gdańska, Poznania czy Katowic i pobierala stamtąd wymazy PCR na obecność źródeł zarazy.

Konferencja Konfederacji - Bezsensowne przepisy maseczkowe niszczą zdrowie Polaków - 15 marca 2021 r

53 864 wyświetlenia•15 mar 2021

Konferencja Konfederacji: Polacy umierają a rząd dociska lockdown w ochronie zdrowia!

21 572 wyświetlenia•23 mar 2021,p1204446537


Dwa Plus Jeden- Windą do Nieba


By the rivers dark I wandered on. I lived my life in Babylon. And I did forget My holy song: And I had no strength In Babylon. By the rivers dark Where I could not see Who was waiting there Who was hunting me. And he cut my lip And he cut my heart. So I could not drink From the river dark. And he covered me, And I saw within, My lawless heart And my wedding ring, I did not know And I could not see Who was waiting there, Who was hunting me By the rivers dark I panicked on. I belonged at last To Babylon. Then he struck my heart With a deadly force, And he said, 'This heart: It is not yours.' And he gave the wind My wedding ring: And he circled us With everything. By the rivers dark, In a wounded dawn, I live my life In Babylon. Though I take my song From a withered limb, Both song and tree, They sing for him. Be the truth unsaid And the blessing gone, If I forget My Babylon. I did not know And I could not see Who was waiting there. Who was hunting me. By the rivers dark, Where it all goes on: By the rivers dark In Babylon.

Wędrowałem Przy rzece mrocznej Wiodłem moje życie W Babilonie I zapomniałem Mojej świętej pieśni I nie miałem sił w Babilonie Przy rzece ciemnej Nie widziałem Kto tam czekał Kto mnie szukał I okaleczył moje usta I okaleczył moje serce Więc nie mogłem pić Z rzeki mrocznej I osłonił mnie I zobaczyłem wewnątrz Moje samowolne serce I moją obrączkę Nie wiedziałem I nie widziałem Kto tam czekał Kto mnie szukał Przy rzece mrocznej Spanikował W końcu Należałem do Babilonu Wtedy ugodził moje serce Z zabójczą siła I powiedział "To serce nie jest twoje" I podarował wiatrowi Moją obrączkę I otoczył nas wszystkim Przy rzece mrocznej W zranionym świcie Wiodłem moje życie W Babilonie Myślałem, że wziąłem swoją pieśń Z uwiędłego konaru Zarówno pieśń i drzewo Śpiewały dla niego Niech prawda będzie przemilczana A błogosławieństwo zniknie Jeśli zapomnę Mojego Babilonu Przy rzece mrocznej Gdzie to wszystko płynie Przy rzece mrocznej W Babilonie


Tekst pochodzi z,leonard_cohen,by_the_rivers_dark.htmlTekst pochodzi z,leonard_cohen,by_the_rivers_dark.html

Winda Otis w wieżowcu na ulicy Chłopskiej, Gdańsk

Winda w bloku

model wzorcowy, nierdzewka tak powinna wyglądać a jak wygląda?



Ile razy dziennie mieszkańcy tych kopców mrowek przemieszczają się a wśród nich pewnie i zdarzająją się osoby zakażone bezobjawowo które "sieją".

Zgrozą budzą zakazay obecności na wolnym powietrzu: na działce, w parku czy to lesie a nawet na cmentarzu i w Kościele.

20 m2 na osobę  , 1,5 m dystansy w w windzie.

Z kim człowiek żyjący od roku w stresie ma do czynienia.

Z durniami.

Nikt tak na prawdę nie bada źródeł transmisji choroby od roku z górą.

Od osobnika do osobnika.,p1204446537

Dr Ralph Baric z USA recenzował szczepionkę Moderny już w grudniu 2019 roku.




9 kwietnia 2020 r. byliśmy pierwszym medium, które poinformowało o ważnych wydarzeniach prowadzących do wycieku koronawirusa z Chin, który jak podejrzewaliśmy, pochodził z instytutu wirologii z Wuhan. Udało nam się też ustalić, że w 2014 roku chińska doktór Shi Zhengli była częścią zespołu, który pracował nad projektem koronawirusa wspólnie z amerykańskimi lekarzami, zanim został on zamknięty przez DHS z powodu zbyt dużego ryzyka.

Po zamknięciu projektu badawczego w USA dr Shi kontynuowała swoje badania nad koronawirusem w chińskim Wuhan.

Poinformowaliśmy, że doktor Shi Zhengli była częścią zespołu, w tym doktora Ralpha S. Barica z Północnej Karoliny, który był autorem badania wydanego w Nature Medicine z 2015 roku.


W badaniu wspólnie omówili koronawirusy pochodzące od nietoperzy, które wykazywały potencjał do pojawienia się u ludzi. To badanie ukazało się w 2015 roku. Zostało opublikowane wkrótce po tym jak ich projekt został sfinansowany przez Departament Zdrowia i Opieki Społecznej Stanów Zjednoczonych (HHS).

HHS w 2014 roku wysłał list do Uniwersytetu Północnej Karoliny w Chapel Hill, w którym ogłosił, że ​​zamierza sfinansować program. W liście tym został zidentyfikowany dr Ralph S. Baric.


Po zatrzymaniu prac w USA Chińczycy posunęli się naprzód z projektem i prowadzili badania i rozwój w Centrum Wirologii Wuhan. Z artykułów i podsumowania Shi Zhengli jasno wynika, że ​​z powodzeniem wyizolowali wirusa w laboratorium i aktywnie eksperymentowali z przenoszeniem z gatunku na gatunek.

Dzisiaj dr Lawrence Sellin, który w znacznym stopniu przyczynił się do odkrycia prawdy o COVID, poinformował, że 12 grudnia 2019 r. dr Ralph Baric podpisał umowę, zgodnie z którą miał otrzymać „kandydatów na szczepionkę mRNA na koronawirusa opracowaną i będącą współwłasnością NIAID i Moderny”:

HUGE EXCLUSIVE: Chinese Doctor Shi Zhengli Ran Coronavirus Research in Wuhan After US Project Was Shut Down by DHS in 2014 for Being Too Risky — PRIOR LEAK KILLED RESEARCHER


Chinese Doctor Shi Zhengli was part of a team that working on a coronavirus project jointly with US doctors in 2014 before it was shut down by the DHS for being too risky. After the US research project was shut down, Dr. Shi continued her coronavirus research in Wuhan, China. Doctor Shi Zhengli from China … Continue readingHUGE EXCLUSIVE: Chinese Doctor Shi Zhengli Ran Coronavirus Research in Wuhan After US Project Was Shut Down by DHS in 2014 for Being Too Risky — PRIOR LEAK KILLED RESEARCHER

The Gateway Pundit 

Szczepionka Moderna mRNA jest obecnie podawana ludziom na całym świecie. Pfizer ma również szczepionkę mRNA. Ralph Baric jest wieloletnim badaczem koronawirusów, który ma bliskie powiązania z Batwoman i instytutem wirologii z Wuhan, jak wspomniano powyżej w naszym poście z kwietnia 2020 roku.

12 grudnia 2019 r. to początek epidemii COVID-19 - zanim jeszcze została odnotowana na zachodzie. Baric byłby odpowiednią osobą do testowania skuteczności takiej szczepionki mRNA.


To mówi nam, że lekarze Baric i Fauci mogli być świadomi tego co dzieje się w Chinach, a Fauci i Moderna prawdopodobnie pracowali nad szczepionkami na koronawirusa, zanim ogłoszono COVID-19 na Zachodzie. Szczepionka Moderna była bardzo szybko gotowa do testów na ludziach.

Wydaje się, że nie jest przypadkiem, że Baric, który nie pojawia się nigdzie indziej w poufnych umowach, pojawił się w tak ważnym momencie.

Nie możemy powiedzieć, że jest to ostateczny dowód, ale jest to coś mało znanego i na pewno generuje dodatkowe pytania.

Link do oryginalnego artykułu: LINK

| Szczepienia na Covid-19 i kodeks norymberski. | Brak jest naukowych dowodów na to, że maski chronią! Szwecja zakazuje używania masek. | Szczepienia na Covid-19 i kodeks norymberski. | Legenda baseballa Hank Aaron umiera dwa tygodnie po otrzymaniu szczepionki przeciwko COVID-19. | Kalifornijski Departament Zdrowia wydał nakaz wstrzymania szczepień szczepionką Moderna, powołując się na niezwykle dużą liczbę reakcji niepożądanych. | Koszmar szczepionki na Covid-19. | Uczestnicy prób szczepień ostrzegają: skutki uboczne po drugiej dawce są „ciężkie”. | Alarm! STOP zabójczemu GMO - STOP niebezpiecznej SZCZEPIONCE! | Dr Francis Boyle stwierdza, że w szczepionkach Pfizera jest HIV. | Szczepionka na koronawirusa to broń biologiczna. Osoby, którym wstrzyknięto szczepionki na Covid-19, mają wynik pozytywny na obecność wirusa HIV. | Szczepionka SARS-CoV-2 może wywoływać bezpłodność. | Eksperci ostrzegają, że szczepionki mRNA na Covida mogą powodować nieodwracalne uszkodzenia genetyczne. | Po podaniu testowej szczepionki na koronawirusa badany dostał poprzeczne zapalenie rdzenia kręgowego. | Finansowany przez DARPA wszczepialny czip do wykrywania COVID-19 może trafić na rynek w 2021 r. | Niemalże każdy kto przyjął szczepionkę na koronawirusa miał niepożądane reakcje. | Kolejna szczepionka Gatesa okazuje się być porażką. | Przypadek? Unia Europejska od 2018 planuje wprowadzenie paszportu szczepionkowego do 2022 roku. | Fauci przyznaje, że szczepionki na COVID-19 nie będą działały i oskarża o to antyszczepionkowców. | Szczepionka koronawirusowa mRNA Moderny spowodowała poważne obrażenia u 20% pacjentów. | Szykowana szczepionka RNA na koronawirusa to globalny eksperyment na ludzkości. | Austriackie badanie wskazuje na „oznaki ludzkiej interwencji” w koronawirusie. | Odkrywca wirusa HIV twierdzi, że COVID-19 jest wirusem stworzonym przez człowieka, i że „mógł powstać tylko w laboratorium”. | Światowe laboratoria potwierdzają: koronawirus został opracowany przez naukowców za pomocą inżynierii genetycznej. | Koronawirus posiada podobną do HIV „mutację”, która powoduje, że jest wyjątkowo zakaźny. | Naukowcy potwierdzają, że koronawirus został stworzony przez człowieka… Zawiera sekwencję „pShuttle-SN” potwierdzającą laboratoryjne pochodzenie. | Szykowana szczepionka RNA na koronawirusa to globalny eksperyment na ludzkości. | Naukowcy z USA i wirusy z Kanady w Wuhan. | Trzy miesiące po tym jak Bill Gates tworzył symulację pandemii koronawirusa, obecnie ten patogen rozprzestrzenia się na cały świat. | Anglo-amerykański establishment buduje systemy wojskowe Chin. | Bill Gates od miesięcy opłaca skoordynowaną akcję propagandową na temat nadchodzącej pandemii. | Na życzenie Billa Gatesa: ”Choroba X” wybuchła w Chinach. | Bill Gates: Największe zagrożenie dla świata to człowiek. Afryka osiągnęła "punkt zwrotny”. | Bill Gates ostrzegł światowych liderów, że bioterroryzm może zabić więcej ludzi niż wojna nuklearna. | Bill Gates współpracował z Jeffreyem Epsteinem przy przekazywaniu milionów dolarów do MIT. | Bill Gates ostrzegł światowych liderów, że bioterroryzm może zabić więcej ludzi niż wojna nuklearna. | Projekt SCoPEx: Bill Gates realizuje plan ludobójstwa pod pretekstem powstrzymania „zmian klimatu”. | Scenariusze przyszłości fundacji Rockefellera. |>

Jaki ośrodek naukowy wyizolował koronowirusa oprócz BAT WOMEN.

Specjalistki od transmisji wirusa COVID-SARS Cov2

Zheng-Li Shi's research while affiliated with Wuhan Institute Of Virology and other places

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Publications (47)

Correction to: Molecular detection of viruses in Kenyan bats and discovery of novel astroviruses, caliciviruses and rotaviruses


Full-text available

May 2018

Cecilia Rumberia

Sheila Cecily Ommeh

Vincent Obanda[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

The affiliation listed for Cecilia Waruhiu is incorrect. The byline and affiliation line should appear as shown above.


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Discovery of novel bat coronaviruses in south China that use the same receptor as MERS coronavirus


Apr 2018

Chu-Ming Luo

Ning Wang

Xinglou Yang[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) has represented a human health threat since 2012. Although several MERS-related CoVs that belong to the same species as MERS-CoV have been identified from bats, they do not use the MERS-CoV receptor, dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4). Here, we screened 1,059 bat samples from at least 30 bat specie...


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Map of outbreak locations and sampling sites in Guangdong province,...

Bayesian phylogenetic tree of the full-length genome and the ORF1a and...

Phylogeny and haplotype network analyses of the 33 SADS-CoV strains...

Recombination analysis for SADS-CoV and related CoVs

The potential...

+3Isolation and antigenic characterization of SADS-CoV

a, b, Vero cells...

Fatal swine acute diarrhoea syndrome caused by an HKU2-related coronavirus of bat origin


Full-text available

Apr 2018

Peng Zhou

Hang Fan

Tian Lan[...]

Jing-Yun Ma

Cross-species transmission of viruses from wildlife animal reservoirs poses a marked threat to human and animal health1. Bats have been recognized as one of the most important reservoirs for emerging viruses and the transmission of a coronavirus that originated in bats to humans via intermediate hosts was responsible for the high-impact emerging zo...


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Longitudinal Surveillance of Betacoronaviruses in Fruit Bats in Yunnan Province, China During 2009–2016


Mar 2018

Yun Luo

Bei Li

Ren-Di Jiang[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

Previous studies indicated that fruit bats carry two betacoronaviruses, BatCoV HKU9 and BatCoV GCCDC1. To investigate the epidemiology and genetic diversity of these coronaviruses, we conducted a longitudinal surveillance in fruit bats in Yunnan province, China during 2009–2016. A total of 59 (10.63%) bat samples were positive for the two betacoron...


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Serological Evidence of Bat SARS-Related Coronavirus Infection in Humans, China


Full-text available

Mar 2018

Ning Wang

Shi-Yue Li

Xinglou Yang[...]

Zheng-Li Shi


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Chevrier's Field Mouse (Apodemus chevrieri) and Père David's Vole (Eothenomys melanogaster) in China Carry Orthohepeviruses that form Two Putative Novel Genotypes Within the Species Orthohepevirus C


Mar 2018

Bo Wang

Wen Li

Ji-Hua Zhou[...]

Xinglou Yang

Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is the prototype of the family Hepeviridae and the causative agent of common acute viral hepatitis. Genetically diverse HEV-related viruses have been detected in a variety of mammals and some of them may have zoonotic potential. In this study, we tested 278 specimens collected from seven wild small mammal species in Yunnan p...


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Genomic Characterization of a Novel Hepatovirus from Great Roundleaf Bats in China


Feb 2018

Wen Li

Bo Wang

Bei Li[...]

Xinglou Yang


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Dampened STING-Dependent Interferon Activation in Bats


Feb 2018

Xie Jiazheng

Yang Li

Xurui Shen[...]

Peng Zhou

Compared with terrestrial mammals, bats have a longer lifespan and greater capacity to co-exist with a variety of viruses. In addition to cytosolic DNA generated by these viral infections, the metabolic demands of flight cause DNA damage and the release of self-DNA into the cytoplasm. However, whether bats have an altered DNA sensing/defense system...


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Correction: IFNAR2-dependent gene expression profile induced by IFN-α in Pteropus alecto bat cells and impact of IFNAR2 knockout on virus infection


Full-text available

Jan 2018

Qian Zhang

Leiping Zeng

Peng Zhou[...]

Lin-Fa Wang

[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0182866.].


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S2 Fig


Nov 2017

Ben Hu

Leiping Zeng

Xinglou Yang[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

Alignment of nucleotide sequences of a genomic region covering ORF6 to ORF7a. ORFX is located between ORF6 and ORF7a in the genomes of WIV1, WIV16, Rs7327 and Rs4874. The start codon and stop codon of ORFX are marked with red boxes. The deletion responsible for the long ORFX in Rs7327 and Rs4874 is marked with the blue box. (PPTX)


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S8 Fig


Nov 2017

Ben Hu

Leiping Zeng

Xinglou Yang[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

Quantification of SARSr-CoV in individual bat fecal samples. The number of genome copies of SARSr-CoV per gram of bat feces was determined by quantitative real-time PCR targeting the RdRp gene. Samples from which the SARSr-CoV RBD sequences were successfully amplified are indicated in red. (PPTX)


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S3 Fig


Nov 2017

Ben Hu

Leiping Zeng

Xinglou Yang[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

Phylogenetic analyses based on nucleotide sequences of the S gene (A), ORF3a (B) and ORF8 (C). The trees were constructed by the maximum likelihood method using the LG model with bootstrap values determined by 1000 replicates. Only bootstraps > 50% are shown. Rs, Rhinolophus sinicus; Rf, Rhinolophus ferremequinum; Rm, Rhinolophus macrotis; Ra, Rhin...


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S5 Fig


Nov 2017

Ben Hu

Leiping Zeng

Xinglou Yang[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

Detection of potential recombination events by similarity plot and boot scan analysis. (A) Full-length genome sequence of SARSr-CoV Rs4084 was used as query sequence and RsSHC014, Rf4092 and Rs4081 as reference sequences. (B) Full-length genome sequence of SARSr-CoV Rs4237 was used as query sequence and SARSr-CoV Rs4247, Rs4081 and Rs3367 as refere...


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S1 Table


Nov 2017

Ben Hu

Leiping Zeng

Xinglou Yang[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

Comparison of the novel bat SARSr-CoVs identified in this study with human/civet SARS-CoVs and previously described bat SARSr-CoVs. (DOCX)


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S4 Fig


Nov 2017

Ben Hu

Leiping Zeng

Xinglou Yang[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

Alignment of amino acid sequences of ORF3b protein. (PPTX)


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S7 Fig


Nov 2017

Ben Hu

Leiping Zeng

Xinglou Yang[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

The successful or failed rescue of the chimeric SARSr-CoVs. (A) Cytopathic effects in Vero E6 cells transfected with the infectious BAC clones constructed with the backbone of WIV1 and various S genes of different bat SARSr-CoV strains. Microphotographs were taken 24 hours post transfection. (B) The culture media supernatant collected from the cell...


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Fig 1. Similarity plot based on the full-length genome sequence of...

Fig 2. Schematic diagram illustrating the genomic regions or ORFs with...

Fig 3. Amino acid sequence comparison of the S1 subunit (corresponding...

Fig 4. Alignment of nucleotide sequences of ORF8 or ORF8a/8b. The start...

+3Fig 6. Phylogenetic trees based on nucleotide sequences of ORF1a (A)...

Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus


Full-text available

Nov 2017

Ben Hu

Leiping Zeng

Xinglou Yang[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

A large number of SARS-related coronaviruses (SARSr-CoV) have been detected in horseshoe bats since 2005 in different areas of China. However, these bat SARSr-CoVs show sequence differences from SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in different genes (S, ORF8, ORF3, etc) and are considered unlikely to represent the direct progenitor of SARS-CoV. Herein, we...


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S2 Table


Nov 2017

Ben Hu

Leiping Zeng

Xinglou Yang[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

Distribution of SARSr-CoVs highly similar to SARS-CoV in the variable S, ORF3 and ORF8 genes in the single cave. (DOCX)


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S1 Fig


Nov 2017

Ben Hu

Leiping Zeng

Xinglou Yang[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

Alignment of amino acid sequences of the receptor-binding motif (corresponding to aa 424–495 of SARS-CoV S protein). Two clades of the SARSr-CoVs identified from bats in the studied cave are indicated with vertical lines on the left. (PPTX)


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S1 Dataset


Nov 2017

Ben Hu

Leiping Zeng

Xinglou Yang[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

Full-length genome sequences of bat SARSr-CoVs newly identified in this study. (FAS)


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S6 Fig


Nov 2017

Ben Hu

Leiping Zeng

Xinglou Yang[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

Chinese provinces where bat SARSr-CoVs have been detected. (PPTX)


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S9 Fig


Nov 2017

Ben Hu

Leiping Zeng

Xinglou Yang[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

Spike substitution strategy. The original fragments E and F were shortened to leave spike gene as an independent fragment. The new fragments were designated as Es and Fs. BsaI or BsmBI sites were introduced into the junctions of Es/Spike and Spike/Fs. Then any spike could be substituted into the genome of SARSr-CoV WIV1 through this strategy. (TIF)


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Cross-neutralization of SARS coronavirus-specific antibodies against bat SARS-like coronaviruses


Nov 2017

Leiping Zeng

Xingyi Ge

Cheng Peng[...]

Zheng-Li Shi


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S3 Table


Aug 2017

Qian Zhang

Lei-Ping Zeng

Peng Zhou[...]

Lin-Fa Wang

List of unknown IRGs induced by IFN-α3 in wild-type PaKiT03 cells. (XLSX)


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S2 Table


Aug 2017

Qian Zhang

Lei-Ping Zeng

Peng Zhou[...]

Lin-Fa Wang

List of differentially expressed genes induced by IFN-α3 in wild-type PaKiT03 cells. (XLSX)


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S4 Table


Aug 2017

Qian Zhang

Lei-Ping Zeng

Peng Zhou[...]

Lin-Fa Wang

Differentially expressed genes detected in IFNAR2 KO cell lines using edgeR software. (PDF)


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S5 Table


Aug 2017

Qian Zhang

Lei-Ping Zeng

Peng Zhou[...]

Lin-Fa Wang

List of canonical pathways analysis for the up-regulated IRGs using IPA software. (XLSX)


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S6 Table


Aug 2017

Qian Zhang

Lei-Ping Zeng

Peng Zhou[...]

Lin-Fa Wang

List of diseases and biological functions analysis for the up-regulated unknown IRGs using IPA software. (XLSX)


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S7 Table


Aug 2017

Qian Zhang

Lei-Ping Zeng

Peng Zhou[...]

Lin-Fa Wang

Analysis of ISRE within the promoter region of unknown IRGs by TRANSFAC database. (PDF)


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Fig 1. Verification of IFNAR2 KO in two cell lines obtained from two...

Fig 3. Effect of IFNAR2 KO on H1N1 infection in bat cells. Cells were...

IFNAR2-dependent gene expression profile induced by IFN-α in Pteropus alecto bat cells and impact of IFNAR2 knockout on virus infection


Full-text available

Aug 2017

Qian Zhang

Leiping Zeng

Peng Zhou[...]

Lin-Fa Wang

Bats are important reservoirs of many viruses, which are capable of infecting the host without inducing obvious clinical diseases. Interferon and the downstream interferon regulated genes (IRGs) are known to act as the first line of defense against viral infections. Little is known about the transcriptional profile of genes being induced by interfe...


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S1 Table


Aug 2017

Qian Zhang

Lei-Ping Zeng

Peng Zhou[...]

Lin-Fa Wang

Results of fluorescent PCR-capillary gel electrophoresis in wild-type PaKiT03 and IFNAR2 KO cells. Green peaks indicate fragments obtained from wild-type PaKiT03 cells using HEX-labeled primers, and act as an internal size control. Blue peaks indicate fragments obtained from knockout cells using 6-FAM-labeled primers. The numbers given in each plot...


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Detection and characterization of three zoonotic viruses in wild rodents and shrews from Shenzhen city, China


Jul 2017

Bo Wang

Chun-Lin Cai

Bei Li[...]

Xinglou Yang

Diverse species of rodents and shrews, which are abundant worldwide, harbor a variety of viruses; some of these are closely related to human viruses and possess zoonotic potential. Previously studies have demonstrated that the mammarenavirus and hantavirus carried by rodents or shrews could cause diseases in human population. To determine the distr...


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Detection of diverse viruses in alimentary specimens of bats in Macau


Jun 2017

Jie Liang

Xinglou Yang

Bei Li[...]

Libiao Zhang

Bats carry a variety of viruses, and some of them cause public health problems. Macau, which is famous for its gambling industry, has a complex population structure. The globalization in such an international metropolis has enhanced the chance of disease transmission. Therefore, surveillance of zoonotic viruses is necessary for the early warning of...


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Fig. 1 (See legend on next page.)

Table 1 Detection of coronavirus in rodents by RT-PCR

Fig. 2 Comparison of the genome organizations of AcCoV-JC34, LRNV,...

Table 2 Gene similarities of AcCoV-JC34 and representative Alpha-and...

+4Table 3 Locations of predicted ORFs in the genome of AcCoV-JC34

Detection of alpha- and betacoronaviruses in rodents from Yunnan, China


Full-text available

May 2017

Xingyi Ge

Wei-Hong Yang

Ji-Hua Zhou[...]

Yunzhi Zhang

Background Rodents represent the most diverse mammals on the planet and are important reservoirs of human pathogens. Coronaviruses infect various animals, but to date, relatively few coronaviruses have been identified in rodents worldwide. The evolution and ecology of coronaviruses in rodent have not been fully investigated. Results In this study,...


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Figure 2. Phylogenetic tree of the Rotavirus genus and the novel...

Figure 3. Phylogenetic relationships of alpha-(A) and...

Figure 4. Phylogenetic tree of Calicivirus based on partial RdRp amino...

Molecular detection of viruses in Kenyan bats and discovery of novel astroviruses, caliciviruses and rotaviruses


Full-text available

Apr 2017

Cecilia Rumberia

Sheila Cecily Ommeh

Vincent Obanda[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

This is the first country-wide surveillance of bat-borne viruses in Kenya spanning from 2012–2015 covering sites perceived to have medium to high level bat-human interaction. The objective of this surveillance study was to apply a non-invasive approach using fresh feces to detect viruses circulating within the diverse species of Kenyan bats. We scr...


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Genetically Diverse Filoviruses in Rousettus and Eonycteris spp. Bats, China, 2009 and 2015


Full-text available

Mar 2017

Xinglou Yang

Yunzhi Zhang

Ren-Di Jiang[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

Genetically divergent filoviruses detected in Rousettus and Eonycteris spp. bats in China exhibited 61%–99% nt identity with reported filoviruses, based on partial replicase sequences, and they demonstrated lung tropism. Co-infection with 4 different filoviruses was found in 1 bat. These results demonstrate that fruit bats are key reservoirs of fil...


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Technical Appendix


Mar 2017

Xinglou Yang

Yunzhi Zhang

Ren-Di Jiang[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

Detailed methods and primer sequences used in a study of genetically diverse filoviruses in Rousettus and Eonycteris spp. bats, China, 2009 and 2015.


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Genetically Diverse Filoviruses in Rousettus and Eonycteris spp. Bats, China, 2009 and 2015


Mar 2017

Xinglou Yang

Yunzhi Zhang

Ren-Di Jiang[...]

Zheng-Li Shi


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Fig. 1 Phylogenetic analysis of bat hepadnavirus based on the...

Table 1 Hepatitis virus-like sequences detected in bats

Fig. 2 Phylogenetic analysis of bat hepevirus based on the full-length...

Table 2 Detection of hepadnavirus and hepevirus in bats in China...

+4Fig. 3 Representation map of China and Yunnan province. Circle...

Detection and genome characterization of four novel bat hepadnaviruses and a hepevirus in China


Full-text available

Feb 2017

Bo Wang

Xinglou Yang

Wen Li[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

Background In recent years, novel hepadnaviruses, hepeviruses, hepatoviruses, and hepaciviruses have been discovered in various species of bat around the world, indicating that bats may act as natural reservoirs for these hepatitis viruses. In order to further assess the distribution of hepatitis viruses in bat populations in China, we tested the p...


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From the new Editor-in-Chief


Feb 2017

Zheng-Li Shi


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Fig. 1 Isolation of a simian adenovirus. a Uninfected Vero E6 cells. b...

Fig. 2 Genomic characterization of SAdV-WIV19. The genome of SAdV-WIV19...

Phylogenetic analysis based on the full-length amino acid sequences of...

Isolation and characterization of adenoviruses infecting endangered golden snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana)


Full-text available

Nov 2016

Bing Tan

Li-Jun Wu

Xinglou Yang[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

Background Adenoviruses are important pathogens with the potential for interspecies transmission between humans and non-human primates. Although many adenoviruses have been identified in monkeys, the knowledge of these viruses from the Colobinae members is quite limited. FindingsWe conducted a surveillance of viral infection in endangered golden sn...


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Bat SARS-like coronavirus WIV1 encodes an extra accessory protein ORFX involved in modulation of host immune response


May 2016

Leiping Zeng

Yu-Tao Gao

Xingyi Ge[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

Importance: Bats harbor genetically diverse SARS-like coronaviruses (SL-CoVs) and some of them have the potential of interspecies transmission. A unique open reading frame (ORFX) was identified in the genome of two recently isolated bat SL-CoV strains (WIV1 & 16). It will therefore be critical to clarify whether and how this protein would contribu...


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Erratum to: Fugong virus, a novel hantavirus harbored by the small oriental vole (Eothenomys eleusis) in China


Full-text available

May 2016

Xingyi Ge

Wei-Hong Yang

Hong Pan[...]

Yunzhi Zhang


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Fig. 2. Genomic characterization of bat AdV WIV9-11. (a) The genome of...

Fig. 4. Phylogenetic analysis of bat adenoviruses based on the...

Fig. 5. One-step growth curve kinetics (a) and cell tropism (b). Vero...

Novel bat adenoviruses with an extremely large E3 gene


Full-text available

Mar 2016

Bing Tan

Xinglou Yang

Xingyi Ge[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

Bats carry diverse RNA viruses, some of which are responsible for human diseases. Compared with bat-borne RNA viruses, relatively little information is known regarding bat-borne DNA viruses. In this study, we isolated and characterized three novel bat adenoviruses (BtAdV WIV9-11) from Rhinolophus sinicus. Their genomes, which are highly similar to...


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Figure 1: Detection of hantavirus in lung samples of Eothenomys eleusis...

Table 1 Detection of hantavirus in small mammals in Fugong County,...

Figure 2: Phylogenetic analysis of hantaviruses and their hosts based...

Table 2 Nucleotide and amino acid sequence similarity (%) between FUGV...

Fugong virus, a novel hantavirus harbored by the small oriental vole (Eothenomys eleusis) in China


Full-text available

Feb 2016

Xingyi Ge

Wei-Hong Yang

Hong Pan[...]

Yunzhi Zhang

Background Rodents are natural reservoirs of hantaviruses, which cause two disease types: hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in Eurasia and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in North America. Hantaviruses related human cases have been observed throughout Asia, Europe, Africa, and North America. To date, 23 distinct species of hantaviruses, hosted by...


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Longitudinal surveillance of SARS-like coronaviruses in bats by quantitative real-time PCR


Feb 2016

Meiniang Wang

Wei Zhang

Yu-Tao Gao[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

[Figure not available: see fulltext.] © 2016, Wuhan Institute of Virology, CAS and Springer Science+Business Media Singapore.


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Coexistence of multiple coronaviruses in several bat colonies in an abandoned mineshaft


Feb 2016

Xingyi Ge

Ning Wang

Wei Zhang[...]

Zheng-Li Shi

Since the 2002–2003 severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak prompted a search for the natural reservoir of the SARS coronavirus, numerous alpha- and betacoronaviruses have been discovered in bats around the world. Bats are likely the natural reservoir of alpha- and betacoronaviruses, and due to the rich diversity and global distribution o...


Request full-text... Since bats are known reservoirs of numerous viruses and cross-species transmission has been documented for an AdV, it will be useful to know which AdVs bats carry. AdV strains have been found in more than 45 species of bats across their global distribution [6,8,12,[16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34] with seven species proposed by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses [35]. These studies represent a start at investigating bat AdVs, but there is a need for additional studies considering there are over 1300 species of bats [2] and few North American bats have been investigated. ...

Reference: Two novel adenoviruses found in Cave Myotis bats (Myotis velifer) in Oklahoma

Novel bat adenoviruses with an extremely large E3 gene

Citing article

Mar 2016

B. TanXing-Lou YangXing-Yi GeCheng PengZheng-Li Shi

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... Both Peter Daszak and Edward Holmes presumably enjoyed privileged access or could have requested access to these databases due to their close collaboration with either Zhengli Shi, WIV (Hu et al., 2017, Zhou et al, 2018, George Gao and the WCDC . As part of an investigation, they should thus be asked to provide copies of the databases. ...


Fatal swine acute diarrhoea syndrome caused by an HKU2-related coronavirus of bat origin

Citing article

Apr 2018

Peng ZhouHang FanTian LanXing-Lou YangJing-Yun Ma

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... Some strategies are being used to develop vaccine against SARS-CoV and recombinant SARSr-CoV by using the antireceptor binding domains antibodies or receptor binding domain-based vaccine. 43,55,56 The different strategies of vaccine development are presented in Figure 7. ...

Reference: Epidemiology of coronaviruses, genetics, vaccines, and scenario of current pandemic of coronavirus diseases 2019 (COVID-19): a fuzzy set approach

Cross-neutralization of SARS coronavirus-specific antibodies against bat SARS-like coronaviruses

Citing article

Nov 2017

Lei-Ping ZengXing-Yi GeCheng PengWanbo TaiZheng-Li Shi


... For example, the repeated (but rare) codons present in the nucleotide sequence for the SARS-CoV-2 spike is, according to Yan et al hardly a coincidence [2]. And the fact that this codon sequence forms the Fau1 restriction site alludes to the possibility that a technique called "restriction fragment length polymorphism," a method that WIV researchers are known to use might've been employed [46]. ...

Reference: Reconciling Differences Pertaining to the Origin of SARS-CoV-2

Bat SARS-like coronavirus WIV1 encodes an extra accessory protein ORFX involved in modulation of host immune response

Citing article

May 2016

Lei-Ping ZengYu-Tao GaoXing-Yi GeQian ZhangZheng-Li Shi


... CoV HKU4 and CoV HKU5 exhibit between 75.3 and 81.2% nucleotide identity, respectively, with MERS-related CoVs. They have been reported in T. pachypus and P. pipistrellus bats in China (Luo et al., 2018). These bat species are also found in the Arabian Peninsula, where MERS emerged. ...

Reference: Emergence of Bat-Related Betacoronaviruses: Hazard and Risks

Discovery of novel bat coronaviruses in south China that use the same receptor as MERS coronavirus

Citing article

Apr 2018

Chu-Ming LuoNing WangXing-Lou YangHai-Zhou LiuZheng-Li Shi


... Both the PN and GCB models classed the two vampire bat CoVs as medium priority HEV variants are geographically widespread in humans, as well as in wildlife, with the species Orthohepevirus A representing an ongoing zoonotic threat in many regions [70,71]. Bat HEVs appear to have a stable association with their hosts, primarily grouping monophyletically in the Orthohepevirus D species [69,72,73], with vampire bat HEVs being new representatives of this species. However, the rodent-associated HEV species Orthohepevirus C, previously thought exclusive to rodents, has been detected in humans [74], emphasizing that divergent HEV species should not be discounted as potential zoonoses. ...

Reference: Characterizing and Evaluating the Zoonotic Potential of Novel Viruses Discovered in Vampire Bats

Detection and genome characterization of four novel bat hepadnaviruses and a hepevirus in China

Citing article

Feb 2017

Bo WangXing-Lou YangWen LiYan ZhuZheng-Li Shi

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... This observation is particularly interesting because STING molecules in all the bats examined to date are defective for the induction of type-I interferon (IFN) and have compromised anti-viral activity. 14 Defective STING activity could be one of the explanations for the persistence of viral infection, including that of coronaviruses, and the lack of disease manifestation in bats. Whether SARS-CoV-2 has maintained or regained the ability to inhibit STING during cross-species transmission is an open question. ...

Reference: Unique and complementary suppression of cGAS-STING and RNA sensing- triggered innate immune responses by SARS-CoV-2 proteins

Dampened STING-Dependent Interferon Activation in Bats

Citing article

Feb 2018

Jiazheng XieYang LiXurui ShenGeraldine GohPeng Zhou


... This displacement of bats leads to lower reproductive success and increased mortality [43]. Bats are linked to many fatal disease outbreaks in humans, such as SARS-CoV and the Ebola virus [44,45]. It is also popularly believed that bats are responsible for NiV outbreaks in Bangladesh, and a similar trend was observed in this study. ...

Reference: Understanding the Community Perceptions and Knowledge of Bats and Transmission of Nipah Virus in Bangladesh

Detection of diverse viruses in alimentary specimens of bats in Macau

Citing article

Jun 2017

Jie LiangXing-Lou YangBei LiQi LiuLibiao Zhang


... However, some have been described as belonging to the Jeilongvirus genus whose representative members all originate from rodents (Jun et al., 1977;Mesina et al., 1974;Jack et al., 2005;Li et al., 2006;Woo et al., 2011;Woo et al., 2012;Woo et al., 2016) and that is distributed worldwide. Bat Jeilongviruses were detected in M. mystacinus and P. pipistrellus in Germany (Kurth et al., 2012), in M. emarginatus in Luxembourg (Pauly et al., 2017), and in various bat species in Africa as, for example, in Gabon, Zimbabwe, Rwanda and Kenya (Maganga et al., 2014;Bourgarel et al., 2018;Markotter et al., 2019;Mortlock et al., 2015;Waruhiu et al., 2017). In the same way, Asian bat paramyxoviruses Ms-ParaV/Anhui2011, B16-40, and BtMl-ParaV/QH2013 were classified in a proposed genus, Shaanvirus, closely related to the Jeilongvirus genus (Wu et al., 2016;Noh et al., 2018). ...

Reference: Paramyxovirus circulation in bat species from French Guiana

Molecular detection of viruses in Kenyan bats and discovery of novel astroviruses, caliciviruses and rotaviruses

Citing article

Apr 2017

Cecilia WaruhiuSheila OmmehVincent ObandaBernard AgwandaZheng-Li Shi

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... In particular, the bat strain WIV16, the closest relative to SARS-CoV, likely occurred through recombination of two other prevalent bat SARSr-CoV strains. These results suggest that bats may be the natural reservoirs for the virus and that palm civets are only intermediate hosts (Supplementary Figure 1) (44,45). ...

Reference: Comparative Review of SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and Influenza A Respiratory Viruses

Longitudinal surveillance of SARS-like coronaviruses in bats by quantitative real-time PCR

Citing article

Feb 2016

Mei-Niang WangWei ZhangYu-Tao GaoBen HuZheng-Li Shi


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