Dear Readers,
Some time ago I wrote a book on best policies for railway reforms. Hereby I offer to You the first edition of this book, the second edition being currently in preparation. Please, enjoy it.
Adam Fularz, Journal of Polish Transport Studies.
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. Railways on the market
2.1. Commercial successes of railways
2.2. The influence of rail transport on urbanisation
2.3. Unfair economic conditions
2.4. Recent trends in railway reform
2.4.1. Changed demand patterns
2.4.2. Growing dissatisfaction
2.4.3. Reasons for poor performance
2.4.4. Trigger for reforms
2.4.5. Trends for vertical separation
3. Market structures in railways
3.1. Industrial Organisation theory
3.2. Perfect competition in railways?
3.3. Monopoly
3.4. Monopolistic competition
3.5. “Yardstick competition”
3.6. Oligopoly
3.7. Contestable markets
3.8. Imperfect competition in network industries
3.9. Modern railway market structures
3.9.1. The vertically-integrated railway – a „monolith”
3.9.2. The internal market approach
3.9.3. The vertically separated railway model Early experiences with vertical separation Recent implementation of vertical separation Franchising of services
4. Case studies of reforms
4.1. Case of Sweden
4.1.1. Trigger for the reforms
4.1.2. The shift in policy
4.1.3. Transfer of regional passenger services
4.1.4. Tenders for long distance services
4.1.5. Further liberalisation
4.1.6. Effects of the reforms Loss of market share Extent of competition Predatory pricing
4.1.7. New bodies Banverket Rikstrafiken
4.2. Case of United Kingdom
4.2.1. Early experiences of rail regulation
4.2.2. First restructurisation
4.2.3. Performance of nationalised railways
4.2.4. Ideas for BR privatisation
4.2.5. BR privatisation
4.2.6. Rolling Stock Leasing Companies
4.2.7. New bodies
4.2.8. Railtrack and Network Rail
4.2.9. Catastrophes
4.2.10. Effects of privatisation
4.3. Case of Germany
4.3.1. First attempts at regulation
4.3.2. Large nationalisations
4.3.3. Early proposals of deregulation
4.3.4. The reforms
4.3.5. Regional passenger services
4.3.6. Rare tenders
4.3.7. The monopoly in long distance rail services
4.3.8. The small extent of competition
4.3.9. Criticism of the reforms
4.3.10. Lessons from the reforms
4.4. Case of Japan
4.4.1. Early development
4.4.2. Private railways Investments in rail coridors
4.4.3. Financial characteristics of the industry
4.4.4. Implementation of yardstick competition
4.4.5. Limited open access
4.4.6. JNR inefficiency
4.4.7. Reform proposals
4.4.8. The subdivision
4.4.9. Privatisation
4.4.10. Competitive environment
4.4.11. The effects of privatisation
5. Summary and conclusions
Available on-line:
Absolwent Universite de Metz i Viadrina University, ekonomista. Specjalizuje się w infrastrukturze. Zawodowo jednak zajmuje się branżą e-commerce, ostatnio tworząc np. portal czy Interesuje się historią i muzyką. Uprawia sporty: capoeirę, downhill i snowboard. Interesuje się też ochroną zabytków i środowiska naturalnego. Poglądy gospodarcze: ordoliberał, wyznanie: Rastafari/Baha'i. Email: phooli(małpa)
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