John Gonsowski @Cleopatre VII Well Ark uses the conformal group for gravity and the full symmetry group for Maxwell's equations is the conformal group. By the time you are using the full symmetry group for either, I think you have graviphotons. Komentarz do notki: Foton - co to takiego?
John Gonsowski "It is the quantum of the electromagnetic field" A Yang-Mills U(1) but you need to fit it in with the algebra of gravity and then you might end up with multiple U(1)s for creation, annihilation, and the field and that's only transverse... Komentarz do notki: Foton - co to takiego?
John Gonsowski For me the last couple months have been interesting for the duals that showed up: creation-annihilation (matter-antimatter) vector-covector (tangent-cotangent), and commute-anticommute (symmetric-antisymmetric, boson-fermion). I'd add Hodge dual... Komentarz do notki: Niestrudzony skoncentrowany wysiłek i koniec eksponencjału
John Gonsowski @Arkadiusz Jadczyk Some might say for a single elementary matter/antimatter particle you always have spin since they model it with a black hole equation. Komentarz do notki: Lwia wola i kapryśna lambda
John Gonsowski The self-dual 4-vectors of Cl(8) are where the fun is. Komentarz do notki: Co to są wektory - dobrze umieć zapomnieć
John Gonsowski @Arkadiusz Jadczyk I kind of just picture a quantum transaction for each Planck time and it's a superposition of transactions until an objective collapse. Komentarz do notki: Co pies i kot wiedzą o wszechświecie
John Gonsowski I tend to think all those Standard Model constants are all a function of the Planck units which are kind of just a function of spacetime being discrete. Komentarz do notki: Co pies i kot wiedzą o wszechświecie
John Gonsowski You and Coquereaux with conformal structures/complex domains still seem great. Add a volume form here and a Rosen Bridge there... Komentarz do notki: O naturze czasu i o tym czy rybie potrzebny jest rower?
John Gonsowski @Arkadiusz Jadczyk (Belibaste) What was the name of our ghost? Was it Michael? A: It is mostly a replay. So no need of a name. Q: (Andromeda) So it's not really like a ghost or spirit. It's a replay like a recording. (L) Funny that it... Komentarz do notki: Natura czasu
John Gonsowski So you would have a gravitational potential plus gravitational force "bimetric" which does sound like a more precise description than other ones (Rosen's gravitational plus inertial, Hossenfelder's tangential space plus co-tangential space, and... Komentarz do notki: Zasada względności - tylko której?