I read this article (and other similar articles) in Dziennik.pl, read the comments and was surprised.
It looks like people in Poland think, that people in Russia don't know the truth about Katyn.
What a MITH it is!!!!!!!!!!!
Here are the facts:
(May be I am somewhat incorrect in years, but not in facts)
1990 Soviet President Gorbachov acknowledges Katyn Massacre publicly
1993 Russian President Eltsyn does exactly the same, he adds "Forgive us..."
200? President Putin acknowledges it again, and puts flowers to Katyn memorial
2010 Premier Putin acknowledges it again, and puts flowers to Katyn memorial
200(10 or 11) Russian President Medvedev acknowledges it again.
2011 Rusian Parlament condemns Katyn Massacre again.
2010 Russian RTR TV channel (every house watches it, it has either biggest audience, or at least second biggest) in prime time showed "Katyn" by Andrzey Wayda.
Please go to the Russian Wikipedia, and read:
"Катынский расстрел ... массовые казни польских граждан...весной 1940 года ... НКВД СССР."
(Katyn mass shootings ... is a mass execution of polish citizens...in the spring of 1940...by NKWD of the USSR)
Another thing - I randomly took the first history book from the list of recommended by the ministry of education and found this:
This is what I found (quote):
"Красная Армия захватила 230 тысяч военнопленных. Из них лишь треть пережила этот плен ((15), с. 261). Пятнадцать тысяч польских офицеров были расстреляны в Катынском лесу под Смоленском ([14], т.2, с.283). Только в 1990 г. Советское руководство признало, что этот расстрел был совершен НКВД, а не гестапо."
"Red Army took 230,000 of POWs. Only one third of them survived this captivity. 15,000 of Polish officers were shot in Katyn forest near Smolensk. Only in 1990 Soviet authorities acknowledged that this mass shootings was done by NKWD, not Gestapo".
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