Ukazał się niepokojący raport Panelu Monitorującego w sprawie przygotowań Wrocławia do Europejskiej Stolicy Kultury 2016. Z dokumentu wynika, że Wrocławiowi grozi całkowita porażka w realizacji tego projektu. Co więcej, jak piszą członkowie grupy monitorującej wysłanej przez Komisję Europejską, będzie to postrzegane jako porażka całej Polski.
Najwięcej zastrzeżeń budzi brak zabezpieczenia finansowania projektu i silnej dyrekcji artystycznej gwarantującej realizację programu.
Zalecenia pokontrolne brzmią bardzo poważnie, ich realizację sprawdzą następnie na miejscu specjalni "wysłannicy".
Poniżej wyjątek z raportu kontrolnego:
"The Panel would like to voice its growing concerns regarding the funding of the event. Only 37 % of the funds – corresponding to City's contribution – have been secured so far although the time left until 2016 is now getting rather short.
It is worrisome that neither the National Government nor the Region has committed their respective part of the funding yet.
The most significant financial contribution in the overall project budget after the support from the City is due from the national government. The Panel noted that it required a long-term Government programme on the basis on an inter-ministerial agreement. Despite the complexity of the process, the Panel urges Wrocław 2016 to continue their efforts to get a firm commitment from the national government as quickly as possible. The next few months is the time when Wrocław 2016 should be making decisions on the artistic programming and uncertainty over financing will seriously jeopardize the timely organisation of the title year. To that extent, the Panel would like to make it clear that Wrocław failure to deliver would be seen as a failure for Poland as a whole.
The Panel welcomes the statement made by the delegation that an artistic director would be appointed by the end of this year. The Panel reiterated that the concept of "spaces for beauty" – which is at the heart of the initial artistic programme – is very complex and challenging from an intellectual point of view. It requires strong artistic guidance so as not to be misused for ideological ends. The Panel continues to insist on the need for a strong artistic leadership to ensure that the original concept presented in the bid is implemented in accordance with the application.
The detailed planning for the title year is approaching and tough choices will have to be made. Frustration among cultural players – including among the nine curators – will have to be handled properly so it is critically important to have an artistic director in a position to coordinate the work and take final decisions on programme content. It would also be extremely important to strengthen the management structure of the Foundation so that it can further make the case for Wrocław 2016 at national as well as international levels. In this respect, the Panel remains unclear about the role of the Impart 2016 Festival Office in Warsaw and its relationship with the Foundation".
"Considering the importance of the issues raised above, the Panel asks to be updated in a short report by the end of March 2014 on the following aspects:
• amount of money, and sources, secured to cover operating expenditure;
•impact of the updated budget in terms of artistic programme;
• information on the appointment of an artistic director and changes in the organisational chart;
• further information regarding the governance relationship between the Foundation and the office in Warsaw and the consequences in terms of projects funded and cash flow;
• an update on the specific objectives being used for evaluation and the initial ex-ante position;
• initiatives to reach out to, and integrate into the programme, minorities in Wroclaw.
This report (no more than 6 pages) should be sent to the European Commission, which will forward it to the Panel members. Depending on the analysis of this update, the Panel may send one of its members for another on-the-spot visit, along with an official from the European Commission".
Cały raport:
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Inne tematy w dziale Polityka