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Media, czyli co może nam telewizor, a co my jemu

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MOTTO (prawie biblijne) 

Słowo wprawia w ruch powietrze i umysł, słowo działa na zmysły i duszę zarazem. Chociaż nie jesteście wtajemniczeni, zdołacie jednak z tego wywnioskować, że słowo jest koniecznym pośrednikiem między materią a wszelkim umysłem.

Z każdym dniem nabywamy nie tylko nowych wiadomości, ale nadto nowej potęgi. Jeżeli nawet nie śmiemy jej jeszcze używać, to przecież cieszymy się, dumni, że według wewnętrznego naszego przekonania siła ta tkwi w nas…

Jan Potocki, «Rękopis…» - przekład Edmunda Grójeckiego, 1965



Notki, jak wiecie, piszę po angielsku, a potem je pracowicie elegancko tłumaczę na polski. Tę zostawię w oryginale. Napisana parę tygodni temu, adresowana do Czytelników wprawionych w myśleniu, wywołała tak pozytywny rezonans, iż zadecydowałem o jej opublikowaniu nie tylko „między swymi” ale dla każdego z Nas. Please imbibe the following fluid text responsively and leave a comment. Thank you. 



The Main Stream Media & us,  i.e.  we and the MSM

You are the message

Before we start analyzing, please consider what we have here: the most important contents of every propaganda message is not what is depicted there. It is not, what is said there. It is never what it seems to be. No, not at all. It is always you. 

You are the contents. Exactly you and your personality. That is what they show. That is what any «reporting» is truly about. They want you to get the message: do not resist us. Never ever. Lay down. Accept what you are told. Forfeit us your assets. Abandon your stance. Go limp. Throw away your beliefs. Hand anything you hold dear to is. Abandon your children to our schooling.


That is the message: whatever the regime or anyone else authorized by the regime tells you, do. Never resist. Do not question. Alertly say: «Sir! Yes, sir!». Then jump to fulfill the given order. Because you know what happens, if. You obediently carry out all orders, or else.

Puppets & rag dolls

Firstly, you should think of yourself as obedient citizen. That is where you should stay all your life long. An alert fulfiller of orders who is always at attention. Always ready to jump when told, momentarily ready to reconsider your actions along the given rules, ready to strain yourself when told to and to relax when told to. The rulers want you to be a puppet, a rag doll since the very childhood up to the very rest of your orderly,

life. Like the one of good citizenry.  

You ain't have no stinking rights

Then, you might think that you have had some written rights, like constitutional, or any other thought to work. Indeed, you have no rights of your own, or of the constitution, or of any other foundation, be it God or the man. They don't want you to even think that you have any real constitutional rights.

Be afraid, be deeply afraid...

Now, the propaganda of submission does not care a pin if you are disturbed or shocked or deadly offended by «the news of the world», as long as you obey the regime stretched upon you. You should be afraid of the

 state secret service all your life, and possibly belong. They terror you on purpose. They either let you know, or feel, or expect in your heart’ that it is state-organized terror, sponsored by the government. 

The terror is state-administered through the agents of the state — and you know that they are many. Daily, they will shove into you dose after dose of shocking news of crime and police violence, or of any other state terror. The news of police brutality might be authentic. 

The news might be faked, if there is not instantly emerging authentic terror events at hand, deemed «suggestive enough» to render you comprehensively compliant at the first sight. Or second. Or third. The «third sight» is the domain of the «social media» which is well controlled by the government, too.

Angst! Fear!! Terror!!!

They want the population to be anxious enough to start policing themselves. As a controlled long-term psychological operation it will be pushed more or less yet pushed it will be all the time and all the way.

The regime force will want you continuously policing yourself due to the constant fear of a police raid, or secret service intervention, or any similar criminal activity of state thugs. You are to take secret police crimes as «given» and direct your life around it. Like if it existed in your direct vicinity. 

The conditioning to surrender to authority keeps you in line without them having to do anything real, or having them send force, or having them extend money to their thugs to finish you off. It is a cheap way to subjugate a people. They implant the images of terror in a people's minds and you are defenseless. Nothing can penetrate a knight's armor as effectively as the arrow of piercing and instantly debilitating — thought. A suggestion.

Pigs and sluts are we to be

Well, have you got any allies in your fight for the good — maybe in your lovely wife or in your manly husband? — It does not seem so, because all the MSM is dissipating 24/7/365 is that the sexes should hate each other. This is a priority message, a defined goal of the regime. Now, consider this.

If all «Men are Pigs» and if all «Women are Sluts» then you have no friends and you are ripe for the slavery to the government. The regime propagandizes women to always distrust men, thus giving impetus to binge buying on the part of the women. Men are similarly led into adding thrust to the — already bloated over any reason —tanking economy of pseudo solutions i.e. of compensating products for deeply frustrated people. 

That we are often sexless people is evident. It goes without saying that we are forced this way. Do we love the other sex with abandon and with reciprocity? I doubt it. Even if we do, the loved one comes out to destroy the relationship because, as she says: “he cannot be trusted” or because, as he says: “she is such a slut”. They keep on saying this even if (or especially if) she is nothing but a good wife and even if he is a trustful husband of the finest distinction.

The media keeps on sowing distrust and hate. The controlled main stream keeps on killing love and admiration for the other sex. The MSM is guilty of dividing those, who would otherwise trustfully live married together but cannot when divided through never-ending barrage of lies and insinuations against a loving family.

The MSM-news is not news at all

Finally, you should not know what the real world developments are. Neither should you know what is happening in your nearest neighborhood. You have no real news. When being stripped off of any knowledge of real events, you shall believe what the MSM tell you. 

If the media do present you with some events it is because those events suit somehow the long-term propaganda goals, or those events have been staged in an elaborate hoax in accordance with the propaganda goals.

What are the aims of propaganda? Killing the family, instigating terror, making man a slave. 

MSM are full of events but none which is of any importance to you. They fill up the programming to program you to respond with submission. What's more, they fill all the front pages with ready-made events which they deem suitable for you, so that they don't have to bring you any important news or any real events. Why so?


You might begin to think. Very quickly, this would prove too costly — for them. A catastrophe would ensue! Well, their catastrophe. For sure? — Yes, for sure.

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