Zmiany kulturowe nie biorą się tak z powietrza.
(...) Pora wrócić do najważniejszych wartości, od których odstąpiliśmy w minionym okresie mamieni mirażem dostatku i wygody. Czas najwyższy skończyć z upokarzaniem się przed barbarzyńskimi hordami najeźdźców i okazać pokorę Bogu, z którym wojnę rozpoczęli. Wykorzystując chwilową ciemność ograniczyli dostęp do świątyń, aspersoria zalali płynem dezynfekującym, pozamykali bramy do grobów naszych bliskich, na biskupów wylali kubły pomyj, na ściany kościołów wiadra farb, zastraszyli księży, rugują z życia najważniejsze święta katolickie, próbując zastąpić pogańskimi rytuałami i wynosząc je do rangi uroczystości państwowych. (...)
COVIDOWE JEŻE - Slawomir Kozak Oficyna AURORA styczeń 2021 roku wiek XXI
CHRYSTUS TAK KOŚCIÓŁ NIE - tak są kształtowane nawyki dnia dzisiejszego 31 stycznia 2021 roku
Poruszające opinię społeczną filmy będące nie tylko dążeniem do ujawnienia PRAWDY jako wartości samej w sobie, ale też i formą ataku na przykład na grupę "szczególnej troski" jaką są księża katoliccy. gdyż o innych grupach społecznych na przykład polityków czy celebrytów lub artystów mówi się mało lub wcale: dopuszczając do zbrodni.
Wszystko zaczęło się w latach 40 XX w. kiedy świat zajęty był zbrodniami nazistów włoskich, niemieckich i komunistów sowieckich oraz nacjonalistów japońskich na podstawie idei "usprawiedliwionej" idei dominacji jednych narodów nad innymi wyrażonej m,inn. przez Hitlera w jego "Dziele" Mein Kampf.
Jane Burgermeister - Nadchodzi nowa fałszywa pandemia. Zabójcze szczepionki.
Austriacka dziennikarka ujawnia plany światowej mafii wprowadzenia kolejnej akcji przymusowych masowych szczepień. W 2009 roku próbowano zaszczepić całą populację ludzką, udało się ich jednak powstrzymać przez zorganizowaną akcję oporu mediów alternatywnych. Pandemia okazała się fałszywą, szczepionki są bardzo szkodliwe. Duży procent osób, które się zaszczepiły chorują na schorzenia neurologiczne.
Nikt jednak nie został ukarany, dlatego też będą znów próbować zniewolić ludzkość. W Sejmi jednogłośnie zatwierdzono niezgodną z Konstytucją i prawem nowelizację ustawy o zapobieganiu i zwalczaniu chorób zakaźnych, która zezwala na przymusowe szczepienia praktycznie bez możliwości kontroli skutków poszczepiennych.
Tym razem lepiej się przygotowano, sprywatyzowano cały system ostrzegania przed pandemią, dzięki czemu WHO będzie mogła ogłosić pandemię nie bacząc na faktyczną sytuację. Ludzkość jest poważnie zagrożona, należy przystąpić do działania i zacząć się bronić.
LEBENS RAUM - przestrzeń życiowa dla jednych, zniszczenie , zniewolenie i śmierć dla drugich Narodów.
Idea ta znalazła poparacie w środowiska wielkiej finnasjery i przedsiębiorcach jak na przyklad IG Farben w Niemczech.
Metoda zbrodni drogą podboju militarnego.
Inną metodą podboju świata są idee zmian kulturowych finansowane przez fundacje światowych filantropów : Gorga Sorosa, fundacje Billa Getsa i Fundacje Dawida Rockefellera w Stanach Zjednoczonych.,p1439835486
Covidowe Jeże
Sławomir M. Kozak
Rok wydania: 2021Oprawa: miękkaWydanie: język polskiIlość stron: 212ISBN: 978-83-65193-25-4Rodzaj: KsiążkiNr kat. K030
...) najbardziej nawet ołowiane niebo, rozświetlają co pewien czas flesze błyskawic. I, jeśli znajdziemy chwilę na to, by spojrzeć wówczas dookoła, rozpoznamy nie tylko uwijające się po naszym gospodarstwie postacie rabusiów, ale także ich twarze. Dlatego ważne, byśmy wykorzystali każdy rozbłysk światła w ciemności wokół nas i zapamiętali jak najwięcej szczegółów. Zajęci ratowaniem dobytku, samotnie stojąc po kostki w gruzie, nie mamy możliwości, by ich dopaść, osądzić i ukarać. Ale, kiedy nadejdzie świt, a po burzy zawsze wraca słońce, pomożemy najbliższym wokół nas w stanięciu na nogi, sąsiadom w łataniu strat i odbudujemy nasz świat. Nie musi to być nowy, wspaniały świat według oczekiwań naszych grabieżców. Wierzę głęboko w to, że odbudujemy go podług naszych założeń, a nie na wskazanych nam osuwających się piaskach ułudy lepszego życia. Wyjdziemy z tego doświadczenia silniejsi, a nasze dzieci i wnuki będą z niego czerpały latami. Ważne, byśmy budowę zaczęli na ocalałych i trwałych fundamentach, bo to one są najważniejsze i stanowią o przetrwaniu oraz sile kolejnych pokoleń.
24 sierpnia 2020
`` Mam nadzieję, że zaczniemy odczytywać wczesną jesienią, czy to działa, czy nie '' - prof.Sir John Bell o szczepionce Oxford
Dołączył do nas prof. Sir John Bell, który jest profesorem medycyny Regius na Uniwersytecie Oksfordzkim i jest członkiem zespołu opracowującego szczepionkę na koronawirusa.
Dear Dr Stephen Hahn, FDA Chief,
Dear FDA agents,
Ref: Criminal probe E 17 449 opened by prosecutors in Greece
Email copies to UK, Canadian, German and EU medicines regulatory agencies, ministers responsible for coronavirus vaccine campaign, CDC, RKI, Astra Zeneca, Pfizer and other bodies for whom these official criminal probe records and information is relevant
Following my email to you on 23rd November 2020, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Professor Sir John Bell, professor of medicine at Oxford University, and a part of the GAVI team developing AstraZeneca's coronavirus vaccine, said in an interview with Jon Snow on Channel 4 on 24th August 2020 that the aim of the Astra Zeneca coronavirus vaccine was to sterilize populations.
See Professor Bell's comments from timepoint 8 15 in the interview at the link below.
His statement is extraordinarily clear and unambiguous and is absolute evidence that the intention behind the AZ,Oxford, Gavi coronavirus vaccine is to sterilize people, indeed, entire populations.
His comments are consistent with the notion of a plot to use mass vaccination to injure, kill people as documented in Greek criminal probe E 17 449 and other documents mentioned in my previous email and discussed below.
The video has been removed from Youtube in an apparent attempt to hide the evidence of the intention to commit a crime.
The Nazi German deputy health minister Kurt Blome was among the dozens charged at the Nuremberg Trials for war crimes which included a plot to sterilize millions of people with a mininum of time and effort using vaccines of the very same kind Professor Bell openly disucsses with Jon Snow.
According to the NURNBERG MILITARY TRIBUNALS, INDICTMENTS, CASE NO.1,PUBLISHED BY OFFICE OF MILITARY GOVERNMENT FOR GERMANY (US) NUREMBERG 1946, PAGE 9, the sterilization experiments were just one of the medical crimes, many also involving vaccines.
" STERILIZATION EXPERIMENTS. From about March 1941 to about January 1945 sterilization experiments were conducted at the Auschwitz and Ravensbruck Concentration Camps, and other places. The purpose of these experiments was to develop a method of sterilization which would be suitable for sterilizing millions of people with a minimum of time and effort. These experiments were conducted by means of X-Ray, surgery, and various drugs. Thousands of victims were sterilized and thereby suffered great mental and physical anguish."
On page 48, it says an "injection with the virus of certain diseases, and subsequent oral or infra-venal application of various drugs and pharmaceutical products,"were used for sterilization.
If the use of experimental or investigational vaccines to sterilize thousands of people was a crime in the 1930s and 40s, how much more of a crime is a plot to use experimental (coronavirus) vaccines to sterilize hundreds of millions of people as Professor Bell testifies is the intention.
If the accessories and accomplices of that plot could be put on trial in 1946, how much more can the accessories and accomplices of the coronavirus plot be put on trial in 2020 for authorizing, downplaying or misrepresenting the risks of drugs or vaccines following the precedents of the opioid trials in the USA.
This all the more so as a criminal conspiracy involving among other actors, Kremlin based journalists, Christina Fadeeva and Alexander Zamyslov, pPresident Donald Trump, and Jared Kushner, is proven by probes E 17 449, Delta 15 218 and other documents, which I send again as attachments due to their significance.
Proof of a criminal conspiracy automatically means the use of coronavirus vaccines is illegitimate and illegal and rules out the FDA giving any of them a license, even a limited one.
Proof of a criminal conspiracy automatically means the use of coronavirus vaccines is illegitimate and illegal and rules out the FDA giving any of them a license, even a limited one.
The FDA and others may be under pressure by Donald Trump to give the coronavirus a license following a meeting on December 10th.
I invite you to consider that Trump will not be president after January 20th 2021, and Joe Biden will not have the power to push through Trump and Putin's project Operation Warp Speed due to political resistance.
You may fear reprisals, but if this is a plot to wipe out Americans, as evidence, documents and probes suggest, then I strongly suggest that you should fear more having to take the vaccine yourselves, which is the logical consequence of the plot.
Furthermore, it is very possible that Trump and Kushner will have to face trial for their role in this plot given the evidence in E 17 449 alone, and the proof that they are continuing with their plot to censor and murder a journalist reporting on their involvement in it on December 16th 2020 contained in documents related to this plot which are attached.
Should they succeed, it is absolute, verifiable evidence that the coronavirus vaccine plot is a criminal conspiracy and a part of that conspiracy is murdering using criminal methods journalists reporting on that conspiracy to deprive the public of knowledge of it.
That means, that a priori no coronavirus vaccine can be legitimately authorized by the FDA. Furthermore, the FDA is, I suggest, obliged to wait for the outcome of this plot on December 16th 2020 before making any licensing decision since the outcome is pertinent to that decision.
It is also clear that if the coronavirus vaccine campaign is proceeding with massive violations of free speech and media and criminal means, including murder, and by the very governments heads like Trump behind the vaccine campaigns, it cannot proceed as a basic legal requirement for any experimental coronavirus vaccine is informed consent under the Nuremberg Code and other rules, and informed consent requires that the public get adequate information also from media and the FDA, including information about a plot.
It is also clear that if the coronavirus vaccine campaign is proceeding with massive violations of free speech and media and criminal means, including murder, and by the very governments heads like Trump behind the vaccine campaigns, it cannot proceed as a basic legal requirement for any experimental coronavirus vaccine is informed consent under the Nuremberg Code and other rules, and informed consent requires that the public get adequate information also from media and the FDA, including information about a plot.
Trump, Putin and others are clearly seeking to bully and intimidate people into silence and into a form of political correctness which makes communicating information about their plot tabu.
I urge you to do things by the book because only if you do things by the book, will you be unassailable in courts of law and in the courts of public opinion.
Legal action is very likely given the widespread knowledge of the issues I have presented as well.
Nurses, doctors, firefighters, military as well as states intending to conduct their own validation of the coronavirus vaccines, such as California and Washington, are very likely to take legal action and the most effective legal action will be the proofs of a crime contained in E 17 449 and other documents since that means a priori no coronavirus vaccine is legitimate (epidemic disease laws require a legitimate purpose), legal and victims can claim compensation.
A part of your duty of care is to investigate, communicate pertinent issues to key stakeholders and keep accurate, full records.
I strongly suggest you would be advised to get legal opinions on these issues and record this process
Also, I suggest you would be advised to inform in timely fashion all the members set to attend the meeting on December 10th about these facts and documents so that they can investigate and formulate a response, and that you record these communications.
I recommend you keep records, notes of all email, phone, text message or other correspondence on this issue with any other actor, especially if they seek to downplay the relevance of this information as these communications could be relevant to legal actions in the future.
In addition, a slot should be scheduled to discuss this evidence of a criminal plot and the comments of Professor Bell at the meeting since these are critical.
Finally, I suggest you include these issues in your official notes on the meeting.
This way you minimize the risk of your being accused at some future date of knowingly, willingly joining in a plot to use vaccines to sterilize people without consent by downplaying, hiding and suppressing evidence.
Public opinion can shift very quickly. One day, an issue may be taboo, the pressure of political correctness can silence discussion of particular subjects, the next it can be all over social media and the media.
You could well wake up next week to find the social media and media discussing the evidence in E 17 449 and other documents 24 hours a day as people recognize that t is not in their interest to be bullied into silence about a plot to injure and kill them, that proofs of a criminal plot are key to stopping a plot and it is well within their free speech rights to present them and press for indictments of Trump, Kushner and others, including you if you have been found to be negligent at a minimum.
Indeed, you personally and the FDA agents and the FDA could also face civil lawsuits of tens of millions of dollars. Carter Page plans to sue James Comey and others involved in Operation Crossfire for 75 million dollars.
Please finally find attached the key documents again related to E 17 449 and other proofs of a criminal plot
implicating Donald Trump, Jared Kushner and Vladimir Putin in a plot to have me,a journalist and a dual Austrian,Irish citizen,arrested using criminal means
for relaying allegations of a Kremlin based journalist Alexander Zamyslov that Kushner helped him obtain visas
while he was researching a plot to spread an epidemic disease deliberately also through flawed protocols to incite fear to declare martial law designed to culminate in mass vaccination with unproven vaccines, and so to harm, damage and kill every single person in Austria too
with evidence of massive violations in procedure and rights to set me up for a rigged trial and draconian penalty
to deprive the public of information about the epidemic disease plot and key actors
The documents which constitute the criminal probe E 17 449 attached include
a) record of email correspondence with Kremlin journalists to set up an interview in June 2016
b) criminal charges against me one day after I reported on 15th February 2017 on allegations made by the Kremlin journalist concerning Jared Kushner “SamaraschargesagainstmeH1744”
c) my criminal charges over an attempt to have me arrested using criminal means for reporting on allegations by the Kremlin based journalist focussing on Kushner's role in that bioweapons plot as a possible motive “MychargesE17449July2017” and accompanying evidence EvidenceE17449 1 and EvidenceE17449 2
d) my testimony to the judges in November 2017 about Trump, Kushner and Putin after prosecutors opened a criminal probe “PolicemagistratetestimonyE17449”
e) an explanation or overview of these documents
GRK criminal probe Trump and Kushner
f) the trial documents and key date December 16th 2020 in Greek and English
E17 378trialindictmentGRK
E17 379trialindictmentGRK
E17 378trialIndictmentEng
E17 379trialIndictmentEng
E17379trialdateDec 2020
g) the FBI report given to the Kremlin based journalists
FBI swine flu report 2009
Attached too are the overview and proofs related to Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz with links to the proofs referred to embedded in the overview document because the proofs,evidence and Delta 15 218 criminal probe documents are so large and exceed email limits.
GRK criminal probe convicts Sebastian Kurz
Austrian police charged top government epidemic vaccine scientist Professor Lukas Kenner in 2010 for using criminal means to try to have me summarily arrested for reporting factually on the risks of the swine flu vaccine as you can see. The charges were illegally suppressed by prosecutors back then. I do not think that will be the case again as the failure to prosecute has allowed a very dangerous vaccine plot to be repeated.
These are official prosecutor records documenting serious crimes related to a vaccine plot, and as such pertinent to your decision making process about whether to give coronavirus vaccines a license.
I also urge you to consider referring Professor Bell, GAVI and AZ to the Department of Justice for plotting to use vaccines to sterilize hundreds of millions of people including Americans.
See Professor Bell's comments from timepoint 8 15 in the interview at the link below.
If the video is taken down as it has been from Youtube, it is only more evidence of a crime and cover up.
To conclude, I hope you do decide to refuse to give a license to the coronavirus vaccines and that you bring up the evidence discussed here of a crime since experience shows that to stay factual, real world and law abiding is always the best,the safest and the most popular approach in the long term.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you for your attention.
Jane Burgermeister
Larisa, Greece,
Zakorzeniony w historii Polski i Kresów Wschodnich. Przyjaciel ludzi, zwierząt i przyrody. Wiara i miłość do Boga i Człowieka. Autorytet Jan Paweł II
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